mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 01:42:04 +00:00
- Present paywall only on save/connect because PurchaseRequiredButton instances were presenting paywalls with partial requirements - Retain PurchaseRequiredButton just to flag paid features visually, but do nothing on tap - Suggest paywall products via IAPManager and required features, rather than from views - Handle .sharing/.appleTV requirements in ProfileCoordinator, rather than in StorageSection - Discontinue platform purchases, but treat as full if iOS + macOS
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// IAPManager.swift
// Passepartout
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 9/10/24.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/passepartoutvpn
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import Combine
import CommonUtils
import Foundation
import PassepartoutKit
public final class IAPManager: ObservableObject {
private let customUserLevel: AppUserLevel?
private let inAppHelper: any AppProductHelper
private let receiptReader: AppReceiptReader
private let betaChecker: BetaChecker
private let unrestrictedFeatures: Set<AppFeature>
private let productsAtBuild: BuildProducts<AppProduct>?
private(set) var userLevel: AppUserLevel
public private(set) var purchasedAppBuild: Int?
public private(set) var purchasedProducts: Set<AppProduct>
public private(set) var eligibleFeatures: Set<AppFeature>
private var pendingReceiptTask: Task<Void, Never>?
private var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable>
public init(
customUserLevel: AppUserLevel? = nil,
inAppHelper: any AppProductHelper,
receiptReader: AppReceiptReader,
betaChecker: BetaChecker,
unrestrictedFeatures: Set<AppFeature> = [],
productsAtBuild: BuildProducts<AppProduct>? = nil
) {
self.customUserLevel = customUserLevel
self.inAppHelper = inAppHelper
self.receiptReader = receiptReader
self.betaChecker = betaChecker
self.unrestrictedFeatures = unrestrictedFeatures
self.productsAtBuild = productsAtBuild
userLevel = .undefined
purchasedProducts = []
eligibleFeatures = []
subscriptions = []
// MARK: - Actions
extension IAPManager {
public func purchasableProducts(for products: [AppProduct]) async throws -> [InAppProduct] {
do {
let inAppProducts = try await inAppHelper.fetchProducts()
return products.compactMap {
} catch {
pp_log(.App.iap, .error, "Unable to fetch in-app products: \(error)")
throw error
public func purchase(_ purchasableProduct: InAppProduct) async throws -> InAppPurchaseResult {
let result = try await inAppHelper.purchase(purchasableProduct)
if result == .done {
await receiptReader.addPurchase(with: purchasableProduct.productIdentifier)
await reloadReceipt()
return result
public func restorePurchases() async throws {
try await inAppHelper.restorePurchases()
await reloadReceipt()
public func reloadReceipt() async {
if let pendingReceiptTask {
await pendingReceiptTask.value
pendingReceiptTask = Task {
await fetchLevelIfNeeded()
await asyncReloadReceipt()
await pendingReceiptTask?.value
pendingReceiptTask = nil
// MARK: - Eligibility
extension IAPManager {
public var isRestricted: Bool {
public func isEligible(for feature: AppFeature) -> Bool {
public func isEligible<C>(for features: C) -> Bool where C: Collection, C.Element == AppFeature {
if features.isEmpty {
return true
return features.allSatisfy(eligibleFeatures.contains)
public var isEligibleForFeedback: Bool {
#if os(tvOS)
userLevel == .beta || isPayingUser
public var isPayingUser: Bool {
// MARK: - Receipt
private extension IAPManager {
func asyncReloadReceipt() async {
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "Start reloading in-app receipt...")
var purchasedAppBuild: Int?
var purchasedProducts: Set<AppProduct> = []
var eligibleFeatures: Set<AppFeature> = []
if let receipt = await receiptReader.receipt(at: userLevel) {
if let originalBuildNumber = receipt.originalBuildNumber {
purchasedAppBuild = originalBuildNumber
if let purchasedAppBuild {
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "Original purchased build: \(purchasedAppBuild)")
// assume some purchases by build number
let entitled = productsAtBuild?(purchasedAppBuild) ?? []
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "Entitled features: \(entitled.map(\.rawValue))")
entitled.forEach {
if let iapReceipts = receipt.purchaseReceipts {
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "Process in-app purchase receipts...")
let products: [AppProduct] = iapReceipts.compactMap {
guard let pid = $0.productIdentifier else {
return nil
guard let product = AppProduct(rawValue: pid) else {
pp_log(.App.iap, .debug, "\tDiscard unknown product identifier: \(pid)")
return nil
if let expirationDate = $0.expirationDate {
let now = Date()
pp_log(.App.iap, .debug, "\t\(pid) [expiration date: \(expirationDate), now: \(now)]")
if now >= expirationDate {
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "\t\(pid) [expired on: \(expirationDate)]")
return nil
if let cancellationDate = $0.cancellationDate {
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "\t\(pid) [cancelled on: \(cancellationDate)]")
return nil
if let purchaseDate = $0.originalPurchaseDate {
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "\t\(pid) [purchased on: \(purchaseDate)]")
return product
products.forEach {
eligibleFeatures = purchasedProducts.reduce(into: []) { eligible, product in
product.features.forEach {
} else {
pp_log(.App.iap, .error, "Could not parse App Store receipt!")
userLevel.features.forEach {
unrestrictedFeatures.forEach {
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "Finished reloading in-app receipt for user level \(userLevel)")
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "\tPurchased build number: \(purchasedAppBuild?.description ?? "unknown")")
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "\tPurchased products: \(purchasedProducts.map(\.rawValue))")
pp_log(.App.iap, .notice, "\tEligible features: \(eligibleFeatures)")
self.purchasedAppBuild = purchasedAppBuild
self.purchasedProducts = purchasedProducts
self.eligibleFeatures = eligibleFeatures // @Published -> objectWillChange.send()
// MARK: - Observation
extension IAPManager {
public func observeObjects() {
Task {
await fetchLevelIfNeeded()
do {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] in
Task {
await self?.reloadReceipt()
.store(in: &subscriptions)
let products = try await inAppHelper.fetchProducts()
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "Available in-app products: \(products.map(\.key))")
} catch {
pp_log(.App.iap, .error, "Unable to fetch in-app products: \(error)")
private extension IAPManager {
func fetchLevelIfNeeded() async {
guard userLevel == .undefined else {
if let customUserLevel {
userLevel = customUserLevel
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "App level (custom): \(userLevel)")
let isBeta = await betaChecker.isBeta()
guard userLevel == .undefined else {
userLevel = isBeta ? .beta : .freemium
pp_log(.App.iap, .info, "App level: \(userLevel)")