Davide 41de48789e
Show in Mac status bar plus Login Item (#773)
Add a status menu via SwiftUI MenuBarExtra where to:

- Show/hide app
- Launch on login via "Login Item" target
- Toggle profiles on/off

Only weird that the login item is not added to the list of "Open at
Login", but to "Allow in the Background", see

Requires some refactoring to bring AppContext initialization to the

Fixes #617
Fixes #482 
Fixes #696 
Fixes #505
2024-10-29 11:40:11 +01:00

290 lines
11 KiB

// MARK: Global
"global.about" = "About";
"global.account" = "Account";
"global.address" = "Address";
"global.addresses" = "Addresses";
"global.any" = "Any";
"global.cancel" = "Cancel";
"global.category" = "Category";
"global.certificate" = "Certificate";
"global.compression" = "Compression";
"global.connect" = "Connect";
"global.connection" = "Connection";
"" = "Country";
"global.default" = "Default";
"global.destination" = "Destination";
"global.disable" = "Disable";
"global.disabled" = "Disabled";
"global.disconnect" = "Disconnect";
"global.domain" = "Domain";
"global.done" = "Done";
"global.do_not_ask_again" = "Don't ask again";
"global.duplicate" = "Duplicate";
"global.edit" = "Edit";
"global.empty" = "Empty";
"global.enable" = "Enable";
"global.enabled" = "Enabled";
"global.endpoint" = "Endpoint";
"global.filters" = "Filters";
"global.folder" = "Folder";
"global.gateway" = "Gateway";
"global.general" = "General";
"global.hide" = "Hide";
"global.hostname" = "Hostname";
"global.interface" = "Interface";
"global.keep_alive" = "Keep-alive";
"global.key" = "Key";
"global.loading" = "Loading";
"global.method" = "Method";
"global.modules" = "Modules";
"global.n_seconds" = "%d seconds";
"" = "Name";
"global.networks" = "Networks";
"global.no_content" = "No content";
"global.no_selection" = "No selection";
"global.none" = "None";
"global.ok" = "OK";
"global.on_demand" = "On-demand";
"global.other" = "Other";
"global.password" = "Password";
"global.port" = "Port";
"global.private_key" = "Private key";
"global.profile" = "Profile";
"global.protocol" = "Protocol";
"global.provider" = "Provider";
"global.public_key" = "Public key";
"global.purchase" = "Purchase";
"global.region" = "Region";
"global.remove" = "Delete";
"global.restart" = "Restart";
"global.route" = "Route";
"global.routes" = "Routes";
"global.routing" = "Routing";
"" = "Save";
"global.server" = "Server";
"global.servers" = "Servers";
"global.settings" = "Settings";
"" = "Show";
"global.status" = "Status";
"" = "Storage";
"global.subnet" = "Subnet";
"global.unknown" = "Unknown";
"global.username" = "Username";
"global.version" = "Version";
// MARK: - Entities
"entities.dns.servers" = "Servers";
"entities.dns.search_domains" = "Search domains";
"entities.dns_protocol.cleartext" = "Cleartext";
"entities.dns_protocol.https" = "Over HTTPS";
"entities.dns_protocol.tls" = "Over TLS";
"entities.http_proxy.bypass_domains" = "Bypass domains";
"entities.on_demand.policy.any" = "All networks";
"entities.on_demand.policy.excluding" = "Excluding";
"entities.on_demand.policy.including" = "Including";
"entities.openvpn.compression_algorithm.other" = "Unsupported";
"entities.openvpn.otp_method.none" = "None";
"entities.openvpn.otp_method.append" = "Append";
"entities.openvpn.otp_method.encode" = "Encode";
"" = "New profile";
"entities.tunnel_status.inactive" = "Inactive";
"entities.tunnel_status.activating" = "Activating";
"" = "Active";
"entities.tunnel_status.deactivating" = "Deactivating";
"entities.connection_status.disconnected" = "Disconnected";
"entities.connection_status.connecting" = "Connecting";
"entities.connection_status.connected" = "Connected";
"entities.connection_status.disconnecting" = "Disconnecting";
// MARK: - Entity placeholders
"" = "My profile";
"placeholders.on_demand.ssid" = "My SSID";
"placeholders.username" = "username";
"placeholders.secret" = "secret";
// MARK: - Theme
"theme.confirmation.message" = "Are you sure?";
// MARK: - Views
"views.profiles.rows.not_installed" = "Select a profile";
"views.profiles.rows.modules" = "%d modules";
"views.profiles.folders.active_profile" = "Installed profile";
"views.profiles.folders.default" = "My profiles";
"views.profiles.folders.add_profile" = "Add profile";
"views.profiles.folders.no_profiles" = "No profiles";
"views.profiles.toolbar.new_profile" = "New profile";
"views.profiles.toolbar.import_profile" = "Import profile";
"views.profiles.errors.tunnel" = "Unable to execute tunnel operation.";
"views.profiles.errors.duplicate" = "Unable to duplicate profile '%@'.";
"views.profiles.errors.import" = "Unable to import profiles.";
"views.profile.rows.add_module" = "Add module";
"views.profile.module_list.section.footer" = "Drag modules to rearrange them, as their order determines priority.";
"views.settings.sections.icloud.footer" = "To erase the iCloud store securely, do so on all your synced devices. This will not affect local profiles.";
"views.settings.rows.confirm_quit" = "Ask before quit";
"views.settings.rows.lock_in_background" = "Lock in background";
"views.settings.rows.lock_in_background.message" = "Passepartout is locked";
"views.settings.rows.erase_icloud" = "Erase iCloud store";
"views.about.title" = "About";
"views.about.sections.resources" = "Resources";
"views.about.links.title" = "Links";
"" = "Support";
"views.about.links.sections.web" = "Web";
"views.about.links.rows.join_community" = "Join community";
"views.about.links.rows.write_review" = "Write a review";
"views.about.links.rows.home_page" = "Home page";
"views.about.links.rows.disclaimer" = "Disclaimer";
"views.about.links.rows.privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy";
"views.about.credits.title" = "Credits";
"views.about.credits.licenses" = "Licenses";
"views.about.credits.notices" = "Notices";
"views.about.credits.translations" = "Translations";
"views.donate.title" = "Make a donation";
"views.diagnostics.title" = "Diagnostics";
"" = "Live log";
"views.diagnostics.sections.tunnel" = "Tunnel logs";
"" = "App";
"views.diagnostics.rows.tunnel" = "Tunnel";
"views.diagnostics.rows.include_private_data" = "Include private data";
"views.diagnostics.rows.remove_tunnel_logs" = "Delete all logs";
"views.diagnostics.openvpn.rows.server_configuration" = "Server configuration";
"views.diagnostics.report_issue.title" = "Report issue";
"" = "The device is not configured to send e-mails.";
// MARK: - Module views
"" = "Profiles are stored to iCloud encrypted.";
"modules.general.rows.icloud_sharing" = "Shared on iCloud";
"modules.general.rows.import_from_file" = "Import from file...";
"modules.dns.servers.add" = "Add address";
"modules.dns.search_domains.add" = "Add domain";
"modules.http_proxy.bypass_domains.add" = "Add bypass domain";
"modules.ip.routes.include" = "Include route";
"modules.ip.routes.exclude" = "Exclude route";
"modules.ip.routes.included" = "Included routes";
"modules.ip.routes.excluded" = "Excluded routes";
"modules.ip.routes.add_family" = "Add %@";
"modules.on_demand.policy" = "Policy";
"modules.on_demand.policy.footer" = "Activate the VPN %@.";
"modules.on_demand.policy.footer.any" = "in any network";
"modules.on_demand.policy.footer.including" = "only in the networks below";
"modules.on_demand.policy.footer.excluding" = "except in the networks below";
"" = "Mobile";
"modules.on_demand.ethernet" = "Ethernet";
"modules.on_demand.ssid.add" = "Add SSID";
"modules.openvpn.pull" = "Pull";
"modules.openvpn.redirect_gateway" = "Redirect gateway";
"modules.openvpn.credentials" = "Credentials";
"modules.openvpn.remotes" = "Remotes";
"modules.openvpn.communication" = "Communication";
"modules.openvpn.cipher" = "Cipher";
"modules.openvpn.digest" = "Digest";
"modules.openvpn.compression" = "Compression";
"modules.openvpn.compression_framing" = "Framing";
"modules.openvpn.compression_algorithm" = "Algorithm";
"modules.openvpn.tls_wrap" = "Wrapping";
"modules.openvpn.eku" = "Extended verification";
"modules.openvpn.renegotiation" = "Renegotiation";
"modules.openvpn.randomize_endpoint" = "Randomize endpoint";
"modules.openvpn.randomize_hostname" = "Randomize hostname";
"modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive" = "Interactive";
"modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive.footer" = "On-demand will be disabled.";
"modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.append" = "The OTP will be appended to the password.";
"modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.encode" = "The OTP will be encoded in Base64 with the password.";
"modules.wireguard.interface" = "Interface";
"modules.wireguard.peer" = "Peer #%d";
"modules.wireguard.preshared_key" = "Pre-shared key";
"modules.wireguard.allowed_ips" = "Allowed IPs";
// MARK: - Providers
"providers.no_provider" = "None";
"providers.select_provider" = "Select a provider";
"providers.select_entity" = "Select";
"providers.only_favorites" = "Only favorites";
"providers.clear_filters" = "Clear filters";
"providers.refresh_infrastructure" = "Refresh infrastructure";
"providers.last_updated" = "Last updated on %@";
"providers.last_updated.loading" = "Loading...";
"providers.vpn.category.any" = "All categories";
"providers.vpn.preset" = "Preset";
"providers.vpn.no_servers" = "No servers";
// MARK: - App menu
"app_menu.items.launch_on_login" = "Launch on Login";
"app_menu.items.quit" = "Quit %@";
// MARK: - Components
"ui.connection_status.on_demand_suffix" = " (on-demand)";
"ui.profile_context.connect_to" = "Connect to...";
// MARK: - Paywalls
"modules.general.rows.icloud_sharing.purchase" = "Share on iCloud";
"modules.on_demand.purchase" = "Add on-demand rules";
"modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive.purchase" = "Log in interactively";
"providers.picker.purchase" = "Add more providers";
// MARK: - Alerts
"alerts.import.passphrase.message" = "Enter passphrase for '%@'.";
"alerts.import.passphrase.ok" = "Decrypt";
"alerts.iap.restricted.title" = "Restricted";
"alerts.iap.restricted.message" = "The requested feature is unavailable in this build.";
"alerts.confirm_quit.title" = "Quit %@";
"alerts.confirm_quit.message" = "The VPN, if enabled, will still run in the background. Do you want to quit?";
// MARK: - Errors
"" = "Profile name is empty.";
"" = "Module %@ is malformed. %@";
"" = "No provider selected.";
"" = "Unable to complete operation.";
"" = "Routing module can only be enabled together with a connection.";
"" = "Unable to connect to provider server (reason=%@).";
"" = "Some active modules are incompatible, try to only activate one of them.";
"" = "Invalid fields.";
"" = "No provider server selected.";
"" = "Unable to parse file.";
"" = "No provider selected.";
"" = "Unable to complete operation (code=%@).";
"errors.tunnel.auth" = "Auth failed";
"errors.tunnel.compression" = "Compression unsupported";
"errors.tunnel.dns" = "DNS failed";
"errors.tunnel.encryption" = "Encryption failed";
"errors.tunnel.routing" = "Missing routing";
"errors.tunnel.shutdown" = "Server shutdown";
"errors.tunnel.timeout" = "Timeout";
"errors.tunnel.tls" = "TLS failed";
"errors.tunnel.generic" = "Failed";