import SwiftUI // private struct ErrorAlert: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let title: String? let message: String let dismissAction: (() -> Void)? } @MainActor final class ErrorHandler: ObservableObject { static let shared = ErrorHandler() @Published fileprivate var isPresented = false @Published fileprivate var currentAlert: ErrorAlert? func handle(_ error: Error, title: String? = nil, onDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil) { currentAlert = ErrorAlert( title: title, message: AppError(error).localizedDescription, dismissAction: onDismiss ) isPresented = true } func handle(title: String, message: String, onDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil) { currentAlert = ErrorAlert( title: title, message: message, dismissAction: onDismiss ) isPresented = true } } struct HandleErrorsByShowingAlertViewModifier: ViewModifier { @ObservedObject private var errorHandler: ErrorHandler init() { errorHandler = .shared } func body(content: Content) -> some View { content // Applying the alert for error handling using a background element // is a workaround, if the alert would be applied directly, // other .alert modifiers inside of content would not work anymore .background( EmptyView() .alert( errorHandler.currentAlert?.title ?? Unlocalized.appName, isPresented: $errorHandler.isPresented, presenting: errorHandler.currentAlert ) { alert in Button(role: .cancel) { alert.dismissAction?() } label: { Text(L10n.Global.Strings.ok) } } message: { alert in Text(alert.message.withTrailingDot) } ) } } extension View { func withErrorHandler() -> some View { modifier(HandleErrorsByShowingAlertViewModifier()) } }