// // AppContext+Shared.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/24/24. // Copyright (c) 2025 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import AppData import AppDataPreferences import AppDataProfiles import AppDataProviders import CommonLibrary import CommonUtils import CoreData import Foundation import LegacyV2 import PassepartoutKit import UIAccessibility import UILibrary extension AppContext { static let shared: AppContext = { let dependencies: Dependencies = .shared // MARK: Core Data guard let cdLocalModel = NSManagedObjectModel.mergedModel(from: [ AppData.providersBundle ]) else { fatalError("Unable to load local model") } guard let cdRemoteModel = NSManagedObjectModel.mergedModel(from: [ AppData.profilesBundle, AppData.preferencesBundle ]) else { fatalError("Unable to load remote model") } let localStore = CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: dependencies.coreDataLogger(), containerName: Constants.shared.containers.local, model: cdLocalModel, cloudKitIdentifier: nil, author: nil ) let newRemoteStore: (_ cloudKit: Bool) -> CoreDataPersistentStore = { CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: dependencies.coreDataLogger(), containerName: Constants.shared.containers.remote, model: cdRemoteModel, cloudKitIdentifier: $0 ? BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .cloudKitId) : nil, author: nil ) } // MARK: Managers let iapManager = IAPManager( customUserLevel: dependencies.customUserLevel, inAppHelper: dependencies.simulatedAppProductHelper(), receiptReader: dependencies.simulatedAppReceiptReader(), betaChecker: dependencies.betaChecker(), productsAtBuild: dependencies.productsAtBuild() ) let processor = dependencies.appProcessor(with: iapManager) let tunnelReceiptURL = BundleConfiguration.urlForBetaReceipt let tunnelEnvironment = dependencies.tunnelEnvironment() #if targetEnvironment(simulator) let tunnelStrategy = FakeTunnelStrategy(environment: tunnelEnvironment, dataCountInterval: 1000) let mainProfileRepository = dependencies.backupProfileRepository( model: cdRemoteModel, observingResults: true ) let backupProfileRepository: ProfileRepository? = nil #else let tunnelStrategy = NETunnelStrategy( bundleIdentifier: BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .tunnelId), coder: dependencies.neProtocolCoder(), environment: tunnelEnvironment ) let mainProfileRepository = NEProfileRepository(repository: tunnelStrategy) { dependencies.profileTitle($0) } let backupProfileRepository = dependencies.backupProfileRepository( model: cdRemoteModel, observingResults: false ) #endif let profileManager = ProfileManager( processor: processor, repository: mainProfileRepository, backupRepository: backupProfileRepository, mirrorsRemoteRepository: dependencies.mirrorsRemoteRepository, readyAfterRemote: true ) let tunnel = ExtendedTunnel( defaults: .standard, tunnel: Tunnel(strategy: tunnelStrategy), environment: tunnelEnvironment, processor: processor, interval: Constants.shared.tunnel.refreshInterval ) let apiManager: APIManager = { let repository = AppData.cdAPIRepositoryV3(context: localStore.backgroundContext()) return APIManager(repository: repository) }() let migrationManager: MigrationManager = { let profileStrategy = ProfileV2MigrationStrategy( coreDataLogger: dependencies.coreDataLogger(), profilesContainer: .init( Constants.shared.containers.legacyV2, BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .legacyV2CloudKitId) ), tvProfilesContainer: .init( Constants.shared.containers.legacyV2TV, BundleConfiguration.mainString(for: .legacyV2TVCloudKitId) ) ) let migrationSimulation: MigrationManager.Simulation? if AppCommandLine.contains(.fakeMigration) { migrationSimulation = MigrationManager.Simulation( fakeProfiles: true, maxMigrationTime: 3.0, randomFailures: true ) } else { migrationSimulation = nil } return MigrationManager(profileStrategy: profileStrategy, simulation: migrationSimulation) }() let preferencesManager = PreferencesManager() // MARK: Eligibility let onEligibleFeaturesBlock: (Set) async -> Void = { @MainActor features in let isEligibleForSharing = features.contains(.sharing) let isRemoteImportingEnabled = isEligibleForSharing // toggle CloudKit sync based on .sharing eligibility let remoteStore = newRemoteStore(isRemoteImportingEnabled) // @Published profileManager.isRemoteImportingEnabled = isRemoteImportingEnabled do { pp_log(.app, .info, "\tRefresh remote sync (eligible=\(isEligibleForSharing), CloudKit=\(isCloudKitEnabled))...") pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "\tRefresh remote profiles repository (sync=\(isRemoteImportingEnabled))...") try await profileManager.observeRemote(repository: { AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3( registry: dependencies.registry, coder: dependencies.profileCoder(), context: remoteStore.context, observingResults: true, onResultError: { pp_log(.App.profiles, .error, "Unable to decode remote profile: \($0)") return .ignore } ) }()) pp_log(.app, .info, "\tRefresh modules preferences repository...") preferencesManager.modulesRepositoryFactory = { try AppData.cdModulePreferencesRepositoryV3( context: remoteStore.context, moduleId: $0 ) } pp_log(.app, .info, "\tRefresh providers preferences repository...") preferencesManager.providersRepositoryFactory = { try AppData.cdProviderPreferencesRepositoryV3( context: remoteStore.context, providerId: $0 ) } } catch { pp_log(.App.profiles, .error, "\tUnable to re-observe remote profiles: \(error)") } pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "\tReload profiles required features...") profileManager.reloadRequiredFeatures() } // MARK: Build return AppContext( apiManager: apiManager, iapManager: iapManager, migrationManager: migrationManager, preferencesManager: preferencesManager, profileManager: profileManager, registry: dependencies.registry, tunnel: tunnel, tunnelReceiptURL: tunnelReceiptURL, onEligibleFeaturesBlock: onEligibleFeaturesBlock ) }() } private extension AppContext { static var isCloudKitEnabled: Bool { #if os(tvOS) true #else if AppCommandLine.contains(.uiTesting) { return true } return FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken != nil #endif } } // MARK: - Dependencies private extension Dependencies { func simulatedAppProductHelper() -> any AppProductHelper { if AppCommandLine.contains(.fakeIAP) { return FakeAppProductHelper() } return appProductHelper() } func simulatedAppReceiptReader() -> AppReceiptReader { if AppCommandLine.contains(.fakeIAP) { guard let mockHelper = simulatedAppProductHelper() as? FakeAppProductHelper else { fatalError("When .isFakeIAP, simulatedInAppHelper is expected to be MockAppProductHelper") } return mockHelper.receiptReader } return FallbackReceiptReader( main: StoreKitReceiptReader(), beta: betaReceiptURL.map { KvittoReceiptReader(url: $0) } ) } var betaReceiptURL: URL? { #if os(tvOS) nil #else Bundle.main.appStoreProductionReceiptURL #endif } var mirrorsRemoteRepository: Bool { #if os(tvOS) true #else false #endif } func backupProfileRepository(model: NSManagedObjectModel, observingResults: Bool) -> ProfileRepository { let store = CoreDataPersistentStore( logger: coreDataLogger(), containerName: Constants.shared.containers.backup, model: model, cloudKitIdentifier: nil, author: nil ) return AppData.cdProfileRepositoryV3( registry: registry, coder: profileCoder(), context: store.context, observingResults: observingResults, onResultError: { pp_log(.App.profiles, .error, "Unable to decode local profile: \($0)") return .ignore } ) } }