Davide ffb8829f4f
Reorganize Core Data containers (#1017)
Before anything, remove any code related to App Group containers from
tvOS target because they are not available. Include the beta receipt
override, it's broken for that reason.

In short:

- Store all Core Data containers locally. Do not use the App Group for
Core Data for consistency across platforms.
- Store logs in the App Group on iOS/macOS, but locally on tvOS (see

Then, rather than one container per model, merge models into:

- Local: Providers
- Remote: Profiles + Preferences (now in the same CloudKit container)

Reuse the remote model for backups too.

This change is safe because:

- Local profiles are stored via Network Extension in the keychain, not
Core Data
- Remote profiles are re-imported via CloudKit sync
- Providers are re-downloaded on first use
- Preferences are lost, but they are "cheap" data
- Profile backups are lost, but they were hidden anyway
2024-12-15 20:20:33 +01:00

157 lines
5.7 KiB

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