- Credits
- Donations
- Diagnostics
- Version
Had to:
- Wrap tab view into a NavigationStack for full-screen navigation
- Take out navigation titles of about subviews
- Customize donations view layout with modifier
- Fix credits and debug log to support scrolling
StoreKit ProductView performs the purchases internally without calling
IAPManager.purchase(), which causes the IAPManager state to be
momentarily outdated.
Leverage PaywallView.onComplete() to reload the receipt and eventually
trigger IAPManager.objectWillChange, so that the app is immediately
unlocked on a successful purchase.
- Allow unrestricted save, but show PurchaseRequiredButton
- Warn however about paid features (FIXME)
- Redesign features in paywall
- Strip already eligible features from paywall
- List required features in restricted alert
- Localize feature descriptions
- Review propagation of paywall modifiers/reasons
- Move more domain entities from UILibrary to CommonLibrary
- Default on-demand policy to .any (free feature)
- Fix modals not reappearing after closing with gesture
- Extend UILibrary start-up assertions
1. ThemeProgressViewModifier to replace content with a progress view
while a condition is active
2. ThemeEmptyContentModifier to replace content with a message if an
empty condition is met
3. Replace .opacity(bool ? 1.0 : 0.0) with .opaque(bool)
- 1 in PaywallView and DonateView
- 2 in ProfileContainerView
Restore .sharing feature:
- Merge "Apple TV" into "iCloud" section
- "Enabled", disabled if ineligible for .sharing
- "Apple TV", disabled if ineligible for .appleTV || !isShared
- Footer about TV restrictions
- "Share on iCloud" if ineligible for .sharing
- "Drop TV restriction" if eligible for .sharing but not for .appleTV
- Applies to full version products (user level 2)
- Suggest Apple TV product
- Toggle CloudKit sync on remote repository based on .sharing
- Do not start tunnel on Apple TV if ineligible for .appleTV
- Incorrect zip() publishers in remote repository
- Resolve duplicates in Core Data, first profile wins sorted by
lastUpdate descending
- Reload receipt on OOB IAPManager events
- Use StoreKit views when available
- Offer one-time purchase
- Recurring subscriptions for all features
- Restore purchases
Remove .siri (Shortcuts), now free.