- Get receipts from StoreKit Transaction.currentEntitlements
- Search for the originally purchased build in the local receipt anyway
- Fall back to release receipt (Kvitto), if any, for feature eligibility
in TestFlight builds
- Parse and verify expiration date in subscriptions
- Decouple in-app identifier composition from BundleConfiguration
- Fix user level features only applied when a receipt was not found
- Add StoreKit configuration
- Fake purchases with PP_FAKE_IAP
- Fake user level with PP_USER_LEVEL
Then for reactive receipt reload, detect app activation differently:
- iOS/tvOS on .scenePhase
- macOS on launch and NSWorkspace.didActivateApplicationNotification
As to features:
- Credit former "Full version" purchasers with all current AND future
features, except the Apple TV
- Move InteractiveView to AppUI for use in TV, with
- Move non-UI entities to AppLibrary (IAP, ExtendedTunnel,
- Take API out of CommonLibrary (tunnel extension does not need it)
- Reorganize theme views/modifiers into separate files
Split AppUI into AppUI and AppUIMain to allow for a new, simplified
AppUITV target tailored for the Apple TV.
As a PoC, present a view with a list of the shared profiles.