Simplify preferences model by doing a bulk load/save together with
load/save Profile. ModulePreferences is now a struct rather than an
ObservableObject, because it doesn't need ad hoc observation. It's just
a binding to ProfileEditor.preferences
- Disable CloudKit in tunnel singleton of PreferencesManager
- Replace MainActor in PreferencesManager with Sendable (immutable)
- Replace MainActor from ProviderPreferencesRepository with Sendable
(syncs on NSManagedObjectContext)
- Drop ModuleMetadata for good
Replace favorites entities with a PreferencesManager, that returns
observables for:
- Module preferences (by module UUID)
- Provider preferences (by ProviderID)
Automate preferences availability in:
- Module views (empty for now)
- VPN server view (favorites)
Synchronize preferences by making this a CloudKit container. Preferences
are also available in the Tunnel by storing the container in the App