// // VPNProviderServer+Content+iOS.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 10/9/24. // Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // #if os(iOS) import CommonAPI import CommonLibrary import PassepartoutKit import SwiftUI import UIAccessibility extension VPNProviderServerView { struct ContentView: View { let apis: [APIMapper] let providerId: ProviderID let servers: [VPNServer] let selectedServer: VPNServer? let isFiltering: Bool @ObservedObject var filtersViewModel: VPNFiltersView.Model @ObservedObject var providerPreferences: ProviderPreferences let selectTitle: String let onSelect: (VPNServer) -> Void @State private var serversByCountryCode: [String: [VPNServer]] = [:] @State private var expandedCodes: Set = [] var body: some View { debugChanges() return listView .themeAnimation(on: isFiltering, category: .providers) .onChange(of: servers, perform: computeServersByCountry) } } } private extension VPNProviderServerView.ContentView { var listView: some View { List { Section { Toggle(Strings.Views.Providers.onlyFavorites, isOn: $filtersViewModel.onlyShowsFavorites) RefreshInfrastructureButton(apis: apis, providerId: providerId) } Group { if isFiltering || !servers.isEmpty { if isFiltering { ProgressView() .id(UUID()) } else { ForEach(countryCodes, id: \.self, content: countryView) } } else { emptyView } } .themeSection( header: filtersViewModel.filters.categoryName ?? Strings.Views.Vpn.Category.any ) .onLoad { if let selectedServer { expandedCodes.insert(selectedServer.provider.countryCode) } } } } func countryView(for code: String) -> some View { serversByCountryCode[code] .map { servers in DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: isExpandedCountry(code)) { ForEach(servers, id: \.id, content: serverView) } label: { ThemeCountryText(code) } .uiAccessibility(.VPNServers.countryGroup) } } func serverView(for server: VPNServer) -> some View { Button { onSelect(server) } label: { HStack { ThemeImage(.marked) .opaque(server.id == selectedServer?.id) VStack(alignment: .leading) { if let area = server.provider.area { Text(area) .font(.headline) } Text(server.hostname ?? server.serverId) .font(.subheadline) .truncationMode(.middle) } Spacer() FavoriteToggle( value: server.serverId, selection: providerPreferences.favoriteServers() ) } } } var emptyView: some View { Text(Strings.Views.Vpn.noServers) } } private extension VPNProviderServerView.ContentView { var countryCodes: [String] { filtersViewModel .countries .map(\.code) } func isExpandedCountry(_ code: String) -> Binding { Binding { expandedCodes.contains(code) } set: { if $0 { expandedCodes.insert(code) } else { expandedCodes.remove(code) } } } func computeServersByCountry(_ servers: [VPNServer]) { var map: [String: [VPNServer]] = [:] servers.forEach { let code = $0.provider.countryCode var list = map[code] ?? [] list.append($0) map[code] = list } serversByCountryCode = map } } #endif