// // EndpointView+OpenVPN.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/19/22. // Copyright (c) 2023 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import PassepartoutLibrary import SwiftUI import TunnelKitOpenVPN extension EndpointView { struct OpenVPNView: View { @Environment(\.presentationMode) private var presentationMode @ObservedObject private var providerManager: ProviderManager @ObservedObject private var currentProfile: ObservableProfile @Binding private var builder: OpenVPN.ConfigurationBuilder @Binding private var customEndpoint: Endpoint? @State private var isFirstAppearance = true @State private var isAutomatic = false @State private var selectedSocketType: SocketType = .udp @State private var selectedPort: UInt16 = 0 // XXX: do not escape mutating 'self', use constant providerManager init(currentProfile: ObservableProfile) { let providerManager: ProviderManager = .shared self.providerManager = providerManager self.currentProfile = currentProfile _builder = .init { if currentProfile.value.isProvider { guard let server = currentProfile.value.providerServer(providerManager) else { assertionFailure("Server not found") return .init() } guard let preset = currentProfile.value.providerPreset(server) else { assertionFailure("Preset not found") return .init() } guard let cfg = preset.openVPNConfiguration else { assertionFailure("Preset \(preset.id) (\(preset.name)) has no OpenVPN configuration") return .init() } var builder = cfg.builder(withFallbacks: true) try? builder.setRemotes(from: preset, with: server, excludingHostname: false) return builder } else if let cfg = currentProfile.value.hostOpenVPNSettings?.configuration { let builder = cfg.builder(withFallbacks: true) // pp_log.debug("Loading OpenVPN configuration: \(builder)") return builder } // fall back gracefully return .init() } set: { if currentProfile.value.isProvider { // readonly } else { pp_log.debug("Saving OpenVPN configuration: \($0)") currentProfile.value.hostOpenVPNSettings?.configuration = $0.build() } } _customEndpoint = .init { if currentProfile.value.isProvider { return currentProfile.value.providerCustomEndpoint } else { return currentProfile.value.hostOpenVPNSettings?.customEndpoint } } set: { if currentProfile.value.isProvider { currentProfile.value.providerCustomEndpoint = $0 } else { currentProfile.value.hostOpenVPNSettings?.customEndpoint = $0 } } } var body: some View { ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in List { mainSection if !isAutomatic { filtersSection addressesSection } advancedSection }.onAppear { scrollToCustomEndpoint(scrollProxy) preselectFilters(once: true) }.onChange(of: isAutomatic, perform: onToggleAutomatic) .onChange(of: selectedSocketType, perform: preselectPort) .onChange(of: customEndpoint) { _ in withAnimation { preselectFilters(once: false) } } }.navigationTitle(L10n.Global.Strings.endpoint) } } } // MARK: - private extension EndpointView.OpenVPNView { var mainSection: some View { Section { Toggle(L10n.Global.Strings.automatic, isOn: $isAutomatic.themeAnimation()) } } var filtersSection: some View { Section { themeTextPicker( L10n.Global.Strings.protocol, selection: $selectedSocketType, values: availableSocketTypes, description: \.rawValue ) themeTextPicker( L10n.Global.Strings.port, selection: $selectedPort, values: allPorts(forSocketType: selectedSocketType), description: \.description ) } } var addressesSection: some View { Section { filteredRemotes.map { ForEach($0, content: button(forEndpoint:)) } } header: { Text(L10n.Global.Strings.addresses) } } var advancedSection: some View { Section { let caption = L10n.Endpoint.Advanced.title NavigationLink(caption) { EndpointAdvancedView.OpenVPNView( builder: $builder, isReadonly: isConfigurationReadonly, isServerPushed: false ).navigationTitle(caption) } } } func button(forEndpoint endpoint: Endpoint?) -> some View { Button { customEndpoint = endpoint presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() } label: { text(forEndpoint: endpoint) }.withTrailingCheckmark(when: customEndpoint == endpoint) } func text(forEndpoint endpoint: Endpoint?) -> some View { Text(endpoint?.address ?? L10n.Global.Strings.automatic) .themeLongTextStyle() } var availableSocketTypes: [SocketType] { guard let remotes = builder.remotes else { return [] } let allTypes: [SocketType] = [ SocketType.udp, SocketType.tcp, SocketType.udp4, SocketType.tcp4 ] var availableTypes: [SocketType] = [] allTypes.forEach { socketType in guard remotes.contains(where: { $0.proto.socketType == socketType }) else { return } availableTypes.append(socketType) } return availableTypes } func allPorts(forSocketType socketType: SocketType) -> [UInt16] { guard let remotes = builder.remotes else { return [] } let allPorts = Set(remotes.filter { $0.proto.socketType == socketType }.map(\.proto.port)) return Array(allPorts).sorted() } var filteredRemotes: [Endpoint]? { builder.remotes?.filter { $0.proto.socketType == selectedSocketType && $0.proto.port == selectedPort } } var isConfigurationReadonly: Bool { currentProfile.value.isProvider } } // MARK: - private extension EndpointView.OpenVPNView { func onToggleAutomatic(_ value: Bool) { if value { guard customEndpoint != nil else { return } customEndpoint = nil } } func preselectFilters(once: Bool) { guard !once || isFirstAppearance else { return } isFirstAppearance = false if let customEndpoint = customEndpoint { isAutomatic = false selectedSocketType = customEndpoint.proto.socketType selectedPort = customEndpoint.proto.port } else { isAutomatic = true guard let socketType = availableSocketTypes.first else { assertionFailure("No socket types, empty remotes?") return } selectedSocketType = socketType preselectPort(forSocketType: socketType) } } func preselectPort(forSocketType socketType: SocketType) { let supported = allPorts(forSocketType: socketType) guard !supported.contains(selectedPort) else { return } guard let port = supported.first else { assertionFailure("No ports, empty remotes?") return } selectedPort = port } func scrollToCustomEndpoint(_ proxy: ScrollViewProxy) { proxy.maybeScrollTo(customEndpoint?.id) } }