Add TV screenshots and organize PassepartoutUITests with two test plans
for generating iOS/macOS (Main) and tvOS (TV) screenshots. Revert to the
.attachment destination and use `xcparse` to export the screenshots.
Change iPad screenshots to portrait.
Then autogenerate framed screenshots in two steps:
- Export the UITests screenshots per device (``)
- Embed the results in a HTML/CSS template and take snapshots with
Chrome headless (``)
- Repeat for all devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV)
- Save framed screenshots to the `fastlane` screenshots directory
Unframed for now.
- Split Main/TV targets
- Extend ProfileManager for screenshot scenarios
- Rename UITesting to UIAccessibility
Active profile looks very big on TV simulator, temporarily commented
`.padding(.top, 50)` in ActiveProfileView.
Restore CDModulePreferencesV3 to track the history of module prefrences.
This way, excluded endpoints may be saved globally to Core Data as a
starting point. Then in Profile.userInfo we only save the relevant
exclusions for the current configuration.
The .excludedEndpoints relationship is therefore moved out of
Further refactoring:
- ModuleViewParameters now includes a ModulePreferences observable that
module views can observe
- Tunnel doesn't need access to PreferencesManager anymore (exclusions
are in Profile.userInfo)
Sort out the increasing mess coming from:
- AppContext*
- Dependencies
- Shared*
by doing the following:
- Keep in the "Shared" folder only the entities actually shared by
- Create TunnelContext
- Move AppContext and related to the App/Context folder
- Move TunnelContext and related to the Tunnel/Context folder
- Delete Shared+* extensions, use AppContext/TunnelContext singletons
from the app
- Create a Dependencies factory singleton to create entities in a single
- Split extensions by domain
- Make it clear with `func` vs `var` when a dependency method returns a
new instance
Formerly via blocks, now with final classes.
- ProfileProcessor
- AppTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultAppProcessor in app
- Implemented by MockAppProcessor in UILibrary (for previews)
- PacketTunnelProcessor
- Implemented by DefaultTunnelProcessor
Clarify the use of contexts:
- **Production** (.shared)
- **Previews** (.mock → .forPreviews)
- ONLY use it in UILibrary for, well, previews
- This context has dumb profiles with UUIDs as names
- Registry is fake
- **UI Tests** (.forUITesting)
- Add new context for UI testing
- Selected based on command line arguments
- This context has mock data tuned for decent screenshots
- Registry is real
Share the same InAppProcessor in .shared and .forTesting contexts
because the app behavior was inconsistent regarding e.g. in-app
Ready for screenshots generation, except for the tests themselves and
the TV target.
- More customizations while UI testing
- Act as full version user in IAPManager
- Override layout with default to .grid if isBigDevice
- Show module names in profile list/grid
- Improve mock Profile/ProfileManager
- Meaningful profile names
- iCloud/TV icons
- Initial modules
- Improve XCTest extensions
- Screenshot destination (attachment/temporary)
- Screenshot target (window/sheet)
- Print saved temporary URL at the end (may help with CI)
- Append device name to screenshot filename
- Tests
- Refactor actions with the [Page Object
- Perform iPad screenshots in landscape
- Split simple flow tests and screenshots
- Add "Connect to" test
Create UITesting target with:
- AppCommandLine/AppEnvironment: strongly typed refactoring of PP_*
environment values
- AccessibilityInfo: identifies and locates elements for UI testing
Make the app behave differently when launched with `.uiTesting`, and
expose the flag to SwiftUI via `.environment(\.isUITesting)` to:
- Use the mock AppContext
- Skip onboarding
Add PassepartoutUITests target with two screenshot tests:
- Connected screen
- Profile modal