Exclude endpoints from OpenVPN modules and providers with the generic
Blacklist<T> observable. Eventually, rebuild the Profile in
PacketTunnelProvider (via DefaultTunnelProcessor) with the applied
exclusions from preferences.
Revisit approach to preferences:
- Module preferences
- Tied to the module and therefore to the parent profile
- Load/save in ProfileEditor on request (rather than on
- Provider preferences
- Shared globally across profiles
- Load/save in module view if needed
For more consistency with Core Data:
- Revert to observables for both module and provider preferences
- Treat excluded endpoints as relationships rather than a serialized
- Add/remove single relationships over bulk delete + re-add
- Do not map the relationships, Blacklist only needs exists/add/remove:
- isExcludedEndpoint
- addExcludedEndpoint
- removeExcludedEndpoint
Some clean-up:
- Move the importer logic to OpenVPNView.ImportModifier
- Move the preview data to OpenVPN.Configuration.Builder.forPreviews
- Drop objectWillChange.send() on .repository didSet to avoid potential
recursion during SwiftUI updates
Sort out the increasing mess coming from:
- AppContext*
- Dependencies
- Shared*
by doing the following:
- Keep in the "Shared" folder only the entities actually shared by
- Create TunnelContext
- Move AppContext and related to the App/Context folder
- Move TunnelContext and related to the Tunnel/Context folder
- Delete Shared+* extensions, use AppContext/TunnelContext singletons
from the app
- Create a Dependencies factory singleton to create entities in a single
- Split extensions by domain
- Make it clear with `func` vs `var` when a dependency method returns a
new instance
Formerly via blocks, now with final classes.
- ProfileProcessor
- AppTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultAppProcessor in app
- Implemented by MockAppProcessor in UILibrary (for previews)
- PacketTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultTunnelProcessor
Simplify preferences model by doing a bulk load/save together with
load/save Profile. ModulePreferences is now a struct rather than an
ObservableObject, because it doesn't need ad hoc observation. It's just
a binding to ProfileEditor.preferences
- Disable CloudKit in tunnel singleton of PreferencesManager
- Replace MainActor in PreferencesManager with Sendable (immutable)
- Replace MainActor from ProviderPreferencesRepository with Sendable
(syncs on NSManagedObjectContext)
- Drop ModuleMetadata for good
Replace favorites entities with a PreferencesManager, that returns
observables for:
- Module preferences (by module UUID)
- Provider preferences (by ProviderID)
Automate preferences availability in:
- Module views (empty for now)
- VPN server view (favorites)
Synchronize preferences by making this a CloudKit container. Preferences
are also available in the Tunnel by storing the container in the App
Let the AppCoordinator take care of the connection requirements via
- onInteractiveLogin() - now presented on AppError
- onProviderEntityRequired()
- onPurchaseRequired()
- Any other connection error
Subviews must not use tunnel.connect(), rather they route connection
requests via the ConnectionFlow callbacks. In particular, migrate to the
AppCoordinator the connection logic from:
- TunnelToggleButton.perform()
- ProviderEntitySelector.onSelect()
onInteractiveLogin() and onPurchaseRequired() are now handled
internally, while onProviderEntityRequired() is kept public because it's
how subviews may present the entity selector.
- Avoid modals overlap with a 500ms delay
- Shrink interactive login size on macOS
Clarify the use of contexts:
- **Production** (.shared)
- **Previews** (.mock → .forPreviews)
- ONLY use it in UILibrary for, well, previews
- This context has dumb profiles with UUIDs as names
- Registry is fake
- **UI Tests** (.forUITesting)
- Add new context for UI testing
- Selected based on command line arguments
- This context has mock data tuned for decent screenshots
- Registry is real
Share the same InAppProcessor in .shared and .forTesting contexts
because the app behavior was inconsistent regarding e.g. in-app
Ready for screenshots generation, except for the tests themselves and
the TV target.
- More customizations while UI testing
- Act as full version user in IAPManager
- Override layout with default to .grid if isBigDevice
- Show module names in profile list/grid
- Improve mock Profile/ProfileManager
- Meaningful profile names
- iCloud/TV icons
- Initial modules
- Improve XCTest extensions
- Screenshot destination (attachment/temporary)
- Screenshot target (window/sheet)
- Print saved temporary URL at the end (may help with CI)
- Append device name to screenshot filename
- Tests
- Refactor actions with the [Page Object
- Perform iPad screenshots in landscape
- Split simple flow tests and screenshots
- Add "Connect to" test
Create UITesting target with:
- AppCommandLine/AppEnvironment: strongly typed refactoring of PP_*
environment values
- AccessibilityInfo: identifies and locates elements for UI testing
Make the app behave differently when launched with `.uiTesting`, and
expose the flag to SwiftUI via `.environment(\.isUITesting)` to:
- Use the mock AppContext
- Skip onboarding
Add PassepartoutUITests target with two screenshot tests:
- Connected screen
- Profile modal
- Omit duplicate/delete from current profile
- Replace .infoButton with .installedProfile if current
- Drop dots from direct actions
- Disable trailing dots on iOS/tvOS
- Disable "Connect to" if ineligible (decouple to own view)
CommonLibrary had some undesired knowledge of UI. Split AppPreference
and UIPreference. Then move some more stuff from AppUI* to UILibrary.
WARNING: this forgets existing UI preferences (e.g. favorite servers).
Create profile with a provider module and an on-demand module (disabled)
to speed up initial provider selection and configuration. Supports
OpenVPN for now.
Verification was only performed for interactive login, not for provider
server selection. Do that before a connection attempt, so that the
paywall always appears first.
Regressed recently in library. When a profile was "Inactive
(on-demand)", saving it would revert to "Inactive" because the
underlying manager was being disabled.
Merge former ContainerView into main view and define platform-specific
- ContainerView (composition of content + filters)
- ContentView
- FiltersView