// // Localizable.strings // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 6/13/18. // Copyright (c) 2018 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/keeshux // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // "global.ok" = "OK"; "global.cancel" = "Cancel"; "global.next" = "Next"; "organizer.sections.providers.header" = "Networks"; "organizer.sections.providers.footer" = "Here you find a few public infrastructures offering preset configuration profiles."; "organizer.sections.hosts.header" = "Hosts"; "organizer.sections.hosts.footer" = "Import hosts from raw .ovpn configuration files."; "organizer.cells.profile.value.current" = "In use"; "organizer.cells.add_provider.caption" = "Add new network"; "organizer.cells.add_host.caption" = "Add new host"; "organizer.cells.about.caption" = "About %@"; "organizer.cells.uninstall.caption" = "Delete VPN profile"; "organizer.alerts.exhausted_providers.message" = "You have created profiles for any available network."; "organizer.alerts.add_host.message" = "Open an URL to an .ovpn configuration file from Safari, Mail or another app to set up a host profile."; "organizer.alerts.delete_vpn_profile.message" = "Do you really want to delete the VPN profile from the device?"; "account.suggestion_footer.infrastructure.pia" = "Use your website credentials. Your username is usually numeric with a \"p\" prefix."; "wizards.host.cells.title_input.caption" = "Title"; "wizards.host.cells.title_input.placeholder" = "My Profile"; "wizards.host.sections.existing.header" = "Existing profiles"; "wizards.host.alerts.existing" = "A host profile with the same title already exists. Replace it?"; "wizards.host.alerts.unsupported" = "The configuration file contains an unsupported option (%@)."; "wizards.host.alerts.parsing" = "Unable to parse the provided configuration file (%@)."; "service.welcome.message" = "Welcome to Passepartout!\n\nUse the organizer to add a new profile."; "service.sections.general.header" = "General"; "service.sections.vpn.header" = "VPN"; "service.sections.status.header" = "Connection"; "service.sections.diagnostics.header" = "Diagnostics"; "service.sections.vpn.footer" = "The connection will be established whenever necessary. Tap \"Status\" to enforce a reconnection."; "service.sections.configuration.header" = "Configuration"; "service.sections.provider_infrastructure.footer" = "Last updated on %@."; "service.sections.vpn_survives_sleep.footer" = "Disable to improve battery usage, at the expense of occasional slowdowns due to wake-up reconnections."; "service.sections.vpn_resolves_hostname.footer" = "Preferred in most networks and required in some IPv6 networks. Disable where DNS is blocked, or to speed up negotiation when DNS is slow to respond."; //"service.sections.vpn_prefers_udp.footer" = "UDP is faster than TCP, but may not work in some networks. Disable in networks where UDP might be blocked."; "service.sections.trusted.header" = "Trusted networks"; "service.sections.trusted.footer" = "When entering a trusted network, an existing VPN connection will not be shut down by default. Disable to always enforce a disconnection."; "service.sections.diagnostics.header" = "Diagnostics"; //"service.sections.destruction.footer" = "Delete configuration from device settings."; "service.cells.vpn_service.caption" = "Enabled"; "service.cells.connection_status.caption" = "Status"; "service.cells.use_profile.caption" = "Use this profile"; "service.cells.reconnect.caption" = "Reconnect"; "service.cells.account.caption" = "Account"; "service.cells.account.none" = "None configured"; "service.cells.endpoint.caption" = "Endpoint"; "service.cells.endpoint.value.automatic" = "Automatic"; "service.cells.endpoint.value.manual" = "Manual"; "service.cells.provider.pool.caption" = "Location"; "service.cells.provider.preset.caption" = "Preset"; "service.cells.provider.refresh.caption" = "Refresh infrastructure"; "service.cells.host.parameters.caption" = "Parameters"; "service.cells.host.parameters.value.cipher" = "%@"; "service.cells.host.parameters.value.cipher_digest" = "%@ / %@"; "service.cells.vpn_survives_sleep.caption" = "Keep alive on sleep"; "service.cells.vpn_resolves_hostname.caption" = "Resolve server hostname"; //"service.cells.vpn_prefers_udp.caption" = "Prefer UDP socket"; "service.cells.trusted_mobile.caption" = "Cellular network"; "service.cells.trusted_wifi.caption" = "%@"; "service.cells.trusted_add_wifi.caption" = "Trust current Wi-Fi"; "service.cells.trusted_policy.caption" = "Retain existing connection"; "service.cells.test_connectivity.caption" = "Test connectivity"; "service.cells.data_count.caption" = "Exchanged bytes count"; "service.cells.debug_log.caption" = "Debug log"; "service.alerts.configuration_needed.message" = "You need to finish configuration first."; "service.alerts.reconnect_vpn.message" = "Do you want to reconnect to the VPN?"; "service.alerts.trusted.no_network.message" = "You are not connected to any Wi-Fi network."; "service.alerts.trusted.will_disconnect_trusted.message" = "By trusting this network, the VPN may be disconnected. Continue?"; "service.alerts.trusted.will_disconnect_policy.message" = "By changing the trust policy, the VPN may be disconnected. Continue?"; "service.alerts.test_connectivity.title" = "Connectivity"; "service.alerts.test_connectivity.messages.success" = "Your device is connected to the Internet!"; "service.alerts.test_connectivity.messages.failure" = "Your device has no Internet connectivity, please review your profile parameters."; "service.alerts.data_count.messages.current" = "Received: %llu\nSent: %llu"; "service.alerts.data_count.messages.not_available" = "Information not available, are you connected?"; "account.cells.username.caption" = "Username"; "account.cells.username.placeholder" = "username"; "account.cells.password.caption" = "Password"; "account.cells.password.placeholder" = "secret"; "account.cells.password_confirm.caption" = "Confirm"; "account.cells.password_confirm.mismatch" = "Passwords don't match!"; "endpoint.sections.location_addresses.header" = "Addresses"; "endpoint.sections.location_protocols.header" = "Protocols"; "endpoint.cells.any_address.caption" = "Any"; "endpoint.cells.any_protocol.caption" = "Any"; "provider.preset.cells.tech_details.caption" = "Technical details"; //"provider.preset.sections.main.footer" = "Tap info button to disclose technical details."; "configuration.sections.communication.header" = "Communication"; "configuration.sections.communication.footer.editable" = "Make sure to match server communication parameters, otherwise you will end up with broken connectivity."; "configuration.sections.tls.header" = "TLS"; "configuration.sections.other.header" = "Other"; "configuration.cells.cipher.caption" = "Cipher"; "configuration.cells.digest.caption" = "Authentication"; "configuration.cells.digest.value.embedded" = "Embedded"; "configuration.cells.compression_frame.caption" = "Framing"; "configuration.cells.compression_frame.value.disabled" = "None"; "configuration.cells.compression_frame.value.lzo" = "LZO"; "configuration.cells.compression_frame.value.compress" = "Compress"; "configuration.cells.client.caption" = "Client certificate"; "configuration.cells.client.value.enabled" = "Verified"; "configuration.cells.client.value.disabled" = "Not verified"; "configuration.cells.tls_wrapping.caption" = "Wrapping"; "configuration.cells.tls_wrapping.value.auth" = "Authentication"; "configuration.cells.tls_wrapping.value.crypt" = "Encryption"; "configuration.cells.tls_wrapping.value.disabled" = "Disabled"; "configuration.cells.compression_algorithm.caption" = "Compression"; "configuration.cells.compression_algorithm.value.disabled" = "Disabled"; "configuration.cells.keep_alive.caption" = "Keep-alive"; "configuration.cells.keep_alive.value.seconds" = "%d seconds"; "configuration.cells.keep_alive.value.never" = "Disabled"; "configuration.cells.renegotiation_seconds.caption" = "Renegotiation"; "configuration.cells.renegotiation_seconds.value.after" = "after %@"; "configuration.cells.renegotiation_seconds.value.never" = "Disabled"; "debug_log.buttons.previous" = "Previous"; "debug_log.buttons.next" = "Next"; "debug_log.alerts.empty_log.message" = "The debug log is empty."; "vpn.connecting" = "Connecting"; "vpn.active" = "Active"; "vpn.disconnecting" = "Disconnecting"; "vpn.inactive" = "Inactive"; "vpn.disabled" = "Disabled"; "issue_reporter.title" = "Report an issue"; "issue_reporter.message" = "Do you want to attach the debug log of your latest connections? The log is crucial to resolve your connectivity issues and is completely anonymous."; "issue_reporter.buttons.with_log" = "Attach debug log"; "issue_reporter.buttons.without_log" = "Omit debug log"; "issue_reporter.alerts.email_not_configured.message" = "No e-mail account is configured."; "issue_reporter.email.subject" = "%@ - Report issue"; "issue_reporter.email.body" = "Hi,\n\ndescription of the issue:\n\n%@\n\nRegards"; "about.title" = "About"; "about.sections.info.header" = "General"; "about.sections.source.header" = "Source code"; "about.sections.feedback.header" = "Feedback"; "about.cells.version.caption" = "Version"; "about.cells.discuss_reddit.caption" = "Discuss on Reddit"; "about.cells.write_review.caption" = "Write a review"; "about.cells.website.caption" = "Visit website"; "version.labels.intro" = "Passepartout and TunnelKit are written and maintained by Davide De Rosa (keeshux).\n\nTunnelKit is a native OpenVPN client originally forked from PIATunnel by Private Internet Access.\n\nSource code for Passepartout and TunnelKit is publicly available on GitHub under the GPLv3."; "version.buttons.changelog" = "CHANGELOG"; "credits.title" = "Credits"; "credits.labels.third_parties" = "Passepartout is a non-official client and is in no way affiliated with OpenVPN Inc.\n\nThe logo is taken from the awesome Circle Icons set by Nick Roach.";