Some improvements:
- Suggest replacing the template with the description of the issue
- Attach app log
- Append purchased features
Also reuse the same body for `mailto:` reports, as metadata were not
being attached in that case.
Carefully drop the StoreKit and Kvitto dependencies for ProductManager
to be testable.
Rebuild test target completely to start writing meaningful tests in
There are plenty of situations where the app kind of stays in the
foreground, but goes to .inactive state. Lock screen could be
annoying in those cases.
Infinite loop on init(), but horrible practice in general.
- DonateView
- PaywallView+Purchase
Also show a ProgressView while rows are loading.
DO NOT animate on .products value because animation won't work
if products are empty and stay empty after refresh. Instead,
observe .isRefreshingProducts.
Lastly, to avoid annoying animation when products are actually
available, do not refresh products if non-empty. They certainly
do not change during the application lifecycle.