Move the following dependencies:
- OpenVPN/OpenSSL
- WireGuard/Go
up the chain until the main App/Tunnel targets, so that UILibrary and
CommonLibrary can abstract from these unnecessary details. Instead, give
module views access to generic implementations via Registry.
Incidentally, this fixes an issue preventing TV previews from working
due to OpenSSL linkage.
Define two styles for interactive login:
- Modal (iOS/macOS) - Form inside NavigationStack
- Inline (tvOS) - VStack
Requires OpenVPN credentials view to be container-agnostic.
Play with focus to improve the overall TV experience.
Rather than defining a new enum, tie ModuleType to ModuleHandler names
from PassepartoutKit.
Also a way to reuse ModuleType.localizedDescription on both Module and
ModuleBuilder implementations.
- Move InteractiveView to AppUI for use in TV, with
- Move non-UI entities to AppLibrary (IAP, ExtendedTunnel,
- Take API out of CommonLibrary (tunnel extension does not need it)
- Reorganize theme views/modifiers into separate files
Split AppUI into AppUI and AppUIMain to allow for a new, simplified
AppUITV target tailored for the Apple TV.
As a PoC, present a view with a list of the shared profiles.