// // OnDemandView.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/23/24. // Copyright (c) 2025 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import CommonLibrary import CommonUtils import PassepartoutKit import SwiftUI struct OnDemandView: View, ModuleDraftEditing { @EnvironmentObject private var theme: Theme let module: OnDemandModule.Builder @ObservedObject var editor: ProfileEditor private let wifi: Wifi init( module: OnDemandModule.Builder, parameters: ModuleViewParameters, observer: WifiObserver? = nil ) { self.module = module editor = parameters.editor wifi = Wifi(observer: observer ?? CoreLocationWifiObserver()) } var body: some View { Group { enabledSection rulesArea } .moduleView(editor: editor, draft: draft.wrappedValue) } } private extension OnDemandView { static let allPolicies: [OnDemandModule.Policy] = [ .any, .excluding, .including ] var enabledSection: some View { Section { Toggle(Strings.Global.Nouns.enabled, isOn: draft.isEnabled) } } @ViewBuilder var rulesArea: some View { if draft.wrappedValue.isEnabled { policySection if draft.wrappedValue.policy != .any { networkSection wifiSection } } } var policySection: some View { Picker(selection: draft.policy) { ForEach(Self.allPolicies, id: \.self) { Text($0.localizedDescription) } } label: { HStack { Text(Strings.Modules.OnDemand.policy) PurchaseRequiredView(for: module) } } .themeSectionWithSingleRow(footer: policyFooterDescription) } var policyFooterDescription: String { guard draft.wrappedValue.isEnabled else { return "" // better animation than removing footer completely } let suffix: String switch draft.wrappedValue.policy { case .any: suffix = Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Policy.Footer.any case .including, .excluding: if draft.wrappedValue.policy == .including { suffix = Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Policy.Footer.including } else { suffix = Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Policy.Footer.excluding } @unknown default: suffix = Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Policy.Footer.any } return Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Policy.footer(suffix) } var networkSection: some View { Group { if Utils.hasCellularData() { Toggle(Strings.Modules.OnDemand.mobile, isOn: draft.withMobileNetwork) } if Utils.hasEthernet() { Toggle(Strings.Modules.OnDemand.ethernet, isOn: draft.withEthernetNetwork) } } .themeSection(header: Strings.Global.Nouns.networks) } var wifiSection: some View { theme.listSection( Strings.Unlocalized.wifi, addTitle: Strings.Modules.OnDemand.Ssid.add, originalItems: allSSIDs, emptyValue: { do { return try await wifi.currentSSID() } catch { return "" } }, itemLabel: { isEditing, binding in if isEditing { Text(binding.wrappedValue) } else { HStack { ThemeTextField("", text: binding, placeholder: Strings.Placeholders.OnDemand.ssid) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) .themeManualInput() Spacer() Toggle("", isOn: isSSIDOn(binding.wrappedValue)) } .labelsHidden() } } ) } } private extension OnDemandView { var allSSIDs: Binding<[String]> { .init { Array(draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.keys) } set: { newValue in draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.forEach { guard newValue.contains($0.key) else { draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.removeValue(forKey: $0.key) return } } newValue.forEach { guard draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0] == nil else { return } draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0] = false } } } var onSSIDs: Binding> { .init { Set(draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.filter { $0.value }.map(\.key)) } set: { newValue in draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.forEach { guard newValue.contains($0.key) else { if draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0.key] != nil { draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0.key] = false } else { draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.removeValue(forKey: $0.key) } return } } newValue.forEach { guard !(draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0] ?? false) else { return } draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[$0] = true } } } func isSSIDOn(_ ssid: String) -> Binding { .init { draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[ssid] ?? false } set: { draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs[ssid] = $0 } } } private extension OnDemandView { func requestSSID(_ text: Binding) { Task { @MainActor in let ssid = try await wifi.currentSSID() if !draft.wrappedValue.withSSIDs.keys.contains(ssid) { text.wrappedValue = ssid } } } } // MARK: - Previews #Preview { var module = OnDemandModule.Builder() module.policy = .excluding module.withMobileNetwork = true module.withSSIDs = [ "One": true, "Two": false, "Three": false ] return module.preview { OnDemandView( module: $0, parameters: .init( editor: $1, preferences: ModulePreferences(), impl: nil ), observer: MockWifi() ) } } private class MockWifi: WifiObserver { func currentSSID() async throws -> String { "" } }