// // Shared+App.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/24/24. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import AppData import AppDataProfiles import AppDataProviders import CommonLibrary import CommonUtils import Foundation import PassepartoutKit import UILibrary extension AppContext { static let shared: AppContext = { let tunnelEnvironment: TunnelEnvironment = .shared let registry: Registry = .shared let iapManager = IAPManager( customUserLevel: Configuration.IAPManager.customUserLevel, receiptReader: KvittoReceiptReader(), // FIXME: #662, omit unrestrictedFeatures on release! unrestrictedFeatures: [.interactiveLogin, .sharing], productsAtBuild: Configuration.IAPManager.productsAtBuild ) let processor = ProfileProcessor( iapManager: iapManager, title: { Configuration.ProfileManager.sharedTitle($0) }, isIncluded: { _, profile in Configuration.ProfileManager.isProfileIncluded(profile) }, willSave: { _, builder in builder }, willConnect: { iap, profile in var builder = profile.builder() // suppress on-demand rules if not eligible if !iap.isEligible(for: .onDemand) { pp_log(.app, .notice, "Suppress on-demand rules, not eligible") if let onDemandModuleIndex = builder.modules.firstIndex(where: { $0 is OnDemandModule }), let onDemandModule = builder.modules[onDemandModuleIndex] as? OnDemandModule { var onDemandBuilder = onDemandModule.builder() onDemandBuilder.policy = .any builder.modules[onDemandModuleIndex] = onDemandBuilder.tryBuild() } } // validate provider modules let profile = try builder.tryBuild() do { _ = try profile.withProviderModules() return profile } catch { pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to inject provider modules: \(error)") throw error } } ) let profileManager: ProfileManager = { let remoteStore = CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: .default, containerName: Constants.shared.containers.remote, model: AppData.cdProfilesModel, cloudKitIdentifier: BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .cloudKitId), author: nil ) let remoteRepository = AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3( registry: .shared, coder: CodableProfileCoder(), context: remoteStore.context, observingResults: true ) { error in pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to decode remote result: \(error)") return .ignore } return ProfileManager( repository: Configuration.ProfileManager.mainProfileRepository, backupRepository: Configuration.ProfileManager.backupProfileRepository, remoteRepository: remoteRepository, deletingRemotely: Configuration.ProfileManager.deletingRemotely, processor: processor ) }() let tunnel = ExtendedTunnel( tunnel: Tunnel(strategy: Configuration.ExtendedTunnel.strategy), environment: tunnelEnvironment, processor: processor, interval: Constants.shared.tunnel.refreshInterval ) let providerManager: ProviderManager = { let store = CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: .default, containerName: Constants.shared.containers.providers, model: AppData.cdProvidersModel, cloudKitIdentifier: nil, author: nil ) let repository = AppData.cdProviderRepositoryV3( context: store.context, backgroundContext: store.backgroundContext ) return ProviderManager(repository: repository) }() return AppContext( iapManager: iapManager, profileManager: profileManager, tunnel: tunnel, registry: registry, providerManager: providerManager ) }() } // MARK: - Configuration private enum Configuration { } extension Configuration { enum IAPManager { static var customUserLevel: AppUserLevel? { if let envString = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["CUSTOM_USER_LEVEL"], let envValue = Int(envString), let testAppType = AppUserLevel(rawValue: envValue) { return testAppType } if let infoValue = BundleConfiguration.mainIntegerIfPresent(for: .customUserLevel), let testAppType = AppUserLevel(rawValue: infoValue) { return testAppType } return nil } static let productsAtBuild: BuildProducts = { #if os(iOS) if $0 <= 2016 { return [.Full.iOS] } else if $0 <= 3000 { return [.Features.networkSettings] } return [] #elseif os(macOS) if $0 <= 3000 { return [.Features.networkSettings] } return [] #else return [] #endif } } } extension Configuration { enum ProfileManager { static let sharedTitle: @Sendable (Profile) -> String = { String(format: Constants.shared.tunnel.profileTitleFormat, $0.name) } #if os(tvOS) static let deletingRemotely = true static let isProfileIncluded: @Sendable (Profile) -> Bool = { $0.attributes.isAvailableForTV == true } #else static let deletingRemotely = false static let isProfileIncluded: @Sendable (Profile) -> Bool = { _ in true } #endif } } #if targetEnvironment(simulator) extension Configuration { enum ExtendedTunnel { static var strategy: TunnelObservableStrategy { FakeTunnelStrategy(environment: .shared, dataCountInterval: 1000) } } } @MainActor extension Configuration.ProfileManager { static var mainProfileRepository: ProfileRepository { coreDataProfileRepository } static var backupProfileRepository: ProfileRepository? { nil } } #else extension Configuration { @MainActor enum ExtendedTunnel { static var strategy: TunnelObservableStrategy { ProfileManager.neStrategy } } } @MainActor extension Configuration.ProfileManager { static var mainProfileRepository: ProfileRepository { neProfileRepository } static var backupProfileRepository: ProfileRepository? { coreDataProfileRepository } } #endif @MainActor extension Configuration.ProfileManager { static let neProfileRepository: ProfileRepository = { NEProfileRepository(repository: neStrategy) { sharedTitle($0) } }() static let neStrategy: NETunnelStrategy = { NETunnelStrategy( bundleIdentifier: BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .tunnelId), coder: Registry.sharedProtocolCoder, environment: .shared ) }() static let coreDataProfileRepository: ProfileRepository = { let store = CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: .default, containerName: Constants.shared.containers.local, model: AppData.cdProfilesModel, cloudKitIdentifier: nil, author: nil ) return AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3( registry: .shared, coder: CodableProfileCoder(), context: store.context, observingResults: false ) { error in pp_log(.app, .error, "Unable to decode local result: \(error)") return .ignore } }() } // MARK: - extension CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger where Self == DefaultCoreDataPersistentStoreLogger { static var `default`: CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger { DefaultCoreDataPersistentStoreLogger() } } private struct DefaultCoreDataPersistentStoreLogger: CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger { func debug(_ msg: String) { pp_log(.app, .info, msg) } func warning(_ msg: String) { pp_log(.app, .error, msg) } }