* Make some managers concurrency-safe
- IntentsManager: @MainActor, non-shared, continuation
- SSIDReader: @MainActor, continuation
- Reviewer: main queue, non-shared
* Review wrong use of Concurrency framework
There were background thread calls e.g. in VPNToggle, because
ProfileManager was used inside a VPNManager async call.
Annotate @MainActor wherever a Task involves UI.
* Make main managers MainActor
* Apply MainActor to Mac menus
* [ci skip] Update CHANGELOG
* Set MainActor consistently on Mac menu view models
LightVPNManager implementation was still disabling/enabling VPN
manually instead of using reconnect() atomically, which led to an
IP leak in between the two steps.
Use bundle as a means to provide Mac APIs to Catalyst app.
In order to cross the @objc wall set by the Mac Bundle mechanism,
Swift structures cannot be used directly and must be bridged
through ObjC facades.
Create NSMenu in MVVM style and install it on app launch. Make
sure to do it in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(),
because doing it as early as in PassepartoutApp.init() would
crash Mac code.
Use .representedObject to own view models.
With menu in place, app can be sent to background when main window
is closed. Requires multiple documents support for app not to die