Restart from the v2 flow most users are familiar with.
- Restore the global v2 accent
- Restore the per-profile toggles
- Single tap to edit a profile
- Reuse the same chevron for profile and module navigation
- Improve the iCloud/TV section and rename it to "Synchronization"
- Drop the misleading moon icon from the "Keep alive on sleep" toggle
- Drop the marginal "Enable"/"Disable" action from context menus
- Drop the grid cell highlighting, now marginal with toggles
- Drop the complexity of `nextProfileId`
Ultimately, rework `TunnelToggleButton` into `TunnelToggle` for better
reuse across all platforms.
Things left to improve:
- The duplication of the active profile on top has not changed, but the
toggles may make it more visually apparent
- The "Inactive" subtitle in disabled profiles is there for balance as
it keeps rows and cells of the same height, but it serves no real
- Access to secondary actions (e.g. provider server, credentials)
- Use of TipKit for less intuitive flows (e.g. context menus, building a
profile from scratch)
- Move availableLogs() / purgeLogs() to library
- Append and rotate logs by size (500k)
- Add marker between app/tunnel launches
- Purge logs on each save (3 days)
- Unify debug log content view across platforms
- macOS: Table + inspect full line
- iOS/tvOS: Use List
- Scroll to bottom onLoad()
Simplify development and maintenance immensely by making this a
- Convert PassepartoutKit and VPN bindings to local packages
- OpenVPN/OpenSSL
- WireGuard/Go
- Make PassepartoutKit available via
- Source submodule for production (private)
- [Binary XCFramework for
- Add PassepartoutKit Demo in root
- Deploy package later