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// AppContext+Shared.swift
// Passepartout
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/24/24.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <>.
import AppData
import AppDataProfiles
import AppDataProviders
import CommonLibrary
import CommonUtils
import Foundation
import LegacyV2
import PassepartoutKit
import UILibrary
import UITesting
// shared registry and environment are picked from Shared.swift
extension AppContext {
static let shared: AppContext = {
let iapManager: IAPManager = .sharedForApp
let processor = InAppProcessor.sharedImplementation(with: iapManager) {
// MARK: ProfileManager
let remoteRepositoryBlock: (Bool) -> ProfileRepository = {
let remoteStore = CoreDataPersistentStore(
logger: .default,
containerName: Constants.shared.containers.remoteProfiles,
model: AppData.cdProfilesModel,
cloudKitIdentifier: $0 ? BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .cloudKitId) : nil,
author: nil
return AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3(
registry: .shared,
coder: CodableProfileCoder(),
context: remoteStore.context,
observingResults: true
) { error in
pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to decode remote result: \(error)")
return .ignore
let profileManager = ProfileManager(
repository: Dependencies.ProfileManager.mainProfileRepository,
backupRepository: Dependencies.ProfileManager.backupProfileRepository,
remoteRepositoryBlock: remoteRepositoryBlock,
mirrorsRemoteRepository: Dependencies.ProfileManager.mirrorsRemoteRepository,
processor: processor
// MARK: ExtendedTunnel
let tunnel = ExtendedTunnel(
tunnel: Tunnel(strategy: Dependencies.ExtendedTunnel.strategy),
environment: .shared,
processor: processor,
interval: Constants.shared.tunnel.refreshInterval
// MARK: ProviderManager
let providerManager: ProviderManager = {
let store = CoreDataPersistentStore(
logger: .default,
containerName: Constants.shared.containers.providers,
model: AppData.cdProvidersModel,
cloudKitIdentifier: nil,
author: nil
let repository = AppData.cdProviderRepositoryV3(context: store.backgroundContext)
return ProviderManager(repository: repository)
// MARK: MigrationManager
let profileStrategy = ProfileV2MigrationStrategy(
coreDataLogger: .default,
profilesContainer: .init(
BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .legacyV2CloudKitId)
tvProfilesContainer: .init(
BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .legacyV2TVCloudKitId)
let migrationSimulation: MigrationManager.Simulation?
if AppCommandLine.contains(.fakeMigration) {
migrationSimulation = MigrationManager.Simulation(
fakeProfiles: true,
maxMigrationTime: 3.0,
randomFailures: true
} else {
migrationSimulation = nil
let migrationManager = MigrationManager(profileStrategy: profileStrategy, simulation: migrationSimulation)
return AppContext(
iapManager: iapManager,
migrationManager: migrationManager,
profileManager: profileManager,
providerManager: providerManager,
preferencesManager: .sharedForApp,
registry: .shared,
tunnel: tunnel,
tunnelReceiptURL: BundleConfiguration.urlForBetaReceipt
// MARK: - Dependencies
// MARK: Simulator
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
private extension Dependencies.ExtendedTunnel {
static var strategy: TunnelObservableStrategy {
FakeTunnelStrategy(environment: .shared, dataCountInterval: 1000)
private extension Dependencies.ProfileManager {
static var mainProfileRepository: ProfileRepository {
coreDataProfileRepository(observingResults: true)
static var backupProfileRepository: ProfileRepository? {
// MARK: Device
private extension Dependencies.ExtendedTunnel {
static var strategy: TunnelObservableStrategy {
private extension Dependencies.ProfileManager {
static var mainProfileRepository: ProfileRepository {
static var backupProfileRepository: ProfileRepository? {
coreDataProfileRepository(observingResults: false)
// MARK: Common
private extension Dependencies.ProfileManager {
static let neProfileRepository: ProfileRepository = {
NEProfileRepository(repository: neStrategy) {
static let neStrategy: NETunnelStrategy = {
bundleIdentifier: BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .tunnelId),
coder: Registry.sharedProtocolCoder,
environment: .shared
static func coreDataProfileRepository(observingResults: Bool) -> ProfileRepository {
let store = CoreDataPersistentStore(
logger: .default,
containerName: Constants.shared.containers.localProfiles,
model: AppData.cdProfilesModel,
cloudKitIdentifier: nil,
author: nil
return AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3(
registry: .shared,
coder: CodableProfileCoder(),
context: store.context,
observingResults: observingResults
) { error in
pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to decode local result: \(error)")
return .ignore