// // ProviderLocationView.swift // Passepartout // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/19/22. // Copyright (c) 2023 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of Passepartout. // // Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Passepartout. If not, see . // import PassepartoutLibrary import SwiftUI struct ProviderLocationView: View, ProviderProfileAvailability { @ObservedObject var providerManager: ProviderManager @ObservedObject private var currentProfile: ObservableProfile private let isEditable: Bool @Binding private var selectedServer: ProviderServer? @Binding private var favoriteLocationIds: Set? @AppStorage(AppPreference.isShowingFavorites.key) private var isShowingFavorites = false var profile: Profile { currentProfile.value } init(currentProfile: ObservableProfile, isEditable: Bool, isPresented: Binding) { let providerManager: ProviderManager = .shared self.providerManager = providerManager self.currentProfile = currentProfile self.isEditable = isEditable _selectedServer = currentProfile.selectedServerBinding(providerManager: providerManager, isPresented: isPresented) _favoriteLocationIds = currentProfile.providerFavoriteLocationIdsBinding } var body: some View { debugChanges() return Group { if isProviderProfileAvailable { mainView } else { EmptyView() } }.toolbar { Button { withAnimation { isShowingFavorites.toggle() } } label: { themeFavoritesImage(isShowingFavorites).asSystemImage } }.navigationTitle(L10n.Provider.Location.title) } } extension ProviderLocationView { struct LocationRow: View { let location: ProviderLocation let selectedLocationId: String? var body: some View { HStack { themeAssetsCountryImage(location.countryCode).asAssetImage VStack { if let singleServer = location.onlyServer, let shortServerDescription = singleServer.localizedDescription(optionalStyle: .short) { Text(location.localizedDescription(style: .country)) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) Text(shortServerDescription) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } else { Text(location.localizedDescription(style: .country)) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } }.withTrailingCheckmark(when: location.id == selectedLocationId) }.frame(height: 60) } } struct ServerListView: View { @ObservedObject private var providerManager: ProviderManager private let location: ProviderLocation @Binding private var selectedServer: ProviderServer? init(location: ProviderLocation, selectedServer: Binding) { providerManager = .shared self.location = location _selectedServer = selectedServer } var body: some View { ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in List { ForEach(servers) { server in Button(server.localizedDescription(style: .shortWithDefault)) { selectedServer = server }.withTrailingCheckmark(when: server.id == selectedServer?.id) } }.onAppear { scrollToSelectedServer(scrollProxy) } } } } } // MARK: - private extension ProviderLocationView { var providerName: ProviderName { guard let name = currentProfile.value.header.providerName else { assertionFailure("Not a provider") return "" } return name } var vpnProtocol: VPNProtocolType { currentProfile.value.currentVPNProtocol } var mainView: some View { // FIXME: layout, restore ScrollViewReader, but content inside it is not re-rendered on isShowingFavorites // ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in List { if !isShowingEmptyFavorites { categoriesView } else { emptyFavoritesSection } // }.onAppear { // scrollToSelectedLocation(scrollProxy) } // } } var categoriesView: some View { ForEach(categories, content: categorySection) } func categorySection(_ category: ProviderCategory) -> some View { Section { ForEach(filteredLocations(for: category)) { location in if isEditable { locationRow(location) .swipeActions(edge: .trailing, allowsFullSwipe: false) { favoriteActions(location) } } else { locationRow(location) } } } header: { !category.name.isEmpty ? Text(category.name) : nil } } @ViewBuilder func locationRow(_ location: ProviderLocation) -> some View { if let onlyServer = location.onlyServer { singleServerRow(location, onlyServer) } else if profile.providerRandomizesServer ?? false { singleServerRow(location, nil) } else { multipleServersRow(location) } } func multipleServersRow(_ location: ProviderLocation) -> some View { NavigationLink(destination: { ServerListView( location: location, selectedServer: $selectedServer ).navigationTitle(location.localizedDescription(style: .country)) }, label: { LocationRow( location: location, selectedLocationId: selectedServer?.locationId ) }) } func singleServerRow(_ location: ProviderLocation, _ server: ProviderServer?) -> some View { Button { selectedServer = server ?? location.servers?.randomElement() } label: { LocationRow( location: location, selectedLocationId: selectedServer?.locationId ) } } func favoriteActions(_ location: ProviderLocation) -> some View { Button { withAnimation { toggleFavoriteLocation(location) } } label: { themeFavoriteActionImage(!isFavoriteLocation(location)).asSystemImage }.themePrimaryTintStyle() } var emptyFavoritesSection: some View { Section { } footer: { Text(L10n.Provider.Location.Sections.EmptyFavorites.footer) } } var isShowingEmptyFavorites: Bool { guard isShowingFavorites else { return false } return favoriteLocationIds?.isEmpty ?? true } } private extension ProviderLocationView { func server(withId serverId: String) -> ProviderServer? { providerManager.server(withId: serverId) } var categories: [ProviderCategory] { providerManager.categories(providerName, vpnProtocol: vpnProtocol) .filter { !filteredLocations(for: $0).isEmpty }.sorted() } func filteredLocations(for category: ProviderCategory) -> [ProviderLocation] { let locations: [ProviderLocation] if isShowingFavorites { locations = category.locations.filter { favoriteLocationIds?.contains($0.id) ?? false } } else { locations = category.locations } return locations.sorted() } func isFavoriteLocation(_ location: ProviderLocation) -> Bool { favoriteLocationIds?.contains(location.id) ?? false } } private extension ProviderLocationView.ServerListView { var servers: [ProviderServer] { providerManager.servers(forLocation: location).sorted() } } // MARK: - private extension ProviderLocationView { func toggleFavoriteLocation(_ location: ProviderLocation) { if !isFavoriteLocation(location) { if favoriteLocationIds == nil { favoriteLocationIds = [location.id] } else { favoriteLocationIds?.insert(location.id) } } else { favoriteLocationIds?.remove(location.id) } // may trigger view updates? // pp_log.debug("New favorite locations: \(favoriteLocationIds ?? [])") } } private extension ProviderLocationView { func scrollToSelectedLocation(_ proxy: ScrollViewProxy) { proxy.maybeScrollTo(selectedServer?.locationId) } } private extension ProviderLocationView.ServerListView { func scrollToSelectedServer(_ proxy: ScrollViewProxy) { proxy.maybeScrollTo(selectedServer?.id) } } // MARK: - Bindings private extension ObservableProfile { func selectedServerBinding(providerManager: ProviderManager, isPresented: Binding) -> Binding { .init { guard let serverId = self.value.providerServerId else { return nil } return providerManager.server(withId: serverId) } set: { // user never selects a nil server guard let server = $0 else { return } self.value.setProviderServer(server) isPresented.wrappedValue = false } } var providerFavoriteLocationIdsBinding: Binding?> { .init { self.value.providerFavoriteLocationIds } set: { self.value.providerFavoriteLocationIds = $0 } } }