- Move availableLogs() / purgeLogs() to library
- Append and rotate logs by size (500k)
- Add marker between app/tunnel launches
- Purge logs on each save (3 days)
- Unify debug log content view across platforms
- macOS: Table + inspect full line
- iOS/tvOS: Use List
- Scroll to bottom onLoad()
Before anything, remove any code related to App Group containers from
tvOS target because they are not available. Include the beta receipt
override, it's broken for that reason.
In short:
- Store all Core Data containers locally. Do not use the App Group for
Core Data for consistency across platforms.
- Store logs in the App Group on iOS/macOS, but locally on tvOS (see
Then, rather than one container per model, merge models into:
- Local: Providers
- Remote: Profiles + Preferences (now in the same CloudKit container)
Reuse the remote model for backups too.
This change is safe because:
- Local profiles are stored via Network Extension in the keychain, not
Core Data
- Remote profiles are re-imported via CloudKit sync
- Providers are re-downloaded on first use
- Preferences are lost, but they are "cheap" data
- Profile backups are lost, but they were hidden anyway
Add TV screenshots and organize PassepartoutUITests with two test plans
for generating iOS/macOS (Main) and tvOS (TV) screenshots. Revert to the
.attachment destination and use `xcparse` to export the screenshots.
Change iPad screenshots to portrait.
Then autogenerate framed screenshots in two steps:
- Export the UITests screenshots per device (`export.sh`)
- Embed the results in a HTML/CSS template and take snapshots with
Chrome headless (`compose.sh`)
- Repeat for all devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV)
- Save framed screenshots to the `fastlane` screenshots directory
Unframed for now.
- Split Main/TV targets
- Extend ProfileManager for screenshot scenarios
- Rename UITesting to UIAccessibility
Active profile looks very big on TV simulator, temporarily commented
`.padding(.top, 50)` in ActiveProfileView.
Some providers require specific credentials for OpenVPN, different from
account credentials. Update the API index with this information to show
an information footer and possibly a link to the OpenVPN credentials.
Also, fix the OTP footer not appearing on macOS.
Ready for screenshots generation, except for the tests themselves and
the TV target.
- More customizations while UI testing
- Act as full version user in IAPManager
- Override layout with default to .grid if isBigDevice
- Show module names in profile list/grid
- Improve mock Profile/ProfileManager
- Meaningful profile names
- iCloud/TV icons
- Initial modules
- Improve XCTest extensions
- Screenshot destination (attachment/temporary)
- Screenshot target (window/sheet)
- Print saved temporary URL at the end (may help with CI)
- Append device name to screenshot filename
- Tests
- Refactor actions with the [Page Object
- Perform iPad screenshots in landscape
- Split simple flow tests and screenshots
- Add "Connect to" test
Create UITesting target with:
- AppCommandLine/AppEnvironment: strongly typed refactoring of PP_*
environment values
- AccessibilityInfo: identifies and locates elements for UI testing
Make the app behave differently when launched with `.uiTesting`, and
expose the flag to SwiftUI via `.environment(\.isUITesting)` to:
- Use the mock AppContext
- Skip onboarding
Add PassepartoutUITests target with two screenshot tests:
- Connected screen
- Profile modal
- PaywallView is the paywall content
- PaywallModifier attaches paywall with optional confirmation
- PurchaseRequiredButton presents paywall explicitly
- PaywallReason is the compound input
- PurchaseRequiredButton takes a custom view
- PurchaseAlertModifier was merged into PaywallModifier
- PurchaseButtonModifier was merged into PurchaseRequiredButton
- Modal options were packed into a single struct
Confirmation alert presented on:
- Connect to ineligible profile (AppCoordinator)
- Save ineligible profile (ProfileCoordinator)
- Drop the .importing / .imported steps
- Animate rows re-sorting during process
- Rephrase some strings better
- Test fake migration with launch argument
The Library package offers the PassepartoutImplementations target for
OpenVPN/OpenSSL and WireGuard/Go, but it doesn't need it itself. Only
the main app does, so move the dependency there.
On the other side, drop the potentially problematic AppUI meta target.
Move platform filters to the Xcode project.
Indirectly fixes a crash with Xcode 16 Previews on iOS (forced to use
legacy previews before):
Move Core Data tests out of the Library package so that we can still use
the more efficient `swift test` for most tests.
Create a PassepartoutTests target only for tests that require
`xcodebuild`, like Core Data tests.
- PRs only run SwiftPM tests
- Releases run ALL tests with `scan` before `gym`
- Get receipts from StoreKit Transaction.currentEntitlements
- Search for the originally purchased build in the local receipt anyway
- Fall back to release receipt (Kvitto), if any, for feature eligibility
in TestFlight builds
- Parse and verify expiration date in subscriptions
- Decouple in-app identifier composition from BundleConfiguration
- Fix user level features only applied when a receipt was not found
- Add StoreKit configuration
- Fake purchases with PP_FAKE_IAP
- Fake user level with PP_USER_LEVEL
Then for reactive receipt reload, detect app activation differently:
- iOS/tvOS on .scenePhase
- macOS on launch and NSWorkspace.didActivateApplicationNotification
As to features:
- Credit former "Full version" purchasers with all current AND future
features, except the Apple TV
Add a status menu via SwiftUI MenuBarExtra where to:
- Show/hide app
- Launch on login via "Login Item" target
- Toggle profiles on/off
Only weird that the login item is not added to the list of "Open at
Login", but to "Allow in the Background", see
Requires some refactoring to bring AppContext initialization to the
Some improvements:
- Suggest replacing the template with the description of the issue
- Attach app log
- Append purchased features
Also reuse the same body for `mailto:` reports, as metadata were not
being attached in that case.
Carefully drop the StoreKit and Kvitto dependencies for ProductManager
to be testable.
Rebuild test target completely to start writing meaningful tests in
There are plenty of situations where the app kind of stays in the
foreground, but goes to .inactive state. Lock screen could be
annoying in those cases.
Use bundle as a means to provide Mac APIs to Catalyst app.
In order to cross the @objc wall set by the Mac Bundle mechanism,
Swift structures cannot be used directly and must be bridged
through ObjC facades.
Create NSMenu in MVVM style and install it on app launch. Make
sure to do it in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(),
because doing it as early as in PassepartoutApp.init() would
crash Mac code.
Use .representedObject to own view models.
With menu in place, app can be sent to background when main window
is closed. Requires multiple documents support for app not to die
Infinite loop on init(), but horrible practice in general.
- DonateView
- PaywallView+Purchase
Also show a ProgressView while rows are loading.
DO NOT animate on .products value because animation won't work
if products are empty and stay empty after refresh. Instead,
observe .isRefreshingProducts.
Lastly, to avoid annoying animation when products are actually
available, do not refresh products if non-empty. They certainly
do not change during the application lifecycle.
* Do run tests in beta
- Test and build app in same lane
- Run tests with swift directly
- Set timeout on build only
- Fix bad build number, broken in db075eb
- Ignore updates to CHANGELOG for testing
- Drop unnecessary exports
- Drop unnecessary test env
- Drop unused PLATFORM .env.* variable
* Work around gym issues in CI
- Set custom build paths for proper clean-up
- Disable xcpretty (seems to hang job)
* Add descriptive names to workflow
- Rename beta to release
- Add job names
* Optimize release workflow
- Use a matrix for multiplatform build
- Only preinstall platform-specific certificates
- Output app version/build early for job reuse
- Do not depend app review on public beta release
- Pull latest commits before pushing/tagging
In release, ci/* scripts require Ruby. Make version an argument
of the commit-release.sh script to fix dependency.
* Import secret to notify external testers or not
* [ci skip] Add CHANGELOG preface in local scripts
* [ci skip] Update links to release via CI
- Drop CocoaPods completely
- Make PassepartoutCore a Swift package
- Enable Bitcode to fix OpenSSL linkage (iOS)
- Update CI scripts without CocoaPods