// // ProfileManager.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/19/24. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import Combine import Foundation import PassepartoutKit @MainActor public final class ProfileManager: ObservableObject { private enum Observer: CaseIterable { case local case remote } public enum Event { case save(Profile) case remove([Profile.ID]) } // MARK: Dependencies private let repository: ProfileRepository private let backupRepository: ProfileRepository? private let remoteRepositoryBlock: ((Bool) -> ProfileRepository)? private var remoteRepository: ProfileRepository? private let mirrorsRemoteRepository: Bool private let processor: ProfileProcessor? // MARK: State @Published private var profiles: [Profile] private var allProfiles: [Profile.ID: Profile] { didSet { reloadFilteredProfiles(with: searchSubject.value) } } private var allRemoteProfiles: [Profile.ID: Profile] @Published public private(set) var isRemoteImportingEnabled: Bool public var isReady: Bool { waitingObservers.isEmpty } @Published private var waitingObservers: Set // MARK: Publishers public let didChange: PassthroughSubject private let searchSubject: CurrentValueSubject private var subscriptions: Set private var remoteSubscriptions: Set // for testing/previews public init(profiles: [Profile]) { repository = InMemoryProfileRepository(profiles: profiles) backupRepository = nil remoteRepositoryBlock = { _ in InMemoryProfileRepository() } mirrorsRemoteRepository = false processor = nil self.profiles = [] allProfiles = profiles.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1 } allRemoteProfiles = [:] isRemoteImportingEnabled = false waitingObservers = [] didChange = PassthroughSubject() searchSubject = CurrentValueSubject("") subscriptions = [] remoteSubscriptions = [] } public init( repository: ProfileRepository, backupRepository: ProfileRepository? = nil, remoteRepositoryBlock: ((Bool) -> ProfileRepository)?, mirrorsRemoteRepository: Bool = false, processor: ProfileProcessor? = nil ) { precondition(!mirrorsRemoteRepository || remoteRepositoryBlock != nil, "mirrorsRemoteRepository requires a non-nil remoteRepositoryBlock") self.repository = repository self.backupRepository = backupRepository self.remoteRepositoryBlock = remoteRepositoryBlock self.mirrorsRemoteRepository = mirrorsRemoteRepository self.processor = processor profiles = [] allProfiles = [:] allRemoteProfiles = [:] isRemoteImportingEnabled = false if remoteRepositoryBlock != nil { waitingObservers = [.local, .remote] } else { waitingObservers = [.local] } didChange = PassthroughSubject() searchSubject = CurrentValueSubject("") subscriptions = [] remoteSubscriptions = [] } } // MARK: - CRUD extension ProfileManager { public var hasProfiles: Bool { !profiles.isEmpty } public var isSearching: Bool { !searchSubject.value.isEmpty } public var headers: [ProfileHeader] { profiles.map { $0.header() } } public func search(byName name: String) { searchSubject.send(name) } public func profile(withId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Profile? { profiles.first { $0.id == profileId } } public func save(_ originalProfile: Profile, force: Bool = false, remotelyShared: Bool? = nil) async throws { let profile: Profile if force { var builder = originalProfile.builder() if let processor { builder = try processor.willSave(builder) } builder.attributes.lastUpdate = Date() builder.attributes.fingerprint = UUID() profile = try builder.tryBuild() } else { profile = originalProfile } pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Save profile \(profile.id)...") do { let existingProfile = allProfiles[profile.id] if existingProfile == nil || profile != existingProfile { try await repository.saveProfile(profile) if let backupRepository { Task.detached { try await backupRepository.saveProfile(profile) } } allProfiles[profile.id] = profile didChange.send(.save(profile)) } else { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tProfile \(profile.id) not modified, not saving") } } catch { pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "\tUnable to save profile \(profile.id): \(error)") throw error } do { if let remotelyShared, let remoteRepository { if remotelyShared { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tEnable remote sharing of profile \(profile.id)...") try await remoteRepository.saveProfile(profile) } else { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tDisable remote sharing of profile \(profile.id)...") try await remoteRepository.removeProfiles(withIds: [profile.id]) } } } catch { pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "\tUnable to save/remove remote profile \(profile.id): \(error)") throw error } pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Finished saving profile \(profile.id)") } public func remove(withId profileId: Profile.ID) async { await remove(withIds: [profileId]) } public func remove(withIds profileIds: [Profile.ID]) async { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Remove profiles \(profileIds)...") do { // remove local profiles var newAllProfiles = allProfiles try await repository.removeProfiles(withIds: profileIds) profileIds.forEach { newAllProfiles.removeValue(forKey: $0) } // remove remote counterpart too try? await remoteRepository?.removeProfiles(withIds: profileIds) profileIds.forEach { allRemoteProfiles.removeValue(forKey: $0) } // publish update allProfiles = newAllProfiles didChange.send(.remove(profileIds)) } catch { pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "Unable to remove profiles \(profileIds): \(error)") } } public func exists(withId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool { allProfiles.keys.contains(profileId) } } // MARK: - Remote/Attributes extension ProfileManager { public func isRemotelyShared(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool { allRemoteProfiles.keys.contains(profileId) } public func isAvailableForTV(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool { profile(withId: profileId)?.attributes.isAvailableForTV == true } public func eraseRemotelySharedProfiles() async throws { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Erase remotely shared profiles...") try await remoteRepository?.removeAllProfiles() } } // MARK: - Shortcuts extension ProfileManager { public func new(withName name: String) -> Profile { var builder = Profile.Builder() builder.name = firstUniqueName(from: name) do { return try builder.tryBuild() } catch { fatalError("Unable to build new empty profile: \(error)") } } public func duplicate(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) async throws { guard let profile = profile(withId: profileId) else { return } var builder = profile.builder(withNewId: true) builder.name = firstUniqueName(from: profile.name) pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Duplicate profile [\(profileId), \(profile.name)] -> [\(builder.id), \(builder.name)]...") let copy = try builder.tryBuild() try await save(copy) } } private extension ProfileManager { func firstUniqueName(from name: String) -> String { let allNames = profiles.map(\.name) var newName = name var index = 1 while true { if !allNames.contains(newName) { return newName } newName = [name, index.description].joined(separator: ".") index += 1 } } } // MARK: - Observation extension ProfileManager { public func observeLocal(searchDebounce: Int = 200) async throws { subscriptions.removeAll() let initialProfiles = try await repository.fetchProfiles() reloadLocalProfiles(initialProfiles) repository .profilesPublisher .dropFirst() .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] in self?.reloadLocalProfiles($0) } .store(in: &subscriptions) searchSubject .debounce(for: .milliseconds(searchDebounce), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] in self?.performSearch($0) } .store(in: &subscriptions) } public func observeRemote(_ isRemoteImportingEnabled: Bool) async throws { guard let remoteRepositoryBlock else { // preconditionFailure("Missing remoteRepositoryBlock") return } guard remoteRepository == nil || isRemoteImportingEnabled != self.isRemoteImportingEnabled else { return } self.isRemoteImportingEnabled = isRemoteImportingEnabled remoteSubscriptions.removeAll() let newRepository = remoteRepositoryBlock(isRemoteImportingEnabled) let initialProfiles = try await newRepository.fetchProfiles() reloadRemoteProfiles(initialProfiles) remoteRepository = newRepository remoteRepository? .profilesPublisher .dropFirst() .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] in self?.reloadRemoteProfiles($0) } .store(in: &remoteSubscriptions) } } private extension ProfileManager { func reloadLocalProfiles(_ result: [Profile]) { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Reload local profiles: \(result.map(\.id))") allProfiles = result.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1 } if waitingObservers.contains(.local) { waitingObservers.remove(.local) } // should not be imported at all, but you never know if let processor { let idsToRemove: [Profile.ID] = allProfiles .filter { !processor.isIncluded($0.value) } .map(\.key) if !idsToRemove.isEmpty { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Delete non-included local profiles: \(idsToRemove)") Task.detached { try await self.repository.removeProfiles(withIds: idsToRemove) } } } } func reloadRemoteProfiles(_ result: [Profile]) { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Reload remote profiles: \(result.map(\.id))") allRemoteProfiles = result.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1 } if waitingObservers.contains(.remote) { waitingObservers.remove(.remote) } Task.detached { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Start importing remote profiles...") assert(result.count == Set(result.map(\.id)).count, "Remote repository must not have duplicates") pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "Local attributes:") let localAttributes: [Profile.ID: ProfileAttributes] = await allProfiles.values.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1.attributes pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "\t\($1.id) = \($1.attributes)") } pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "Remote attributes:") let remoteAttributes: [Profile.ID: ProfileAttributes] = result.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.id] = $1.attributes pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "\t\($1.id) = \($1.attributes)") } let profilesToImport = result let remotelyDeletedIds = await Set(allProfiles.keys).subtracting(Set(allRemoteProfiles.keys)) let mirrorsRemoteRepository = mirrorsRemoteRepository var idsToRemove: [Profile.ID] = [] if !remotelyDeletedIds.isEmpty { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Will \(mirrorsRemoteRepository ? "delete" : "retain") local profiles not present in remote repository: \(remotelyDeletedIds)") if mirrorsRemoteRepository { idsToRemove.append(contentsOf: remotelyDeletedIds) } } for remoteProfile in profilesToImport { do { guard processor?.isIncluded(remoteProfile) ?? true else { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Will delete non-included remote profile \(remoteProfile.id)") idsToRemove.append(remoteProfile.id) continue } if let localFingerprint = localAttributes[remoteProfile.id]?.fingerprint { guard let remoteFingerprint = remoteAttributes[remoteProfile.id]?.fingerprint, remoteFingerprint != localFingerprint else { pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Skip re-importing local profile \(remoteProfile.id)") continue } } pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Import remote profile \(remoteProfile.id)...") try await save(remoteProfile) } catch { pp_log(.App.profiles, .error, "Unable to import remote profile: \(error)") } } pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Finished importing remote profiles, delete stale profiles: \(idsToRemove)") try? await repository.removeProfiles(withIds: idsToRemove) } } func performSearch(_ search: String) { pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Filter profiles with '\(search)'") reloadFilteredProfiles(with: search) } func reloadFilteredProfiles(with search: String) { profiles = allProfiles .values .filter { if !search.isEmpty { return $0.name.lowercased().contains(search.lowercased()) } return true } .sorted { $0.name.lowercased() < $1.name.lowercased() } } }