// // DefaultUpgradeManagerStrategy.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 3/20/22. // Copyright (c) 2023 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import Foundation import GenericJSON import PassepartoutCore import PassepartoutProviders import PassepartoutVPN import TunnelKitCore import TunnelKitManager import TunnelKitOpenVPNCore private typealias Map = [String: Any] private enum UpgradeError: Error { case json case missingId case missingOpenVPNConfiguration case missingHostname case missingEndpointProtocols case missingProviderName } public final class DefaultUpgradeManagerStrategy: UpgradeManagerStrategy { public init() { } } // MARK: Migrate old store extension DefaultUpgradeManagerStrategy { private enum LegacyStoreKey: String, KeyStoreLocation, CaseIterable { case activeProfileId case launchesOnLogin case isStatusMenuEnabled case isShowingFavorites case confirmsQuit case logFormat case tunnelLogFormat case masksPrivateData case didHandleSubreddit case persistenceAuthor case didMigrateToV2 case other1 = "MasksPrivateData" case other2 = "DidHandleSubreddit" case other3 = "Convenience.Reviewer.LastVersion" case other4 = "didMigrateKeychainContext" var key: String { rawValue } } public func doMigrateStore(_ store: KeyValueStore, didMigrate: inout Bool) { if !didMigrate { guard let legacyDidMigrateToV2: Bool = store.value(forLocation: LegacyStoreKey.didMigrateToV2) else { return } didMigrate = legacyDidMigrateToV2 } LegacyStoreKey.allCases.forEach { store.removeValue(forLocation: $0) } } } // MARK: Migrate to version 2 extension DefaultUpgradeManagerStrategy { private var appGroup: String { "group.com.algoritmico.Passepartout" } public func migratedProfilesToV2() -> [Profile] { var migrated: [Profile] = [] pp_log.info("Migrating data to v2") let fm = FileManager.default guard let documents = fm.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: appGroup)? .appendingPathComponent("Documents") else { pp_log.info("No data to migrate") return [] } let cs = documents.appendingPathComponent("ConnectionService.json") let hostsFolder = documents.appendingPathComponent("Hosts") let providersFolder = documents.appendingPathComponent("Providers") do { let csJSON = try cs.asJSON() // pp_log.error(csJSON) do { var authUserPassUUIDs: Set = [] for host in try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: hostsFolder, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) { guard host.isFileURL && host.pathExtension == "ovpn" else { continue } do { let uuid = host.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent let content = try String(contentsOf: host) if content.contains("auth-user-pass") { authUserPassUUIDs.insert(uuid) } } catch { pp_log.warning("Unable to read host profile .ovpn: \(host)") } } // print(">>> authUserPassUUIDs: \(authUserPassUUIDs)") for host in try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: hostsFolder, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) { guard host.isFileURL && host.pathExtension == "json" else { continue } do { let json = try host.asJSON() // pp_log.error(json) let result = try migratedV1Profile(csJSON, hostMap: json, authUserPass: authUserPassUUIDs) // pp_log.info(result.profile) // print(">>> Account: \(result.profile.username) -> \(result.password)") migrated.append(result) } catch { pp_log.warning("Unable to migrate host profile: \(host)") continue } } } catch { pp_log.warning(error) } do { for provider in try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: providersFolder, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) { guard provider.isFileURL && provider.pathExtension == "json" else { continue } do { let json = try provider.asJSON() // pp_log.error(json) let result = try migratedV1Profile(csJSON, providerMap: json) // pp_log.info(result.profile) // print(">>> Account: \(result.profile.username) -> \(result.password)") migrated.append(result) } catch { pp_log.warning("Unable to migrate provider profile: \(provider)") continue } } } catch { pp_log.warning(error) } } catch { pp_log.warning(error) } return migrated } // SHARED // // username/password ("username") // trusted networks ("trustedNetworks") // network settings ("networkChoices", "manualNetworkSettings") // // HOST // // provider configuration ("parameters") -- not crucial // custom endpoint ("parameters"?) -- not crucial // ovpn configuration ("parameters" -> "sessionConfiguration") // private func migratedV1Profile(_ cs: Map, hostMap: Map, authUserPass: Set) throws -> Profile { guard let oldUUIDString = hostMap["id"] as? String else { throw UpgradeError.missingId } let name = (cs["hostTitles"] as? Map)?[oldUUIDString] as? String ?? oldUUIDString let header = Profile.Header(name: name) // new UUID // configuration guard let params = hostMap["parameters"] as? Map else { throw UpgradeError.missingOpenVPNConfiguration } guard var ovpn = params["sessionConfiguration"] as? Map else { throw UpgradeError.missingOpenVPNConfiguration } guard let hostname = ovpn["hostname"] as? String else { throw UpgradeError.missingHostname } guard let rawEps = ovpn["endpointProtocols"] as? [String] else { throw UpgradeError.missingEndpointProtocols } let eps = rawEps.compactMap(EndpointProtocol.init(rawValue:)) ovpn["remotes"] = eps.map { [hostname, $0.description].joined(separator: ":") } ovpn["authUserPass"] = authUserPass.contains(oldUUIDString) let cfg = try JSON(ovpn).decode(OpenVPN.Configuration.self) // keychain let username = hostMap["username"] as? String ?? "" let password = migratedV1Password(forProfileId: oldUUIDString, profileType: "host", username: username) var profile = Profile(header, configuration: cfg) var account = Profile.Account() account.username = username account.password = password profile.account = account // shared profile.onDemand = migratedV1TrustedNetworks(hostMap) profile.networkSettings = migratedV1NetworkSettings(hostMap) return profile } // HOST // // poolId -- not crucial // presetId // favoriteGroupIds // private func migratedV1Profile(_ cs: Map, providerMap: Map) throws -> Profile { guard let name = providerMap["name"] as? String else { throw UpgradeError.missingProviderName } let header = Profile.Header(name: name, providerName: name) var provider = Profile.Provider(name) // keychain var account = Profile.Account() account.username = providerMap["username"] as? String ?? "" account.password = migratedV1Password(forProfileId: name, profileType: "provider", username: account.username) // provider configuration var settings = Profile.Provider.Settings() if let apiId = providerMap["poolId"] as? String { settings.serverId = ProviderServer.id(withName: name, vpnProtocol: .openVPN, apiId: apiId) } settings.presetId = providerMap["presetId"] as? String let favoriteGroupIds = providerMap["favoriteGroupIds"] as? [String] ?? [] settings.favoriteLocationIds = Set(favoriteGroupIds.compactMap { [ name, $0.replacingOccurrences(of: "/", with: ":") ].joined(separator: ":") }) settings.account = account provider.vpnSettings[.openVPN] = settings var profile = Profile(header, provider: provider) // shared profile.onDemand = migratedV1TrustedNetworks(providerMap) profile.networkSettings = migratedV1NetworkSettings(providerMap) return profile } private func migratedV1Password(forProfileId profileId: String, profileType: String, username: String) -> String { let keychain = Keychain(group: appGroup) let passwordContext = [Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, profileType, profileId].joined(separator: ".") do { return try keychain.password(for: username, context: passwordContext) } catch { return "" } } private func migratedV1TrustedNetworks(_ map: Map) -> Profile.OnDemand { var onDemand = Profile.OnDemand() onDemand.isEnabled = true if let trusted = map["trustedNetworks"] as? Map { onDemand.withMobileNetwork = trusted["includesMobile"] as? Bool ?? false onDemand.withEthernetNetwork = trusted["includesEthernet"] as? Bool ?? false onDemand.withSSIDs = trusted["includedWiFis"] as? [String: Bool] ?? [:] if let rawPolicy = trusted["policy"] as? String, let policy = Profile.OnDemand.Policy(rawValue: rawPolicy) { onDemand.policy = policy } } return onDemand } private func migratedV1NetworkSettings(_ map: Map) -> Profile.NetworkSettings { var settings = Profile.NetworkSettings() if let choices = map["networkChoices"] as? Map { settings.gateway.choice = migratedV1Choice(choices, key: "gateway") settings.dns.choice = migratedV1Choice(choices, key: "dns") settings.proxy.choice = migratedV1Choice(choices, key: "proxy") settings.mtu.choice = migratedV1Choice(choices, key: "mtu") } if let manual = map["manualNetworkSettings"] as? Map { // gateway settings.gateway.isDefaultIPv4 = (manual["gatewayPolicies"] as? [String])?.contains("IPv4") ?? false settings.gateway.isDefaultIPv6 = (manual["gatewayPolicies"] as? [String])?.contains("IPv6") ?? false // dns (manual["dnsProtocol"] as? String).map { settings.dns.configurationType = .init(rawValue: $0) ?? .plain } settings.dns.dnsServers = manual["dnsServers"] as? [String] ?? [] settings.dns.dnsSearchDomains = manual["dnsSearchDomains"] as? [String] ?? [] (manual["dnsHTTPSURL"] as? String).map { settings.dns.dnsHTTPSURL = URL(string: $0) } settings.dns.dnsTLSServerName = manual["dnsTLSServerName"] as? String // proxy settings.proxy.proxyAddress = manual["proxyAddress"] as? String settings.proxy.proxyPort = manual["proxyPort"] as? UInt16 (manual["proxyAutoConfigurationURL"] as? String).map { settings.proxy.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = URL(string: $0) } settings.proxy.proxyBypassDomains = manual["proxyBypassDomains"] as? [String] ?? [] // mtu settings.mtu.mtuBytes = manual["mtuBytes"] as? Int ?? 0 } return settings } private func migratedV1Choice(_ map: Map, key: String) -> Network.Choice { (map[key] as? String) == "manual" ? .manual : .automatic } } private extension URL { func asJSON() throws -> Map { let data = try Data(contentsOf: self) guard let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? Map else { throw UpgradeError.json } return json } }