Move the following dependencies:
- OpenVPN/OpenSSL
- WireGuard/Go
up the chain until the main App/Tunnel targets, so that UILibrary and
CommonLibrary can abstract from these unnecessary details. Instead, give
module views access to generic implementations via Registry.
Incidentally, this fixes an issue preventing TV previews from working
due to OpenSSL linkage.
Update library to allow optional VPN configurations. This in turn allows
a module to be used with a provider, where the configuration is
generated on the fly.
- Aggregate shared/mock entities in less scattered files
- Review package dependencies
- Decouple ProfileRepository from Core Data Repository in UtilsLibrary
(filters done by ProfileManager)
Profiles are being maintained in two places:
- Core Data
- NetworkExtension
Core Data is redundant for local profiles, so make NetworkExtension the
only source of truth.