Davide 1491766102
Per-profile iCloud syncing ()
Keep two separate stores to accomplish per-profile sharing:

- Local store, where to push updates manually (save/remove/search)
- Remote iCloud store, where to pull updates from

A profile can be added/removed to/from the iCloud store so that other
devices can push/pull updates to it.

Consequently, updates to the iCloud store will NEVER cause a profile
deletion. Once removed, the profile will stay locally.

2024-10-03 18:41:27 +02:00
Profiles.xcdatamodeld Per-profile iCloud syncing () 2024-10-03 18:41:27 +02:00
CDProfile.swift Per-profile iCloud syncing () 2024-10-03 18:41:27 +02:00
CDProfileRepositoryV2.swift Per-profile iCloud syncing () 2024-10-03 18:41:27 +02:00
LegacyV2.swift Per-profile iCloud syncing () 2024-10-03 18:41:27 +02:00