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// NetworkSettingsViewController.swift
// Passepartout-iOS
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 4/29/19.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <>.
import UIKit
import PassepartoutCore
import TunnelKit
import SwiftyBeaver
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
private enum FieldTag: Int {
case dnsDomain = 101
case dnsAddress = 200
case proxyAddress = 301
case proxyPort = 302
case proxyBypass = 400
private struct Offsets {
static let dnsAddress = 1
static let proxyBypass = 2
// FIXME: init networkSettings with HOST profile.sessionConfiguration
// FIXME: omit "Client" for PROVIDER
class NetworkSettingsViewController: UITableViewController {
var profile: ConnectionProfile?
private lazy var networkChoices: ProfileNetworkChoices = {
if let choices = profile?.networkChoices {
return choices
if let _ = profile as? ProviderConnectionProfile {
return ProfileNetworkChoices(choice: .server)
return ProfileNetworkChoices(choice: .client)
private let networkSettings = ProfileNetworkSettings()
private lazy var clientNetworkSettings: ProfileNetworkSettings? = {
guard let hostProfile = profile as? HostConnectionProfile else {
return nil
return ProfileNetworkSettings(from: hostProfile.parameters.sessionConfiguration)
private var choices: [NetworkChoice] {
guard let _ = clientNetworkSettings else {
return [.server, .manual]
return [.client, .server, .manual]
// MARK: TableModelHost
let model: TableModel<SectionType, RowType> = TableModel()
func reloadModel() {
// sections
if networkChoices.gateway != .server {
if networkChoices.dns != .server {
if networkChoices.proxy != .server {
// headers
model.setHeader("", for: .choices)
model.setHeader(L10n.Configuration.Cells.DefaultGateway.caption, for: .manualGateway)
model.setHeader(L10n.Configuration.Cells.DnsServer.caption, for: .manualDNS)
model.setHeader(L10n.Configuration.Cells.ProxyHttp.caption, for: .manualProxy)
// footers
// model.setFooter(L10n.Configuration.Sections.Reset.footer, for: .reset)
// rows
model.set([.gateway, .dns, .proxy], in: .choices)
model.set([.gatewayIPv4, .gatewayIPv6], in: .manualGateway)
var dnsRows: [RowType] = Array(repeating: .dnsAddress, count: networkSettings.dnsServers?.count ?? 0)
dnsRows.insert(.dnsDomain, at: 0)
if networkChoices.dns == .manual {
model.set(dnsRows, in: .manualDNS)
var proxyRows: [RowType] = Array(repeating: .proxyBypass, count: networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains?.count ?? 0)
proxyRows.insert(.proxyAddress, at: 0)
proxyRows.insert(.proxyPort, at: 1)
if networkChoices.proxy == .manual {
model.set(proxyRows, in: .manualProxy)
// MARK: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
profile?.networkChoices = networkChoices
if networkChoices.gateway == .manual {
let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings ?? ProfileNetworkSettings()
settings.copyGateway(from: networkSettings)
profile?.manualNetworkSettings = settings
if networkChoices.dns == .manual {
let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings ?? ProfileNetworkSettings()
settings.copyDNS(from: networkSettings)
profile?.manualNetworkSettings = settings
if networkChoices.proxy == .manual {
let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings ?? ProfileNetworkSettings()
settings.copyProxy(from: networkSettings)
profile?.manualNetworkSettings = settings
// MARK: Actions
private func updateGateway(_ choice: NetworkChoice) {
networkChoices.gateway = choice
switch networkChoices.gateway {
case .client:
if let settings = clientNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyGateway(from: settings)
case .server:
case .manual:
if let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyGateway(from: settings)
private func updateDNS(_ choice: NetworkChoice) {
networkChoices.dns = choice
switch networkChoices.dns {
case .client:
if let settings = clientNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyDNS(from: settings)
case .server:
case .manual:
if let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyDNS(from: settings)
private func updateProxy(_ choice: NetworkChoice) {
networkChoices.proxy = choice
switch networkChoices.proxy {
case .client:
if let settings = clientNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyProxy(from: settings)
case .server:
case .manual:
if let settings = profile?.manualNetworkSettings {
networkSettings.copyProxy(from: settings)
private func commitTextField(_ field: UITextField) {
// DNS: domain, servers
// Proxy: address, port, bypass domains
if field.tag == FieldTag.dnsDomain.rawValue {
networkSettings.dnsDomainName = field.text
} else if field.tag == FieldTag.proxyAddress.rawValue {
networkSettings.proxyAddress = field.text
} else if field.tag == FieldTag.proxyPort.rawValue {
networkSettings.proxyPort = UInt16(field.text ?? "0")
} else if field.tag >= FieldTag.dnsAddress.rawValue && field.tag < FieldTag.proxyAddress.rawValue {
let i = field.tag - FieldTag.dnsAddress.rawValue
networkSettings.dnsServers?[i] = field.text ?? ""
} else if field.tag >= FieldTag.proxyBypass.rawValue {
let i = field.tag - FieldTag.proxyBypass.rawValue
networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains?[i] = field.text ?? ""
log.debug("Network settings: \(networkSettings)")
// MARK: -
extension NetworkSettingsViewController {
enum SectionType: Int {
case choices
case manualGateway
case manualDNS
case manualProxy
enum RowType: Int {
case gateway
case dns
case proxy
case gatewayIPv4
case gatewayIPv6
case dnsDomain
case dnsAddress
case dnsAddAddress
case proxyAddress
case proxyPort
case proxyBypass
case proxyAddBypass
override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return model.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
return model.header(for: section)
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForFooterInSection section: Int) -> String? {
return model.footer(for: section)
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
return model.headerHeight(for: section)
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return model.count(for: section)
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let row = model.row(at: indexPath)
switch row {
case .gateway:
let cell = Cells.setting.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.leftText = model.header(for: .manualGateway)
cell.rightText = networkChoices.gateway.description
return cell
case .dns:
let cell = Cells.setting.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.leftText = model.header(for: .manualDNS)
cell.rightText = networkChoices.dns.description
return cell
case .proxy:
let cell = Cells.setting.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.leftText = model.header(for: .manualProxy)
cell.rightText = networkChoices.proxy.description
return cell
case .gatewayIPv4:
let cell = Cells.toggle.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath, tag: row.rawValue, delegate: self)
cell.caption = "IPv4"
cell.toggle.isEnabled = (networkChoices.gateway == .manual)
cell.isOn = networkSettings.gatewayPolicies?.contains(.IPv4) ?? false
return cell
case .gatewayIPv6:
let cell = Cells.toggle.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath, tag: row.rawValue, delegate: self)
cell.caption = "IPv6"
cell.toggle.isEnabled = (networkChoices.gateway == .manual)
cell.isOn = networkSettings.gatewayPolicies?.contains(.IPv6) ?? false
return cell
case .dnsDomain:
let cell = Cells.field.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.caption = L10n.Configuration.Cells.DnsDomain.caption
cell.field.tag = FieldTag.dnsDomain.rawValue
cell.field.placeholder = L10n.Global.Cells.none
cell.field.text = networkSettings.dnsDomainName
cell.field.clearButtonMode = .always
cell.field.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
cell.captionWidth = 160.0
cell.delegate = self
cell.field.isEnabled = (networkChoices.dns == .manual)
return cell
case .dnsAddress:
let i = indexPath.row - Offsets.dnsAddress
let cell = Cells.field.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.caption = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.Address.caption
cell.field.tag = FieldTag.dnsAddress.rawValue + i
cell.field.placeholder = L10n.Global.Cells.none
cell.field.text = networkSettings.dnsServers?[i]
cell.field.clearButtonMode = .always
cell.field.keyboardType = .decimalPad
cell.captionWidth = 160.0
cell.delegate = self
cell.field.isEnabled = (networkChoices.dns == .manual)
return cell
case .dnsAddAddress:
let cell = Cells.setting.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.leftText = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.AddDnsServer.caption
return cell
case .proxyAddress:
let cell = Cells.field.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.caption = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.Address.caption
cell.field.tag = FieldTag.proxyAddress.rawValue
cell.field.placeholder = L10n.Global.Cells.none
cell.field.text = networkSettings.proxyAddress
cell.field.clearButtonMode = .always
cell.field.keyboardType = .decimalPad
cell.captionWidth = 160.0
cell.delegate = self
cell.field.isEnabled = (networkChoices.proxy == .manual)
return cell
case .proxyPort:
let cell = Cells.field.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.caption = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.Port.caption
cell.field.tag = FieldTag.proxyPort.rawValue
cell.field.placeholder = L10n.Global.Cells.none
cell.field.text = networkSettings.proxyPort?.description
cell.field.clearButtonMode = .always
cell.field.keyboardType = .numberPad
cell.captionWidth = 160.0
cell.delegate = self
cell.field.isEnabled = (networkChoices.proxy == .manual)
return cell
case .proxyBypass:
let i = indexPath.row - Offsets.proxyBypass
let cell = Cells.field.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.caption = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.ProxyBypass.caption
cell.field.tag = FieldTag.proxyBypass.rawValue + i
cell.field.placeholder = L10n.Global.Cells.none
cell.field.text = networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains?[i]
cell.field.clearButtonMode = .always
cell.field.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
cell.captionWidth = 160.0
cell.delegate = self
cell.field.isEnabled = (networkChoices.proxy == .manual)
return cell
case .proxyAddBypass:
let cell = Cells.setting.dequeue(from: tableView, for: indexPath)
cell.leftText = L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.AddProxyBypass.caption
return cell
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)
switch model.row(at: indexPath) {
case .gateway:
let vc = OptionViewController<NetworkChoice>()
vc.title = (cell as? SettingTableViewCell)?.leftText
vc.options = choices
vc.descriptionBlock = { $0.description }
vc.selectedOption = networkChoices.gateway
vc.selectionBlock = { [weak self] in
self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
case .dns:
let vc = OptionViewController<NetworkChoice>()
vc.title = (cell as? SettingTableViewCell)?.leftText
vc.options = choices
vc.descriptionBlock = { $0.description }
vc.selectedOption = networkChoices.dns
vc.selectionBlock = { [weak self] in
self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
case .proxy:
let vc = OptionViewController<NetworkChoice>()
vc.title = (cell as? SettingTableViewCell)?.leftText
vc.options = choices
vc.descriptionBlock = { $0.description }
vc.selectedOption = networkChoices.proxy
vc.selectionBlock = { [weak self] in
self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
case .dnsAddAddress:
tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
var dnsServers = networkSettings.dnsServers ?? []
networkSettings.dnsServers = dnsServers
tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
case .proxyAddBypass:
tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
var bypassDomains = networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains ?? []
networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains = bypassDomains
tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
private func handle(row: RowType, cell: ToggleTableViewCell) {
switch row {
case .gatewayIPv4:
guard networkChoices.gateway == .manual else {
var policies = networkSettings.gatewayPolicies ?? []
if cell.toggle.isOn {
} else {
policies.removeAll { $0 == .IPv4 }
policies.sort { $0.rawValue < $1.rawValue }
networkSettings.gatewayPolicies = policies
case .gatewayIPv6:
guard networkChoices.gateway == .manual else {
var policies = networkSettings.gatewayPolicies ?? []
if cell.toggle.isOn {
} else {
policies.removeAll { $0 == .IPv6 }
policies.sort { $0.rawValue < $1.rawValue }
networkSettings.gatewayPolicies = policies
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
switch model.row(at: indexPath) {
case .dnsAddress, .proxyBypass:
return true
return false
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
switch model.row(at: indexPath) {
case .dnsAddress:
// start at row 1
networkSettings.dnsServers?.remove(at: indexPath.row - Offsets.dnsAddress)
case .proxyBypass:
// start at row 2
networkSettings.proxyBypassDomains?.remove(at: indexPath.row - Offsets.proxyBypass)
tableView.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
extension NetworkSettingsViewController: ToggleTableViewCellDelegate {
func toggleCell(_ cell: ToggleTableViewCell, didToggleToValue value: Bool) {
guard let item = RowType(rawValue: cell.tag) else {
handle(row: item, cell: cell)
extension NetworkSettingsViewController: FieldTableViewCellDelegate {
func fieldCellDidEdit(_ cell: FieldTableViewCell) {
func fieldCellDidEnter(_: FieldTableViewCell) {
extension NetworkChoice: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .client:
return L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.Choice.client
case .server:
return L10n.NetworkSettings.Cells.Choice.server
case .manual:
return L10n.Global.Cells.manual