Sandbox had to be enabled in order to submit binary to App Store
Connect, therefore command line arguments cannot be used to tell
if the app was started by the launcher.
However, given that launcher starts app in hidden state, we can
safely assert that if the app is hidden on start, it was started
by the launcher.
See f33380b4e2
Also drop automatic signing on Mac bundle and unused utils.
Use bundle as a means to provide Mac APIs to Catalyst app.
In order to cross the @objc wall set by the Mac Bundle mechanism,
Swift structures cannot be used directly and must be bridged
through ObjC facades.
Create NSMenu in MVVM style and install it on app launch. Make
sure to do it in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(),
because doing it as early as in PassepartoutApp.init() would
crash Mac code.
Use .representedObject to own view models.
With menu in place, app can be sent to background when main window
is closed. Requires multiple documents support for app not to die
Move all persisted state out of AppManager to where it really
belongs. To do that, inject a shared KeyValueStore object into
managers that need to persist part of their state in a strongly
typed manner.
Below are persisted states:
- PersistenceManager
- persistenceAuthor
- ProfileManager
- activeProfileId
- UpgradeManager (formerly AppManager)
- didMigrateToV2 (migrate former value)
- VPNManager
- tunnelLogFormat
- masksPrivateData
A similar approach is used for app-specific preferences, by using
a strongly typed enum (AppPreference) together with SwiftUI
@AppStorage property wrapper.
Worth moving logging logic into a specific LogManager.
Finally, drop any former view dependency on AppManager, as states
are now accessed through specific managers.
- Revert to more "stable" iPad idiom
- Set accent color the proper way
- Use .tint when available
- Unify navigation style by idiom
- Retain navigation bars in sidebar/detail
- Lighten sidebar appearance
- Fix Menu style (dropdown -> button)
- Use native Picker (dropdown)
- Use switch toggles rather than checkboxes
- Replace .actionSheet with .alert
- Increase minimum row height
CAVEAT: on Mac with iPad idiom, having a Section in .sidebar
produces artifacts. Header keeps changing height for no reason.
Retain Section on iPad multitasking only to not break navigation.
On iOS 14, Organizer scrolls abruptly on profile selection. It
looks like this was introduced by merging ProfilesList into
Try to revert merge to split observation responsibilities.
Drop unused AppManager in +Scene along the way.
- Mac
- Drop all styles
- Tweak hide title bar
- Hide navigation bar
- Restore single section for all profiles
- Allows using NavigationLink safely
- Indirectly fixes multitasking
- Retains selection on profile activation
- Clean up presentActiveProfile
- Leave active profile in its position
- Fixes Mac flashing row selection on profile activation
- Unify profile row appearance
- Use fixed .headline font
- Add subtitles to inactive profiles
- Use padding rather than fixed row height
- Do not preselect active profile on iPad launch, as doing so
seems to present two ProfileView on top of each other, one from
MainView and one from the NavigationLink.
- Do not touch .listStyle() of master view, as it seems to break
navigation esp. in iPad multitasking.
- Move Localizable.strings above to share *.lproj folders
- Reorg menus into contextual/system
- Shorten titles of contextual menus
- Update sharing message with WireGuard
- Drop AlternativeTo
7 phrases left to translate into 9 languages.
Infinite loop on init(), but horrible practice in general.
- DonateView
- PaywallView+Purchase
Also show a ProgressView while rows are loading.
DO NOT animate on .products value because animation won't work
if products are empty and stay empty after refresh. Instead,
observe .isRefreshingProducts.
Lastly, to avoid annoying animation when products are actually
available, do not refresh products if non-empty. They certainly
do not change during the application lifecycle.
- Fix missing PlugIns in Catalyst build
Hence the VPN failure, there was a "iOS" filter on embed.
- Fix complaint about file access permission
Seems to need R/W when importing VPN configuration files.
- Drop status / navigation bars colors
- Restore large title on iPad
- Overlay organizer with "No profiles" when empty
- Uninstall VPN from ProfileView