// // ShortcutsView.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/8/22. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // #if !os(tvOS) import Intents import PassepartoutLibrary import SwiftUI struct ShortcutsView: View { enum ModalType: Identifiable { case edit(shortcut: Shortcut) case add(shortcut: INShortcut) // XXX: alert ids var id: Int { switch self { case .edit: return 1 case .add: return 2 } } } @StateObject private var intentsManager = IntentsManager() @Environment(\.presentationMode) private var presentationMode private let target: Profile @State private var modalType: ModalType? @State private var isNavigationPresented = false @State private var pendingShortcut: INShortcut? init(target: Profile) { self.target = target } var body: some View { List { if !intentsManager.shortcuts.isEmpty { shortcutsSection } addSection }.toolbar { themeCloseItem(presentationMode: presentationMode) }.sheet(item: $modalType, content: presentedModal) .themeAnimation(on: intentsManager.isReloadingShortcuts) // IntentsUI .onReceive(intentsManager.shouldDismissIntentView) { _ in modalType = nil } .navigationTitle(Unlocalized.Other.siri) .themeSecondaryView() } } // MARK: - private extension ShortcutsView { var shortcutsSection: some View { Section { ForEach(relevantShortcuts, content: rowView) } header: { Text(L10n.Shortcuts.Edit.Sections.All.header) } } var relevantShortcuts: [Shortcut] { intentsManager.shortcuts.values.filter { $0.isRelevant(to: target) }.sorted() } var addSection: some View { Section { NavigationLink(isActive: $isNavigationPresented) { AddView( target: target, pendingShortcut: delegatingPendingShortcut ) } label: { Text(L10n.Shortcuts.Edit.Items.AddShortcut.caption) } } footer: { Text(L10n.Shortcuts.Edit.Sections.Add.footer) } } @ViewBuilder func presentedModal(_ modalType: ModalType) -> some View { switch modalType { case .edit(let shortcut): IntentEditView( shortcut: shortcut, delegate: intentsManager ) case .add(let shortcut): IntentAddView( shortcut: shortcut, delegate: intentsManager ) } } func rowView(forShortcut vs: Shortcut) -> some View { Button { presentEditShortcut(vs) } label: { Label(vs.native.invocationPhrase, systemImage: themeShortcutsImage) } } var delegatingPendingShortcut: Binding { .init { pendingShortcut } set: { guard let pendingShortcut = $0 else { return } presentAddShortcut(pendingShortcut) } } } private extension Shortcut { func isRelevant(to profile: Profile) -> Bool { guard let intent = native.shortcut.intent else { return true } if let connectIntent = intent as? ConnectVPNIntent { return connectIntent.profileId == profile.id.uuidString } if let moveToIntent = intent as? MoveToLocationIntent { return moveToIntent.profileId == profile.id.uuidString } return true } } // MARK: - private extension ShortcutsView { func presentEditShortcut(_ shortcut: Shortcut) { modalType = .edit(shortcut: shortcut) } func presentAddShortcut(_ shortcut: INShortcut) { isNavigationPresented = false modalType = .add(shortcut: shortcut) } } #endif