With some housekeeping.
- Do NOT skip empty remote profiles, allow removal when mirroring
- Look up profile in all profiles, not just filtered
- Posptone non-included profile removal
- Rename ProfileProcessor to InAppProcessor
- Provides ProfileProcessor + TunnelProcessor protocols
- willSave -> willRebuild (because not always called on save)
- Notify ProfileManager import events
Visually clarify that a profile requires a purchase to be enabled.
- Implement AppFeatureRequiring in Profile
- Refactor IAPManager.verify() accordingly
- Pre-compute required features in ProfileManager via ProfileProcessor
Optimize ProfileManager in several ways:
- Refine control over objectWillChange
- Observe search separately
- Store subscriptions separately (local, remote, search)
- Fix multiple local updates on save/remove/foreground (updating
allProfiles manually)
- Update the library with more optimized NE reloads
- Cancel pending remote import before a new one
- Yield 100ms between imports
- Reorganize code
- Only use background context in provider repositories
- Externalize tunnel receipt URL, do not hardcode BundleConfiguration
- Improve some logging
Self-reminder: NEVER use a Core Data background context to observe
changes in CloudKit containers. They just won't be notified (e.g. in
Restore .sharing feature:
- Merge "Apple TV" into "iCloud" section
- "Enabled", disabled if ineligible for .sharing
- "Apple TV", disabled if ineligible for .appleTV || !isShared
- Footer about TV restrictions
- "Share on iCloud" if ineligible for .sharing
- "Drop TV restriction" if eligible for .sharing but not for .appleTV
- Applies to full version products (user level 2)
- Suggest Apple TV product
- Toggle CloudKit sync on remote repository based on .sharing
- Do not start tunnel on Apple TV if ineligible for .appleTV
- Incorrect zip() publishers in remote repository
- Resolve duplicates in Core Data, first profile wins sorted by
lastUpdate descending
- Reload receipt on OOB IAPManager events
- Get receipts from StoreKit Transaction.currentEntitlements
- Search for the originally purchased build in the local receipt anyway
- Fall back to release receipt (Kvitto), if any, for feature eligibility
in TestFlight builds
- Parse and verify expiration date in subscriptions
- Decouple in-app identifier composition from BundleConfiguration
- Fix user level features only applied when a receipt was not found
- Add StoreKit configuration
- Fake purchases with PP_FAKE_IAP
- Fake user level with PP_USER_LEVEL
Then for reactive receipt reload, detect app activation differently:
- iOS/tvOS on .scenePhase
- macOS on launch and NSWorkspace.didActivateApplicationNotification
As to features:
- Credit former "Full version" purchasers with all current AND future
features, except the Apple TV
Based on in-app eligibility, expire TV profiles after 10 minutes.
Refactor/redesign general sections and offer .sharing feature for free,
it makes it simpler to focus on Apple TV product.
Streamline initialization of AppContext objects without singletons,
especially because some are interconnected.
Rethink ProfileProcessor to be the only gateway of profile processing
- Include
- Save
- Connect
Provide closures with access to the IAPManager for eligibility checks.
Finally, take a ProfileProcessor parameter in:
- ProfileManager (for isIncluded and willSave)
- ExtendedTunnel (for willConnect)
so that it's used implicitly without having to put it into the SwiftUI
Other than that:
- Move AppError to CommonLibrary
- Skip decoding of attributes from Core Data because they are already
part of the profile