// // ModuleSection.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 8/18/24. // Copyright (c) 2025 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import CommonUtils import SwiftUI enum ModuleRow: Hashable { enum CopyOnTap: Int, Hashable, Comparable { case disabled case caption case value case all static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue } } case text(caption: String, value: String? = nil) case textList(caption: String, values: [String]) case copiableText(caption: String? = nil, value: String, multiline: Bool = true) case longContent(caption: String, value: String) case longContentPreview(caption: String, value: String, preview: String?) case push(caption: String, route: HashableRoute) } struct HashableRoute: Hashable { let route: any Hashable init(_ route: any Hashable) { self.route = route } static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { lhs.route.hashValue == rhs.route.hashValue } func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(route) } } extension View { func moduleGroup(for rows: [ModuleRow]?) -> some View { rows.map { rows in Group { ForEach(rows, id: \.self, content: moduleRowView) } } } func moduleSection(for rows: [ModuleRow]?, header: String) -> some View { rows.map { rows in moduleGroup(for: rows) .themeSection(header: header) } } } private extension View { @ViewBuilder func moduleRowView(for row: ModuleRow) -> some View { switch row { case .text(let caption, let value): Text(caption) .themeTrailingValue(value) case .textList(let caption, let values): if !values.isEmpty { NavigationLink(caption) { Form { ForEach(Array(values.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { Text($0.element) } } .navigationTitle(caption) .themeForm() } } else { Text(caption) .themeTrailingValue(Strings.Global.Nouns.empty) } case .copiableText(let caption, let value, let multiline): ThemeCopiableText(title: caption, value: value, isMultiLine: multiline) { Text($0) } case .longContent(let title, let content): LongContentLink(title, content: .constant(content)) { Text($0) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } case .longContentPreview(let title, let content, let preview): LongContentLink(title, content: .constant(content), preview: preview) { Text(preview != nil ? $0 : "") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } case .push(let caption, let route): NavigationLink(caption, value: route.route) } } }