LightVPNManager implementation was still disabling/enabling VPN
manually instead of using reconnect() atomically, which led to an
IP leak in between the two steps.
Sandbox had to be enabled in order to submit binary to App Store
Connect, therefore command line arguments cannot be used to tell
if the app was started by the launcher.
However, given that launcher starts app in hidden state, we can
safely assert that if the app is hidden on start, it was started
by the launcher.
See f33380b4e2
Also drop automatic signing on Mac bundle and unused utils.
Use bundle as a means to provide Mac APIs to Catalyst app.
In order to cross the @objc wall set by the Mac Bundle mechanism,
Swift structures cannot be used directly and must be bridged
through ObjC facades.
Create NSMenu in MVVM style and install it on app launch. Make
sure to do it in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(),
because doing it as early as in PassepartoutApp.init() would
crash Mac code.
Use .representedObject to own view models.
With menu in place, app can be sent to background when main window
is closed. Requires multiple documents support for app not to die
Move all persisted state out of AppManager to where it really
belongs. To do that, inject a shared KeyValueStore object into
managers that need to persist part of their state in a strongly
typed manner.
Below are persisted states:
- PersistenceManager
- persistenceAuthor
- ProfileManager
- activeProfileId
- UpgradeManager (formerly AppManager)
- didMigrateToV2 (migrate former value)
- VPNManager
- tunnelLogFormat
- masksPrivateData
A similar approach is used for app-specific preferences, by using
a strongly typed enum (AppPreference) together with SwiftUI
@AppStorage property wrapper.
Worth moving logging logic into a specific LogManager.
Finally, drop any former view dependency on AppManager, as states
are now accessed through specific managers.
On configuration error, retain information about the profile that
triggered the error. For now, present an alert, but with this
information the UI can be easily changed later.
Finally? Basically Xcode build settings were referring to new
color name "AccentColor", while color set in repository was
still "accentColor".
Went unnoticed because Mac filesystem is case-insensitive, which
is why Git never committed the name change in the first place.
- Revert to more "stable" iPad idiom
- Set accent color the proper way
- Use .tint when available
- Unify navigation style by idiom
- Retain navigation bars in sidebar/detail
- Lighten sidebar appearance
- Fix Menu style (dropdown -> button)
- Use native Picker (dropdown)
- Use switch toggles rather than checkboxes
- Replace .actionSheet with .alert
- Increase minimum row height
CAVEAT: on Mac with iPad idiom, having a Section in .sidebar
produces artifacts. Header keeps changing height for no reason.
Retain Section on iPad multitasking only to not break navigation.
Providers are not fetched at migration time, they only are after
opening a profile (marked non-ready until then).
Still retain Task for migration to be executed asynchronously.
App disconnects VPN on launch otherwise, because active
profile is still nil. Where was the regression introduced?
Also .dropFirst() to skip initial values, but keep in mind that
if VPN is connected and active profile was not properly persisted,
the app will show the VPN as disabled.
When setting duplicate as current, batch save original profile and
duplicate in a single call via profilesToSave. This is to avoid a
double call to willUpdateProfiles() when saving Core Data context.
In order to set current profile to one that has not been persisted
yet (the duplicate), we need to resort to a pendingProfiles map
where to look the duplicate up when setting currentProfileId.
Either way, iOS 14 cannot handle updating a "hot" change in a
presented NavigationLink. Changing currentProfileId binding while
in ProfileView messes up navigation completely (multiple push and
pop events). Avoid.
- Do the profile loading inside the model
- Allow setting current profile to a transient profile
- Check .placeholder before saving current profile
XXX: avoid loading active profile on iPad portrait.
On iOS 14, Organizer scrolls abruptly on profile selection. It
looks like this was introduced by merging ProfilesList into
Try to revert merge to split observation responsibilities.
Drop unused AppManager in +Scene along the way.
Flashing on activation was caused by VPNManager.disable() in
ProfileView+VPN, because by setting lastError to nil it would
notify a change to ProfileRow (via VPNStateView) during the
profile row activation animation. That caused the flicker.
Instead, disable VPN first, then start the animation.
Anyway, avoid clearing a nil lastError.
ProfileView is not interested in changes in other profiles
notified by ProfileManager. Set isLoading inside
ObservableObject for observable to be self-contained.
Loses observation of profile deletion, but dismiss on removal is
actually handled by OrganizerView, not ProfileView.
Also drop unused presentationMode.