Suggest whenever .fullTV is suggested. For this reason, subscriptions
are not suggested to existing full version purchasers, because they only
miss the one-time .appleTV purchase. Group purchases by feature products
and full version products, e.g.:
- Features
- Apple TV
- Full version
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Full
- Full + TV
Additionally, fix reloadReceipt() slowing down onLaunch() sometimes. The
warning sign would appear on restricted profiles until the receipt is
- Present paywall only on save/connect because PurchaseRequiredButton
instances were presenting paywalls with partial requirements
- Retain PurchaseRequiredButton just to flag paid features visually, but
do nothing on tap
- Suggest paywall products via IAPManager and required features, rather
than from views
- Handle .sharing/.appleTV requirements in ProfileCoordinator, rather
than in StorageSection
- Discontinue platform purchases, but treat as full if iOS + macOS
Let the AppCoordinator take care of the connection requirements via
- onInteractiveLogin() - now presented on AppError
- onProviderEntityRequired()
- onPurchaseRequired()
- Any other connection error
Subviews must not use tunnel.connect(), rather they route connection
requests via the ConnectionFlow callbacks. In particular, migrate to the
AppCoordinator the connection logic from:
- TunnelToggleButton.perform()
- ProviderEntitySelector.onSelect()
onInteractiveLogin() and onPurchaseRequired() are now handled
internally, while onProviderEntityRequired() is kept public because it's
how subviews may present the entity selector.
- Avoid modals overlap with a 500ms delay
- Shrink interactive login size on macOS
Some providers require specific credentials for OpenVPN, different from
account credentials. Update the API index with this information to show
an information footer and possibly a link to the OpenVPN credentials.
Also, fix the OTP footer not appearing on macOS.