Move the following dependencies:
- OpenVPN/OpenSSL
- WireGuard/Go
up the chain until the main App/Tunnel targets, so that UILibrary and
CommonLibrary can abstract from these unnecessary details. Instead, give
module views access to generic implementations via Registry.
Incidentally, this fixes an issue preventing TV previews from working
due to OpenSSL linkage.
- Centralize context initialization/refresh in platform-specific app
- Prevent multiple calls to .onApplicationActive()
- Simplify local/remote profile fingerprint comparison
- Revert to always replacing Core Data entities
- The remote store somehow ended up having duplicates, which caused
repeated imports of remote profiles due to randomly different
- Optimize reload of in-app receipt
- Refactor AppUI initialization in all platforms (sort of template
method pattern)
- Make AppMenu specific to macOS by wrapping it into a folder for
- Add SizeClassProviding for repeated checks on hsClass/vsClass
- Let the user close the window, the app will just remain alive in the
status bar
- Accordingly, replace "Confirm quit" preference with the option to stay
alive in the status bar
- Add "About..." item
Add a status menu via SwiftUI MenuBarExtra where to:
- Show/hide app
- Launch on login via "Login Item" target
- Toggle profiles on/off
Only weird that the login item is not added to the list of "Open at
Login", but to "Allow in the Background", see
Requires some refactoring to bring AppContext initialization to the
Sandbox had to be enabled in order to submit binary to App Store
Connect, therefore command line arguments cannot be used to tell
if the app was started by the launcher.
However, given that launcher starts app in hidden state, we can
safely assert that if the app is hidden on start, it was started
by the launcher.
See f33380b4e2
Also drop automatic signing on Mac bundle and unused utils.
Use bundle as a means to provide Mac APIs to Catalyst app.
In order to cross the @objc wall set by the Mac Bundle mechanism,
Swift structures cannot be used directly and must be bridged
through ObjC facades.
Create NSMenu in MVVM style and install it on app launch. Make
sure to do it in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(),
because doing it as early as in PassepartoutApp.init() would
crash Mac code.
Use .representedObject to own view models.
With menu in place, app can be sent to background when main window
is closed. Requires multiple documents support for app not to die