Leverage representedObject in provider popups

This commit is contained in:
Davide De Rosa 2021-01-14 23:50:52 +01:00
parent 92804acb10
commit 3b8933a9f2
1 changed files with 59 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -55,28 +55,15 @@ class ProviderServiceView: NSView {
private var categories: [PoolCategory] = []
private var sortedGroupsByCategory: [String: [PoolGroup]] = [:]
private var currentCategoryIndex = -1
private var currentLocationIndex = -1
private var currentSortedPools: [Pool] = []
var profile: ProviderConnectionProfile? {
didSet {
guard let profile = profile else {
categories = []
sortedGroupsByCategory = [:]
currentSortedPools = []
reloadData(withProfile: profile)
reloadHierarchy(withProfile: profile)
@ -85,6 +72,8 @@ class ProviderServiceView: NSView {
buttonRefreshInfrastructure.isEnabled = !isRefreshingInfrastructure
private var categories: [PoolCategory] = []
weak var delegate: ProviderServiceViewDelegate?
@ -99,34 +88,24 @@ class ProviderServiceView: NSView {
// MARK: Actions
@IBAction private func selectCategory(_ sender: Any?) {
let index = popupCategory.indexOfSelectedItem
guard index != currentCategoryIndex else {
currentCategoryIndex = index
loadLocations(withCategory: index)
loadAreas(withLocation: 0)
if let pool = currentSortedPools.first {
if let pool = selectedPool() {
delegate?.providerView(self, didSelectPool: pool)
@IBAction private func selectLocation(_ sender: Any?) {
let index = popupLocation.indexOfSelectedItem
guard index != currentLocationIndex else {
currentLocationIndex = index
loadAreas(withLocation: index)
if let pool = currentSortedPools.first {
if let pool = selectedPool() {
delegate?.providerView(self, didSelectPool: pool)
@IBAction private func selectArea(_ sender: Any?) {
let pool = currentSortedPools[popupArea.indexOfSelectedItem]
guard let pool = popupArea.selectedItem?.representedObject as? Pool else {
delegate?.providerView(self, didSelectPool: pool)
@ -137,95 +116,86 @@ class ProviderServiceView: NSView {
// MARK: Helpers
func reloadData() {
guard let profile = profile else {
reloadData(withProfile: profile)
private func reloadData(withProfile profile: ProviderConnectionProfile) {
private func reloadHierarchy(withProfile profile: ProviderConnectionProfile) {
categories = profile.infrastructure.categories.sorted { $0.name.lowercased() < $1.name.lowercased() }
for c in categories {
sortedGroupsByCategory[c.name] = c.groups.sorted()
let menu = NSMenu()
categories.forEach {
let categoryTitle: String
if $0.name.isEmpty {
categoryTitle = L10n.Core.Global.Values.default
} else {
categoryTitle = $0.name.capitalized
popupCategory.addItem(withTitle: categoryTitle)
let item = NSMenuItem()
item.title = !$0.name.isEmpty ? $0.name.capitalized : L10n.Core.Global.Values.default
item.representedObject = $0 // category
popupCategory.menu = menu
let (a, b, c) = selectPopupsFromCurrentProfile()
if popupCategory.numberOfItems > 0 {
popupCategory.selectItem(at: a)
loadLocations(withCategory: a)
if popupLocation.numberOfItems > 0 {
popupLocation.selectItem(at: b)
loadAreas(withLocation: b)
if popupArea.numberOfItems > 0 {
popupArea.selectItem(at: c)
currentCategoryIndex = a
currentLocationIndex = b
if let lastInfrastructureUpdate = InfrastructureFactory.shared.modificationDate(forName: profile.name) {
labelLastInfrastructureUpdate.stringValue = L10n.Core.Service.Sections.ProviderInfrastructure.footer(lastInfrastructureUpdate.timestamp)
private func selectPopupsFromCurrentProfile() -> (Int, Int, Int) {
for (a, category) in categories.enumerated() {
guard let groups = sortedGroupsByCategory[category.name] else {
for (b, group) in groups.enumerated() {
// FIXME: inefficient, cache sorted pools
for (c, pool) in group.pools.sortedPools().enumerated() {
// FIXME: inefficient, cache sorted pools
private func selectPopupsFromCurrentProfile() -> (Int, Int, Int) {
var a = 0, b = 0, c = 0
for category in categories {
b = 0
for group in category.groups {
c = 0
for pool in group.pools.sortedPools() {
if pool.id == profile?.poolId {
return (a, b, c)
c += 1
b += 1
a += 1
return (0, 0, 0)
private func loadLocations(withCategory index: Int) {
let category = categories[index]
let menu = NSMenu()
private func loadLocations() {
guard let category = popupCategory.selectedItem?.representedObject as? PoolCategory else {
sortedGroupsByCategory[category.name]?.forEach {
let menu = NSMenu()
category.groups.sorted().forEach {
let item = NSMenuItem(title: $0.localizedCountry, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
item.image = $0.logo
item.representedObject = $0 // group
popupLocation.menu = menu
private func loadAreas(withLocation index: Int) {
let categoryIndex = popupCategory.indexOfSelectedItem
let category = categories[categoryIndex]
guard let sortedGroups = sortedGroupsByCategory[category.name] else {
fatalError("No groups in category \(category.name)")
private func loadAreas() {
guard let group = popupLocation.selectedItem?.representedObject as? PoolGroup else {
let group = sortedGroups[index]
let menu = NSMenu()
// FIXME: inefficient, cache sorted pools
currentSortedPools = group.pools.sortedPools()
currentSortedPools.forEach {
guard !$0.secondaryId.isEmpty || currentSortedPools.count > 1 else {
let menu = NSMenu()
let pools = group.pools.sortedPools()
pools.forEach {
guard !$0.secondaryId.isEmpty || pools.count > 1 else {
let title = !$0.secondaryId.isEmpty ? $0.secondaryId : L10n.Core.Global.Values.default
@ -233,9 +203,20 @@ class ProviderServiceView: NSView {
if let extraCountry = $0.extraCountries?.first {
item.image = extraCountry.image
item.representedObject = $0 // pool
popupArea.menu = menu
popupArea.isHidden = menu.items.isEmpty
private func selectedPool() -> Pool? {
guard popupArea.numberOfItems > 0 else {
guard let group = popupLocation.selectedItem?.representedObject as? PoolGroup else {
return nil
return group.pools.first
return popupArea.itemArray.first?.representedObject as? Pool