Simplify development and maintenance immensely by making this a
- Convert PassepartoutKit and VPN bindings to local packages
- OpenVPN/OpenSSL
- WireGuard/Go
- Make PassepartoutKit available via
- Source submodule for production (private)
- [Binary XCFramework for
- Add PassepartoutKit Demo in root
- Deploy package later
Before anything, remove any code related to App Group containers from
tvOS target because they are not available. Include the beta receipt
override, it's broken for that reason.
In short:
- Store all Core Data containers locally. Do not use the App Group for
Core Data for consistency across platforms.
- Store logs in the App Group on iOS/macOS, but locally on tvOS (see
Then, rather than one container per model, merge models into:
- Local: Providers
- Remote: Profiles + Preferences (now in the same CloudKit container)
Reuse the remote model for backups too.
This change is safe because:
- Local profiles are stored via Network Extension in the keychain, not
Core Data
- Remote profiles are re-imported via CloudKit sync
- Providers are re-downloaded on first use
- Preferences are lost, but they are "cheap" data
- Profile backups are lost, but they were hidden anyway
Add TV screenshots and organize PassepartoutUITests with two test plans
for generating iOS/macOS (Main) and tvOS (TV) screenshots. Revert to the
.attachment destination and use `xcparse` to export the screenshots.
Change iPad screenshots to portrait.
Then autogenerate framed screenshots in two steps:
- Export the UITests screenshots per device (``)
- Embed the results in a HTML/CSS template and take snapshots with
Chrome headless (``)
- Repeat for all devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV)
- Save framed screenshots to the `fastlane` screenshots directory
Unframed for now.
- Split Main/TV targets
- Extend ProfileManager for screenshot scenarios
- Rename UITesting to UIAccessibility
Active profile looks very big on TV simulator, temporarily commented
`.padding(.top, 50)` in ActiveProfileView.
Restore CDModulePreferencesV3 to track the history of module prefrences.
This way, excluded endpoints may be saved globally to Core Data as a
starting point. Then in Profile.userInfo we only save the relevant
exclusions for the current configuration.
The .excludedEndpoints relationship is therefore moved out of
Further refactoring:
- ModuleViewParameters now includes a ModulePreferences observable that
module views can observe
- Tunnel doesn't need access to PreferencesManager anymore (exclusions
are in Profile.userInfo)
Sort out the increasing mess coming from:
- AppContext*
- Dependencies
- Shared*
by doing the following:
- Keep in the "Shared" folder only the entities actually shared by
- Create TunnelContext
- Move AppContext and related to the App/Context folder
- Move TunnelContext and related to the Tunnel/Context folder
- Delete Shared+* extensions, use AppContext/TunnelContext singletons
from the app
- Create a Dependencies factory singleton to create entities in a single
- Split extensions by domain
- Make it clear with `func` vs `var` when a dependency method returns a
new instance
Formerly via blocks, now with final classes.
- ProfileProcessor
- AppTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultAppProcessor in app
- Implemented by MockAppProcessor in UILibrary (for previews)
- PacketTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultTunnelProcessor
Some providers require specific credentials for OpenVPN, different from
account credentials. Update the API index with this information to show
an information footer and possibly a link to the OpenVPN credentials.
Also, fix the OTP footer not appearing on macOS.
Clarify the use of contexts:
- **Production** (.shared)
- **Previews** (.mock → .forPreviews)
- ONLY use it in UILibrary for, well, previews
- This context has dumb profiles with UUIDs as names
- Registry is fake
- **UI Tests** (.forUITesting)
- Add new context for UI testing
- Selected based on command line arguments
- This context has mock data tuned for decent screenshots
- Registry is real
Share the same InAppProcessor in .shared and .forTesting contexts
because the app behavior was inconsistent regarding e.g. in-app
Ready for screenshots generation, except for the tests themselves and
the TV target.
- More customizations while UI testing
- Act as full version user in IAPManager
- Override layout with default to .grid if isBigDevice
- Show module names in profile list/grid
- Improve mock Profile/ProfileManager
- Meaningful profile names
- iCloud/TV icons
- Initial modules
- Improve XCTest extensions
- Screenshot destination (attachment/temporary)
- Screenshot target (window/sheet)
- Print saved temporary URL at the end (may help with CI)
- Append device name to screenshot filename
- Tests
- Refactor actions with the [Page Object
- Perform iPad screenshots in landscape
- Split simple flow tests and screenshots
- Add "Connect to" test