// // Localizable.strings // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 10/29/24. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // // MARK: Views "views.about.title" = "About"; "views.about.sections.resources" = "Resources"; "views.about.links.title" = "Links"; "views.about.links.sections.support" = "Support"; "views.about.links.sections.web" = "Web"; "views.about.links.rows.join_community" = "Join community"; "views.about.links.rows.write_review" = "Write a review"; "views.about.links.rows.home_page" = "Home page"; "views.about.links.rows.disclaimer" = "Disclaimer"; "views.about.links.rows.privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy"; "views.about.credits.title" = "Credits"; "views.about.credits.licenses" = "Licenses"; "views.about.credits.notices" = "Notices"; "views.about.credits.translations" = "Translations"; "views.app.rows.not_installed" = "Select a profile"; "views.app.rows.no_modules" = "No active modules"; "views.app.folders.active_profile" = "Installed profile"; "views.app.folders.default" = "My profiles"; "views.app.folders.add_profile" = "Add profile"; "views.app.folders.no_profiles" = "No profiles"; "views.app.folders.no_profiles.migrate" = "Migrate old profiles..."; "views.app.toolbar.new_profile.empty" = "Empty profile"; "views.app.toolbar.new_profile.provider" = "Provider"; "views.app.toolbar.import_profile" = "Import profile"; "views.app.toolbar.migrate_profiles" = "Migrate profiles"; "views.app.tv.header" = "Open %@ on your iOS or macOS device and enable the \"%@\" toggle of a profile to make it appear here."; "views.app.errors.tunnel" = "Unable to execute tunnel operation."; "views.app.errors.duplicate" = "Unable to duplicate profile '%@'."; "views.app.errors.import" = "Unable to import profiles."; "views.app.profile_context.connect_to" = "Connect to"; "views.app_menu.items.quit" = "Quit %@"; "views.diagnostics.title" = "Diagnostics"; "views.diagnostics.sections.live" = "Live log"; "views.diagnostics.sections.tunnel" = "Tunnel logs"; "views.diagnostics.rows.app" = "App"; "views.diagnostics.rows.tunnel" = "Tunnel"; "views.diagnostics.rows.include_private_data" = "Include private data"; "views.diagnostics.rows.remove_tunnel_logs" = "Delete all logs"; "views.diagnostics.openvpn.rows.server_configuration" = "Server configuration"; "views.diagnostics.report_issue.title" = "Report issue"; "views.diagnostics.alerts.report_issue.email" = "The device is not configured to send e-mails."; "views.donate.title" = "Make a donation"; "views.donate.sections.main.footer" = "If you want to display gratitude for my work, here are a couple of amounts you can donate instantly. You will only be charged once per donation, and you can donate multiple times."; "views.donate.alerts.thank_you.message" = "This means a lot to me and I really hope you keep using and promoting this app."; "views.migration.title" = "Migrate"; "views.migration.no_profiles" = "Nothing to migrate"; "views.migration.items.discard" = "Discard"; "views.migration.items.migrate" = "Proceed"; "views.migration.sections.main.header" = "Select below the profiles from old versions of %@ that you want to import. In case your profiles are stored on iCloud, they may take a while to synchronize. If you do not see them now, please come back later."; "views.migration.alerts.delete.message" = "Do you want to discard these profiles? You will not be able to recover them later.\n\n%@"; "views.paywall.sections.recurring.header" = "All features"; "views.paywall.sections.one_time.header" = "One-time purchase"; "views.paywall.sections.features.required.header" = "Required features"; "views.paywall.sections.features.other.header" = "Also included"; "views.paywall.sections.restore.header" = "Restore"; "views.paywall.sections.restore.footer" = "If you bought this app or feature in the past, you can restore your purchases."; "views.paywall.rows.restore_purchases" = "Restore purchases"; "views.paywall.alerts.confirmation.title" = "Purchase required"; "views.paywall.alerts.confirmation.message" = "This profile requires paid features to work."; "views.paywall.alerts.restricted.title" = "Restricted"; "views.paywall.alerts.restricted.message" = "Some features are unavailable in this build."; "views.paywall.alerts.pending.message" = "The purchase is pending external confirmation. The feature will be credited upon approval."; "views.preferences.launches_on_login" = "Launch on login"; "views.preferences.launches_on_login.footer" = "Open the app in background after login."; "views.preferences.keeps_in_menu" = "Keep in menu bar"; "views.preferences.keeps_in_menu.footer" = "Enable this to keep the app in the menu bar after closing it."; "views.preferences.locks_in_background" = "Lock in background"; "views.preferences.locks_in_background.footer" = "Lock the app with FaceID when sent to the background."; "views.preferences.erase_icloud" = "Erase iCloud store"; "views.preferences.erase_icloud.footer" = "To erase the iCloud store securely, do so on all your synced devices. This will not affect local profiles."; "views.profile.rows.add_module" = "Add module"; "views.profile.module_list.section.footer" = "Drag modules to rearrange them, as their order determines priority."; "views.profile.alerts.purchase.buttons.ok" = "Save anyway"; "views.providers.no_provider" = "None"; "views.providers.select_provider" = "Select a provider"; "views.providers.select_entity" = "Select"; "views.providers.only_favorites" = "Only favorites"; "views.providers.clear_filters" = "Clear filters"; "views.providers.refresh_infrastructure" = "Refresh infrastructure"; "views.providers.last_updated" = "Last updated on %@"; "views.providers.last_updated.loading" = "Loading..."; "views.purchased.title" = "Purchased"; "views.purchased.sections.download.header" = "First download"; "views.purchased.sections.products.header" = "Purchases"; "views.purchased.sections.features.header" = "Eligible features"; "views.purchased.rows.build_number" = "Build number"; "views.purchased.rows.download_date" = "Download date"; "views.purchased.no_purchases" = "No purchases"; "views.ui.connection_status.on_demand_suffix" = " (on-demand)"; "views.ui.purchase_required.purchase.help" = "Purchase required"; "views.ui.purchase_required.restricted.help" = "Feature is restricted"; "views.vpn.category.any" = "All categories"; "views.vpn.preset" = "Preset"; "views.vpn.no_servers" = "No servers"; // MARK: Views (Modules) "modules.general.sections.storage.header" = "%@"; "modules.general.sections.storage.footer" = "Profiles are stored to %@ encrypted."; "modules.general.sections.storage.footer.purchase.tv_beta" = "TV profiles do not work in beta builds."; "modules.general.sections.storage.footer.purchase.tv_release" = "TV profiles do not work without a purchase."; "modules.general.rows.shared" = "Enabled"; "modules.general.rows.shared.purchase" = "Share on iCloud"; "modules.general.rows.appletv" = "%@"; "modules.general.rows.appletv.purchase" = "Drop TV restriction"; "modules.general.rows.import_from_file" = "Import from file"; "modules.dns.servers.add" = "Add address"; "modules.dns.search_domains.add" = "Add domain"; "modules.http_proxy.bypass_domains.add" = "Add bypass domain"; "modules.ip.routes.include" = "Include route"; "modules.ip.routes.exclude" = "Exclude route"; "modules.ip.routes.included" = "Included routes"; "modules.ip.routes.excluded" = "Excluded routes"; "modules.ip.routes.add_family" = "Add %@"; "modules.on_demand.policy" = "Policy"; "modules.on_demand.policy.footer" = "Activate the VPN %@."; "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.any" = "in any network"; "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.including" = "only in the networks below"; "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.excluding" = "except in the networks below"; "modules.on_demand.mobile" = "Mobile"; "modules.on_demand.ethernet" = "Ethernet"; "modules.on_demand.ssid.add" = "Add SSID"; "modules.openvpn.pull" = "Pull"; "modules.openvpn.redirect_gateway" = "Redirect gateway"; "modules.openvpn.credentials" = "Credentials"; "modules.openvpn.remotes" = "Remotes"; "modules.openvpn.communication" = "Communication"; "modules.openvpn.cipher" = "Cipher"; "modules.openvpn.digest" = "Digest"; "modules.openvpn.compression" = "Compression"; "modules.openvpn.compression_framing" = "Framing"; "modules.openvpn.compression_algorithm" = "Algorithm"; "modules.openvpn.tls_wrap" = "Wrapping"; "modules.openvpn.eku" = "Extended verification"; "modules.openvpn.renegotiation" = "Renegotiation"; "modules.openvpn.randomize_endpoint" = "Randomize endpoint"; "modules.openvpn.randomize_hostname" = "Randomize hostname"; "modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive" = "Interactive"; "modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive.footer" = "On-demand will be disabled."; "modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.append" = "The OTP will be appended to the password."; "modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.encode" = "The OTP will be encoded in Base64 with the password."; "modules.wireguard.provider_key" = "Private key"; "modules.wireguard.interface" = "Interface"; "modules.wireguard.peer" = "Peer #%d"; "modules.wireguard.preshared_key" = "Pre-shared key"; "modules.wireguard.allowed_ips" = "Allowed IPs"; // MARK: - Entities "entities.tunnel_status.inactive" = "Inactive"; "entities.tunnel_status.activating" = "Activating"; "entities.tunnel_status.active" = "Active"; "entities.tunnel_status.deactivating" = "Deactivating"; // MARK: Entities (Modules) "entities.dns.servers" = "Servers"; "entities.dns.search_domains" = "Search domains"; "entities.dns_protocol.cleartext" = "Cleartext"; "entities.dns_protocol.https" = "Over HTTPS"; "entities.dns_protocol.tls" = "Over TLS"; "entities.http_proxy.bypass_domains" = "Bypass domains"; "entities.on_demand.policy.any" = "All networks"; "entities.on_demand.policy.excluding" = "Excluding"; "entities.on_demand.policy.including" = "Including"; "entities.openvpn.compression_algorithm.other" = "Unsupported"; "entities.openvpn.otp_method.none" = "None"; "entities.openvpn.otp_method.append" = "Append"; "entities.openvpn.otp_method.encode" = "Encode"; // MARK: - Features "features.appletv" = "%@"; "features.dns" = "%@ Settings"; "features.http_proxy" = "%@ Settings"; "features.interactiveLogin" = "Interactive Login"; "features.on_demand" = "On-Demand Rules"; "features.providers" = "All Providers"; "features.routing" = "Custom %@"; "features.sharing" = "%@"; // MARK: - Global // MARK: Global (Actions) "global.actions.cancel" = "Cancel"; "global.actions.connect" = "Connect"; "global.actions.delete" = "Delete"; "global.actions.disable" = "Disable"; "global.actions.disconnect" = "Disconnect"; "global.actions.duplicate" = "Duplicate"; "global.actions.edit" = "Edit"; "global.actions.enable" = "Enable"; "global.actions.hide" = "Hide"; "global.actions.purchase" = "Purchase"; "global.actions.remove" = "Delete"; "global.actions.restart" = "Restart"; "global.actions.save" = "Save"; "global.actions.select" = "Select"; "global.actions.show" = "Show"; // MARK: Global (Nouns) "global.nouns.about" = "About"; "global.nouns.account" = "Account"; "global.nouns.address" = "Address"; "global.nouns.addresses" = "Addresses"; "global.nouns.any" = "Any"; "global.nouns.category" = "Category"; "global.nouns.certificate" = "Certificate"; "global.nouns.compression" = "Compression"; "global.nouns.connection" = "Connection"; "global.nouns.country" = "Country"; "global.nouns.default" = "Default"; "global.nouns.destination" = "Destination"; "global.nouns.disabled" = "Disabled"; "global.nouns.domain" = "Domain"; "global.nouns.done" = "Done"; "global.nouns.do_not_ask_again" = "Don't ask again"; "global.nouns.empty" = "Empty"; "global.nouns.enabled" = "Enabled"; "global.nouns.endpoint" = "Endpoint"; "global.nouns.filters" = "Filters"; "global.nouns.folder" = "Folder"; "global.nouns.gateway" = "Gateway"; "global.nouns.general" = "General"; "global.nouns.hostname" = "Hostname"; "global.nouns.interface" = "Interface"; "global.nouns.keep_alive" = "Keep-alive"; "global.nouns.key" = "Key"; "global.nouns.last_update" = "Last update"; "global.nouns.loading" = "Loading"; "global.nouns.method" = "Method"; "global.nouns.modules" = "Modules"; "global.nouns.n_seconds" = "%d seconds"; "global.nouns.name" = "Name"; "global.nouns.networks" = "Networks"; "global.nouns.no_content" = "No content"; "global.nouns.no_selection" = "No selection"; "global.nouns.none" = "None"; "global.nouns.ok" = "OK"; "global.nouns.on_demand" = "On-demand"; "global.nouns.other" = "Other"; "global.nouns.password" = "Password"; "global.nouns.port" = "Port"; "global.nouns.private_key" = "Private key"; "global.nouns.profile" = "Profile"; "global.nouns.protocol" = "Protocol"; "global.nouns.provider" = "Provider"; "global.nouns.public_key" = "Public key"; "global.nouns.region" = "Region"; "global.nouns.route" = "Route"; "global.nouns.routes" = "Routes"; "global.nouns.routing" = "Routing"; "global.nouns.server" = "Server"; "global.nouns.servers" = "Servers"; "global.nouns.settings" = "Settings"; "global.nouns.status" = "Status"; "global.nouns.subnet" = "Subnet"; "global.nouns.unknown" = "Unknown"; "global.nouns.username" = "Username"; "global.nouns.version" = "Version"; // MARK: Global (Placeholders) "placeholders.profile.name" = "My profile"; "placeholders.on_demand.ssid" = "My SSID"; "placeholders.username" = "username"; "placeholders.secret" = "secret"; // MARK: Global (Alerts) "alerts.community.message" = "Did you know that Passepartout has a subreddit? Subscribe for updates or to discuss issues, features, new platforms or whatever you like.\n\nIt's also a great way to show you care about this project."; "alerts.community.subscribe" = "Subscribe now"; "alerts.community.dismiss" = "No, thanks"; "alerts.import.passphrase.message" = "Enter passphrase for '%@'."; "alerts.import.passphrase.ok" = "Decrypt"; "alerts.providers.missing_server.message" = "No provider server selected. Please select a destination server on your iOS/macOS device."; // MARK: Global (App errors) "errors.app.default" = "Unable to complete operation."; "errors.app.empty_products" = "Unable to fetch products, please retry later."; "errors.app.empty_profile_name" = "Profile name is empty."; "errors.app.malformed_module" = "Module %@ is malformed. %@"; "errors.app.provider.required" = "No provider selected."; // MARK: Global (PassepartoutKit errors) "errors.app.passepartout.connection_module_required" = "Routing module can only be enabled together with a connection."; "errors.app.passepartout.corrupt_provider_module" = "Unable to connect to provider server (reason=%@)."; "errors.app.passepartout.incompatible_modules" = "Some active modules are incompatible, try to only activate one of them."; "errors.app.passepartout.invalid_fields" = "Invalid fields."; "errors.app.passepartout.missing_provider_entity" = "No provider server selected."; "errors.app.passepartout.no_active_modules" = "The profile has no active modules."; "errors.app.passepartout.parsing" = "Unable to parse file."; "errors.app.passepartout.provider_required" = "No provider selected."; "errors.app.passepartout.default" = "Unable to complete operation (code=%@)."; "errors.tunnel.auth" = "Auth failed"; "errors.tunnel.compression" = "Compression unsupported"; "errors.tunnel.dns" = "DNS failed"; "errors.tunnel.encryption" = "Encryption failed"; "errors.tunnel.ineligible" = "Purchase required"; "errors.tunnel.routing" = "Missing routing"; "errors.tunnel.shutdown" = "Server shutdown"; "errors.tunnel.timeout" = "Timeout"; "errors.tunnel.tls" = "TLS failed"; "errors.tunnel.generic" = "Failed"; // MARK: Global (Theme) "theme.confirmation.ok" = "Confirm"; "theme.confirmation.cancel" = "Cancel"; "theme.confirmation.message" = "Are you sure you want to proceed with this operation?"; "theme.lock_screen.reason" = "%@ is locked";