1. ThemeProgressViewModifier to replace content with a progress view
while a condition is active
2. ThemeEmptyContentModifier to replace content with a message if an
empty condition is met
3. Replace .opacity(bool ? 1.0 : 0.0) with .opaque(bool)
- 1 in PaywallView and DonateView
- 2 in ProfileContainerView
Start with the profile tab. Left to do: search and settings.
Fixes and refactoring:
- Listen to changes in current profile in ExtendedTunnel
- Externalize style from TunnelToggleButton and ConnectionStatusText
(renamed from View)
- Add ThemeCountryText for convenience
- Move InteractiveView to AppUI for use in TV, with
- Move non-UI entities to AppLibrary (IAP, ExtendedTunnel,
- Take API out of CommonLibrary (tunnel extension does not need it)
- Reorganize theme views/modifiers into separate files