// // OpenVPNView.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/17/24. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import CommonLibrary import CommonUtils import PassepartoutKit import SwiftUI struct OpenVPNView: View, ModuleDraftEditing { @Environment(\.navigationPath) private var path @ObservedObject var editor: ProfileEditor let module: OpenVPNModule.Builder let impl: OpenVPNModule.Implementation? private let isServerPushed: Bool @State private var isImporting = false @State private var importURL: URL? @State private var importPassphrase: String? @State private var requiresPassphrase = false @State private var paywallReason: PaywallReason? @StateObject private var errorHandler: ErrorHandler = .default() init(serverConfiguration: OpenVPN.Configuration) { let module = OpenVPNModule.Builder(configurationBuilder: serverConfiguration.builder()) let editor = ProfileEditor(modules: [module]) assert(module.configurationBuilder != nil, "isServerPushed must imply module.configurationBuilder != nil") self.editor = editor self.module = module impl = nil isServerPushed = true } init(editor: ProfileEditor, module: OpenVPNModule.Builder, impl: OpenVPNModule.Implementation?) { self.editor = editor self.module = module self.impl = impl isServerPushed = false } var body: some View { contentView .moduleView(editor: editor, draft: draft.wrappedValue) .fileImporter( isPresented: $isImporting, allowedContentTypes: [.item], onCompletion: importConfiguration ) .modifier(PaywallModifier(reason: $paywallReason)) .navigationDestination(for: Subroute.self, destination: destination) .themeAnimation(on: draft.wrappedValue.providerId, category: .modules) .withErrorHandler(errorHandler) } } // MARK: - Content private extension OpenVPNView { @ViewBuilder var contentView: some View { if let configuration = draft.wrappedValue.configurationBuilder { ConfigurationView( isServerPushed: isServerPushed, configuration: configuration, credentialsRoute: Subroute.credentials ) } else { emptyConfigurationView .modifier(providerModifier) } } @ViewBuilder var emptyConfigurationView: some View { if draft.wrappedValue.providerSelection == nil { importButton } else if let configuration = try? draft.wrappedValue.providerSelection?.configuration() { providerConfigurationLink(with: configuration) } } func providerConfigurationLink(with configuration: OpenVPN.Configuration) -> some View { NavigationLink(Strings.Global.Nouns.configuration, value: Subroute.providerConfiguration(configuration)) } var importButton: some View { Button(Strings.Modules.General.Rows.importFromFile.withTrailingDots) { isImporting = true } .alert( module.moduleType.localizedDescription, isPresented: $requiresPassphrase, presenting: importURL, actions: { url in SecureField( Strings.Placeholders.secret, text: $importPassphrase ?? "" ) Button(Strings.Alerts.Import.Passphrase.ok) { importConfiguration(from: .success(url)) } Button(Strings.Global.Actions.cancel, role: .cancel) { isImporting = false } }, message: { Text(Strings.Alerts.Import.Passphrase.message($0.lastPathComponent)) } ) } var providerModifier: some ViewModifier { VPNProviderContentModifier( providerId: providerId, selectedEntity: providerEntity, paywallReason: $paywallReason, entityDestination: Subroute.providerServer, providerRows: { moduleGroup(for: providerAccountRows) } ) } var providerAccountRows: [ModuleRow]? { [.push(caption: Strings.Modules.Openvpn.credentials, route: HashableRoute(Subroute.credentials))] } } private extension OpenVPNView { func onSelectServer(server: VPNServer, preset: VPNPreset) { draft.wrappedValue.providerEntity = VPNEntity(server: server, preset: preset) path.wrappedValue.removeLast() } func importConfiguration(from result: Result) { do { let url = try result.get() guard url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else { throw AppError.permissionDenied } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } importURL = url guard let impl else { fatalError("Requires OpenVPNModule implementation") } guard let parser = impl.importer as? StandardOpenVPNParser else { fatalError("OpenVPNModule importer should be StandardOpenVPNParser") } let parsed = try parser.parsed(fromURL: url, passphrase: importPassphrase) draft.wrappedValue.configurationBuilder = parsed.configuration.builder() } catch StandardOpenVPNParserError.encryptionPassphrase, StandardOpenVPNParserError.unableToDecrypt { Task { // XXX: re-present same alert after artificial delay try? await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(500)) importPassphrase = nil requiresPassphrase = true } } catch { pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to import OpenVPN configuration: \(error)") errorHandler.handle( (error as? StandardOpenVPNParserError)?.asPassepartoutError ?? error, title: module.moduleType.localizedDescription ) } } } // MARK: - Destinations private extension OpenVPNView { enum Subroute: Hashable { case providerServer case providerConfiguration(OpenVPN.Configuration) case credentials } @ViewBuilder func destination(for route: Subroute) -> some View { switch route { case .providerServer: draft.wrappedValue.providerSelection.map { VPNProviderServerView( moduleId: module.id, providerId: $0.id, selectedEntity: $0.entity, filtersWithSelection: true, onSelect: onSelectServer ) } case .providerConfiguration(let configuration): Form { ConfigurationView( isServerPushed: false, configuration: configuration.builder(), credentialsRoute: nil ) } .themeForm() .navigationTitle(Strings.Global.Nouns.configuration) case .credentials: Form { OpenVPNCredentialsView( providerId: draft.wrappedValue.providerId, isInteractive: draft.isInteractive, credentials: draft.credentials ) } .navigationTitle(Strings.Modules.Openvpn.credentials) .themeForm() .themeAnimation(on: draft.wrappedValue.isInteractive, category: .modules) } } } // MARK: - Previews // swiftlint: disable force_try #Preview { var builder = OpenVPN.Configuration.Builder(withFallbacks: true) builder.noPullMask = [.proxy] builder.authUserPass = true builder.remotes = [ .init(rawValue: "")!, .init(rawValue: "")!, .init(rawValue: "")!, .init(rawValue: "12:12:12:12:20:20:20:20:TCP6:21212")! ] builder.ipv4 = IPSettings(subnet: try! .init("", 24)) .including(routes: [ .init(defaultWithGateway: .ip("", .v4)), .init(.init(rawValue: ""), nil) ]) .excluding(routes: [ .init(.init(rawValue: ""), nil), .init(.init(rawValue: ""), .ip("", .v4)) ]) builder.ipv6 = IPSettings(subnet: try! .init("::5", 24)) .including(routes: [ .init(defaultWithGateway: .ip("120::1:1:1", .v6)), .init(.init(rawValue: "55:10:20::30/128"), nil), .init(.init(rawValue: "60:60:60::60/128"), .ip("::2", .v6)) ]) .excluding(routes: [ .init(.init(rawValue: "88:40:30::30/32"), nil) ]) builder.routingPolicies = [.IPv4, .IPv6] builder.dnsServers = ["", ""] builder.dnsDomain = "domain.com" builder.searchDomains = ["search1.com", "search2.com"] builder.httpProxy = try! .init("", 1080) builder.httpsProxy = try! .init("", 8080) builder.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = URL(string: "https://hello.pac")! builder.proxyBypassDomains = ["bypass1.com", "bypass2.com"] builder.xorMethod = .xormask(mask: .init(Data(hex: "1234"))) builder.ca = .init(mockPem: "ca-certificate") builder.clientCertificate = .init(mockPem: "client-certificate") builder.clientKey = .init(mockPem: "client-key") builder.tlsWrap = .init(strategy: .auth, key: .init(biData: Data(count: 256))) builder.keepAliveInterval = 10.0 builder.renegotiatesAfter = 60.0 builder.randomizeEndpoint = true builder.randomizeHostnames = true let module = OpenVPNModule.Builder(configurationBuilder: builder) return module.preview(title: "OpenVPN") } // swiftlint: enable force_try private extension OpenVPN.CryptoContainer { init(mockPem: String) { self.init(pem: """ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- \(mockPem) -----END CERTIFICATE----- """) } }