#!/bin/bash cwd=`dirname $0` source $cwd/env.sh cd $cwd/.. if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Input strings file required" exit 1 fi translations=`cat "$1"` rm -rf "$translations_input_path" mkdir -p "$translations_input_path" # Split translations into separate files echo "$translations" | awk -v input_path="$translations_input_path" ' BEGIN { lang_code = ""; } /^\/\/ [a-z]{2}/ { # Save the language code from lines starting with "//" lang_code = substr($0, 4); # Extract language code (e.g., "de") next; } /^$/ { # Skip empty lines next; } { # Write to the appropriate language file if (lang_code != "") { file_path = input_path "/" lang_code; print $0 >> file_path; } } ' "$1" echo "Files have been created in the '$translations_input_path' directory." for lang in `ls $translations_input_path`; do input_path="$translations_input_path/$lang" output_path="$translations_output_path/$lang.lproj/Localizable.strings" keys_path="$output_path.keys" tmp_path="$output_path.tmp" # remove keys sed -E 's/^"(.*)" = .*$/\1/' $input_path >$keys_path grep -vf $keys_path $output_path >$tmp_path # append new strings cat $input_path >>$tmp_path # sort and replace sort $tmp_path | uniq >$output_path rm "$keys_path" "$tmp_path" done