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synced 2024-12-26 19:32:41 +00:00
Now that Siri is superseded by the more general Shortcuts automations, add an informational footer below the "Name" field of the profile editor.
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910 lines
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// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen — https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length implicit_return prefer_self_in_static_references
// MARK: - Strings
// swiftlint:disable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:disable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
public enum Strings {
public enum Alerts {
public enum Community {
/// No, thanks
public static let dismiss = Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.community.dismiss", fallback: "No, thanks")
/// Did you know that Passepartout has a subreddit? Subscribe for updates or to discuss issues, features, new platforms or whatever you like.
/// It's also a great way to show you care about this project.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.community.message", fallback: "Did you know that Passepartout has a subreddit? Subscribe for updates or to discuss issues, features, new platforms or whatever you like.\n\nIt's also a great way to show you care about this project.")
/// Subscribe now
public static let subscribe = Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.community.subscribe", fallback: "Subscribe now")
public enum Import {
public enum Passphrase {
/// Enter passphrase for '%@'.
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.import.passphrase.message", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Enter passphrase for '%@'.")
/// Decrypt
public static let ok = Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.import.passphrase.ok", fallback: "Decrypt")
public enum Providers {
public enum MissingServer {
/// No provider server selected. Please select a destination server on your iOS/macOS device.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "alerts.providers.missing_server.message", fallback: "No provider server selected. Please select a destination server on your iOS/macOS device.")
public enum Entities {
public enum Dns {
/// Search domains
public static let searchDomains = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.dns.search_domains", fallback: "Search domains")
/// Servers
public static let servers = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.dns.servers", fallback: "Servers")
public enum DnsProtocol {
/// Cleartext
public static let cleartext = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.dns_protocol.cleartext", fallback: "Cleartext")
/// Over HTTPS
public static let https = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.dns_protocol.https", fallback: "Over HTTPS")
/// Over TLS
public static let tls = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.dns_protocol.tls", fallback: "Over TLS")
public enum HttpProxy {
/// Bypass domains
public static let bypassDomains = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.http_proxy.bypass_domains", fallback: "Bypass domains")
public enum OnDemand {
public enum Policy {
/// All networks
public static let any = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.on_demand.policy.any", fallback: "All networks")
/// Excluding
public static let excluding = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.on_demand.policy.excluding", fallback: "Excluding")
/// Including
public static let including = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.on_demand.policy.including", fallback: "Including")
public enum Openvpn {
public enum CompressionAlgorithm {
/// Unsupported
public static let other = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.openvpn.compression_algorithm.other", fallback: "Unsupported")
public enum OtpMethod {
/// Append
public static let append = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.openvpn.otp_method.append", fallback: "Append")
/// Encode
public static let encode = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.openvpn.otp_method.encode", fallback: "Encode")
/// None
public static let `none` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.openvpn.otp_method.none", fallback: "None")
public enum TunnelStatus {
/// Activating
public static let activating = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.tunnel_status.activating", fallback: "Activating")
/// Active
public static let active = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.tunnel_status.active", fallback: "Active")
/// Deactivating
public static let deactivating = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.tunnel_status.deactivating", fallback: "Deactivating")
/// Inactive
public static let inactive = Strings.tr("Localizable", "entities.tunnel_status.inactive", fallback: "Inactive")
public enum Errors {
public enum App {
/// Unable to complete operation.
public static let `default` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.default", fallback: "Unable to complete operation.")
/// Unable to duplicate profile '%@'.
public static func duplicate(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.duplicate", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Unable to duplicate profile '%@'.")
/// Unable to fetch products, please retry later.
public static let emptyProducts = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.empty_products", fallback: "Unable to fetch products, please retry later.")
/// Profile name is empty.
public static let emptyProfileName = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.empty_profile_name", fallback: "Profile name is empty.")
/// Unable to import profiles.
public static let `import` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.import", fallback: "Unable to import profiles.")
/// Module %@ is malformed. %@
public static func malformedModule(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.malformed_module", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Module %@ is malformed. %@")
/// Unable to execute tunnel operation.
public static let tunnel = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.tunnel", fallback: "Unable to execute tunnel operation.")
public enum Passepartout {
/// Routing module can only be enabled together with a connection.
public static let connectionModuleRequired = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.connection_module_required", fallback: "Routing module can only be enabled together with a connection.")
/// Unable to connect to provider server (reason=%@).
public static func corruptProviderModule(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.corrupt_provider_module", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Unable to connect to provider server (reason=%@).")
/// Unable to complete operation (code=%@).
public static func `default`(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.default", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Unable to complete operation (code=%@).")
/// Some active modules are incompatible, try to only activate one of them.
public static let incompatibleModules = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.incompatible_modules", fallback: "Some active modules are incompatible, try to only activate one of them.")
/// Invalid fields.
public static let invalidFields = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.invalid_fields", fallback: "Invalid fields.")
/// No provider server selected.
public static let missingProviderEntity = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.missing_provider_entity", fallback: "No provider server selected.")
/// The profile has no active modules.
public static let noActiveModules = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.no_active_modules", fallback: "The profile has no active modules.")
/// Unable to parse file.
public static let parsing = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.parsing", fallback: "Unable to parse file.")
/// No provider selected.
public static let providerRequired = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.app.passepartout.provider_required", fallback: "No provider selected.")
public enum Tunnel {
/// Auth failed
public static let auth = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.auth", fallback: "Auth failed")
/// Compression unsupported
public static let compression = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.compression", fallback: "Compression unsupported")
/// DNS failed
public static let dns = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.dns", fallback: "DNS failed")
/// Encryption failed
public static let encryption = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.encryption", fallback: "Encryption failed")
/// Failed
public static let generic = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.generic", fallback: "Failed")
/// Purchase required
public static let ineligible = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.ineligible", fallback: "Purchase required")
/// Missing routing
public static let routing = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.routing", fallback: "Missing routing")
/// Server shutdown
public static let shutdown = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.shutdown", fallback: "Server shutdown")
/// Timeout
public static let timeout = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.timeout", fallback: "Timeout")
/// TLS failed
public static let tls = Strings.tr("Localizable", "errors.tunnel.tls", fallback: "TLS failed")
public enum Features {
/// %@
public static func appletv(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.appletv", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@")
/// %@ Settings
public static func dns(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.dns", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@ Settings")
/// %@ Settings
public static func httpProxy(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.http_proxy", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@ Settings")
/// Interactive Login
public static let interactiveLogin = Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.interactiveLogin", fallback: "Interactive Login")
/// On-Demand Rules
public static let onDemand = Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.on_demand", fallback: "On-Demand Rules")
/// All Providers
public static let providers = Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.providers", fallback: "All Providers")
/// Custom %@
public static func routing(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.routing", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Custom %@")
/// %@
public static func sharing(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "features.sharing", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@")
public enum Global {
public enum Actions {
/// Cancel
public static let cancel = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.cancel", fallback: "Cancel")
/// Connect
public static let connect = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.connect", fallback: "Connect")
/// Delete
public static let delete = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.delete", fallback: "Delete")
/// Disable
public static let disable = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.disable", fallback: "Disable")
/// Disconnect
public static let disconnect = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.disconnect", fallback: "Disconnect")
/// Duplicate
public static let duplicate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.duplicate", fallback: "Duplicate")
/// Edit
public static let edit = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.edit", fallback: "Edit")
/// Enable
public static let enable = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.enable", fallback: "Enable")
/// Hide
public static let hide = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.hide", fallback: "Hide")
/// Purchase
public static let purchase = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.purchase", fallback: "Purchase")
/// Delete
public static let remove = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.remove", fallback: "Delete")
/// Restart
public static let restart = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.restart", fallback: "Restart")
/// Save
public static let save = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.save", fallback: "Save")
/// Select
public static let select = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.select", fallback: "Select")
/// Show
public static let show = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.actions.show", fallback: "Show")
public enum Nouns {
/// About
public static let about = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.about", fallback: "About")
/// Account
public static let account = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.account", fallback: "Account")
/// Address
public static let address = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.address", fallback: "Address")
/// Addresses
public static let addresses = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.addresses", fallback: "Addresses")
/// Any
public static let any = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.any", fallback: "Any")
/// Category
public static let category = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.category", fallback: "Category")
/// Certificate
public static let certificate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.certificate", fallback: "Certificate")
/// Compression
public static let compression = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.compression", fallback: "Compression")
/// Connection
public static let connection = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.connection", fallback: "Connection")
/// Country
public static let country = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.country", fallback: "Country")
/// Default
public static let `default` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.default", fallback: "Default")
/// Destination
public static let destination = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.destination", fallback: "Destination")
/// Disabled
public static let disabled = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.disabled", fallback: "Disabled")
/// Don't ask again
public static let doNotAskAgain = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.do_not_ask_again", fallback: "Don't ask again")
/// Domain
public static let domain = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.domain", fallback: "Domain")
/// Done
public static let done = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.done", fallback: "Done")
/// Empty
public static let empty = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.empty", fallback: "Empty")
/// Enabled
public static let enabled = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.enabled", fallback: "Enabled")
/// Endpoint
public static let endpoint = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.endpoint", fallback: "Endpoint")
/// Filters
public static let filters = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.filters", fallback: "Filters")
/// Folder
public static let folder = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.folder", fallback: "Folder")
/// Gateway
public static let gateway = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.gateway", fallback: "Gateway")
/// General
public static let general = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.general", fallback: "General")
/// Hostname
public static let hostname = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.hostname", fallback: "Hostname")
/// Interface
public static let interface = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.interface", fallback: "Interface")
/// Keep-alive
public static let keepAlive = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.keep_alive", fallback: "Keep-alive")
/// Key
public static let key = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.key", fallback: "Key")
/// Last update
public static let lastUpdate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.last_update", fallback: "Last update")
/// Loading
public static let loading = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.loading", fallback: "Loading")
/// Method
public static let method = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.method", fallback: "Method")
/// Modules
public static let modules = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.modules", fallback: "Modules")
/// %d seconds
public static func nSeconds(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.n_seconds", p1, fallback: "%d seconds")
/// Name
public static let name = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.name", fallback: "Name")
/// Networks
public static let networks = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.networks", fallback: "Networks")
/// No content
public static let noContent = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.no_content", fallback: "No content")
/// No selection
public static let noSelection = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.no_selection", fallback: "No selection")
/// None
public static let `none` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.none", fallback: "None")
/// OK
public static let ok = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.ok", fallback: "OK")
/// On-demand
public static let onDemand = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.on_demand", fallback: "On-demand")
/// Other
public static let other = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.other", fallback: "Other")
/// Password
public static let password = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.password", fallback: "Password")
/// Port
public static let port = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.port", fallback: "Port")
/// Private key
public static let privateKey = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.private_key", fallback: "Private key")
/// Profile
public static let profile = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.profile", fallback: "Profile")
/// Protocol
public static let `protocol` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.protocol", fallback: "Protocol")
/// Provider
public static let provider = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.provider", fallback: "Provider")
/// Public key
public static let publicKey = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.public_key", fallback: "Public key")
/// Region
public static let region = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.region", fallback: "Region")
/// Route
public static let route = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.route", fallback: "Route")
/// Routes
public static let routes = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.routes", fallback: "Routes")
/// Routing
public static let routing = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.routing", fallback: "Routing")
/// Server
public static let server = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.server", fallback: "Server")
/// Servers
public static let servers = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.servers", fallback: "Servers")
/// Settings
public static let settings = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.settings", fallback: "Settings")
/// Status
public static let status = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.status", fallback: "Status")
/// Subnet
public static let subnet = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.subnet", fallback: "Subnet")
/// Unknown
public static let unknown = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.unknown", fallback: "Unknown")
/// Username
public static let username = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.username", fallback: "Username")
/// Version
public static let version = Strings.tr("Localizable", "global.nouns.version", fallback: "Version")
public enum Modules {
public enum Dns {
public enum SearchDomains {
/// Add domain
public static let add = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.dns.search_domains.add", fallback: "Add domain")
public enum Servers {
/// Add address
public static let add = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.dns.servers.add", fallback: "Add address")
public enum General {
public enum Rows {
/// %@
public static func appletv(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.rows.appletv", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@")
/// Import from file
public static let importFromFile = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.rows.import_from_file", fallback: "Import from file")
/// Enabled
public static let shared = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.rows.shared", fallback: "Enabled")
public enum Appletv {
/// Drop TV restriction
public static let purchase = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.rows.appletv.purchase", fallback: "Drop TV restriction")
public enum Shared {
/// Share on iCloud
public static let purchase = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.rows.shared.purchase", fallback: "Share on iCloud")
public enum Sections {
public enum Storage {
/// Profiles are stored to %@ encrypted.
public static func footer(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.sections.storage.footer", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Profiles are stored to %@ encrypted.")
/// %@
public static func header(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.sections.storage.header", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@")
public enum Footer {
public enum Purchase {
/// TV profiles do not work in beta builds.
public static let tvBeta = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.sections.storage.footer.purchase.tv_beta", fallback: "TV profiles do not work in beta builds.")
/// TV profiles do not work without a purchase.
public static let tvRelease = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.general.sections.storage.footer.purchase.tv_release", fallback: "TV profiles do not work without a purchase.")
public enum HttpProxy {
public enum BypassDomains {
/// Add bypass domain
public static let add = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.http_proxy.bypass_domains.add", fallback: "Add bypass domain")
public enum Ip {
public enum Routes {
/// Add %@
public static func addFamily(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.ip.routes.add_family", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Add %@")
/// Exclude route
public static let exclude = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.ip.routes.exclude", fallback: "Exclude route")
/// Excluded routes
public static let excluded = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.ip.routes.excluded", fallback: "Excluded routes")
/// Include route
public static let include = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.ip.routes.include", fallback: "Include route")
/// Included routes
public static let included = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.ip.routes.included", fallback: "Included routes")
public enum OnDemand {
/// Ethernet
public static let ethernet = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.ethernet", fallback: "Ethernet")
/// Mobile
public static let mobile = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.mobile", fallback: "Mobile")
/// Policy
public static let policy = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.policy", fallback: "Policy")
public enum Policy {
/// Activate the VPN %@.
public static func footer(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.policy.footer", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Activate the VPN %@.")
public enum Footer {
/// in any network
public static let any = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.any", fallback: "in any network")
/// except in the networks below
public static let excluding = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.excluding", fallback: "except in the networks below")
/// only in the networks below
public static let including = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.policy.footer.including", fallback: "only in the networks below")
public enum Ssid {
/// Add SSID
public static let add = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.on_demand.ssid.add", fallback: "Add SSID")
public enum Openvpn {
/// Cipher
public static let cipher = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.cipher", fallback: "Cipher")
/// Communication
public static let communication = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.communication", fallback: "Communication")
/// Compression
public static let compression = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.compression", fallback: "Compression")
/// Algorithm
public static let compressionAlgorithm = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.compression_algorithm", fallback: "Algorithm")
/// Framing
public static let compressionFraming = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.compression_framing", fallback: "Framing")
/// Credentials
public static let credentials = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.credentials", fallback: "Credentials")
/// Digest
public static let digest = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.digest", fallback: "Digest")
/// Extended verification
public static let eku = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.eku", fallback: "Extended verification")
/// Pull
public static let pull = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.pull", fallback: "Pull")
/// Randomize endpoint
public static let randomizeEndpoint = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.randomize_endpoint", fallback: "Randomize endpoint")
/// Randomize hostname
public static let randomizeHostname = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.randomize_hostname", fallback: "Randomize hostname")
/// Redirect gateway
public static let redirectGateway = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.redirect_gateway", fallback: "Redirect gateway")
/// Remotes
public static let remotes = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.remotes", fallback: "Remotes")
/// Renegotiation
public static let renegotiation = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.renegotiation", fallback: "Renegotiation")
/// Wrapping
public static let tlsWrap = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.tls_wrap", fallback: "Wrapping")
public enum Credentials {
/// Interactive
public static let interactive = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive", fallback: "Interactive")
public enum Interactive {
/// On-demand will be disabled.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.credentials.interactive.footer", fallback: "On-demand will be disabled.")
public enum OtpMethod {
public enum Approach {
/// The OTP will be appended to the password.
public static let append = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.append", fallback: "The OTP will be appended to the password.")
/// The OTP will be encoded in Base64 with the password.
public static let encode = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.openvpn.credentials.otp_method.approach.encode", fallback: "The OTP will be encoded in Base64 with the password.")
public enum Wireguard {
/// Allowed IPs
public static let allowedIps = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.wireguard.allowed_ips", fallback: "Allowed IPs")
/// Interface
public static let interface = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.wireguard.interface", fallback: "Interface")
/// Peer #%d
public static func peer(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.wireguard.peer", p1, fallback: "Peer #%d")
/// Pre-shared key
public static let presharedKey = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.wireguard.preshared_key", fallback: "Pre-shared key")
/// Private key
public static let providerKey = Strings.tr("Localizable", "modules.wireguard.provider_key", fallback: "Private key")
public enum Placeholders {
/// secret
public static let secret = Strings.tr("Localizable", "placeholders.secret", fallback: "secret")
/// username
public static let username = Strings.tr("Localizable", "placeholders.username", fallback: "username")
public enum OnDemand {
/// My SSID
public static let ssid = Strings.tr("Localizable", "placeholders.on_demand.ssid", fallback: "My SSID")
public enum Profile {
/// My profile
public static let name = Strings.tr("Localizable", "placeholders.profile.name", fallback: "My profile")
public enum Theme {
public enum Confirmation {
/// Cancel
public static let cancel = Strings.tr("Localizable", "theme.confirmation.cancel", fallback: "Cancel")
/// Are you sure you want to proceed with this operation?
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "theme.confirmation.message", fallback: "Are you sure you want to proceed with this operation?")
/// Confirm
public static let ok = Strings.tr("Localizable", "theme.confirmation.ok", fallback: "Confirm")
public enum LockScreen {
/// %@ is locked
public static func reason(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "theme.lock_screen.reason", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@ is locked")
public enum Views {
public enum About {
/// About
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.title", fallback: "About")
public enum Credits {
/// Licenses
public static let licenses = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.credits.licenses", fallback: "Licenses")
/// Notices
public static let notices = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.credits.notices", fallback: "Notices")
/// Credits
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.credits.title", fallback: "Credits")
/// Translations
public static let translations = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.credits.translations", fallback: "Translations")
public enum Links {
/// Links
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.title", fallback: "Links")
public enum Rows {
/// Disclaimer
public static let disclaimer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.rows.disclaimer", fallback: "Disclaimer")
/// Home page
public static let homePage = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.rows.home_page", fallback: "Home page")
/// Join community
public static let joinCommunity = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.rows.join_community", fallback: "Join community")
/// Privacy policy
public static let privacyPolicy = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.rows.privacy_policy", fallback: "Privacy policy")
/// Write a review
public static let writeReview = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.rows.write_review", fallback: "Write a review")
public enum Sections {
/// Support
public static let support = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.sections.support", fallback: "Support")
/// Web
public static let web = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.about.links.sections.web", fallback: "Web")
public enum App {
public enum Folders {
/// My profiles
public static let `default` = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.folders.default", fallback: "My profiles")
/// No profiles
public static let noProfiles = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.folders.no_profiles", fallback: "No profiles")
public enum NoProfiles {
/// Migrate old profiles...
public static let migrate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.folders.no_profiles.migrate", fallback: "Migrate old profiles...")
public enum InstalledProfile {
public enum None {
/// No profile
public static let name = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.installed_profile.none.name", fallback: "No profile")
/// Tap list to connect
public static let status = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.installed_profile.none.status", fallback: "Tap list to connect")
public enum Profile {
/// No active modules
public static let noModules = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.profile.no_modules", fallback: "No active modules")
public enum ProfileContext {
/// Connect to
public static let connectTo = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.profile_context.connect_to", fallback: "Connect to")
public enum Toolbar {
/// Import profile
public static let importProfile = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.toolbar.import_profile", fallback: "Import profile")
/// Migrate profiles
public static let migrateProfiles = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.toolbar.migrate_profiles", fallback: "Migrate profiles")
public enum NewProfile {
/// Empty profile
public static let empty = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.toolbar.new_profile.empty", fallback: "Empty profile")
/// Provider
public static let provider = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.toolbar.new_profile.provider", fallback: "Provider")
public enum Tv {
/// Open %@ on your iOS or macOS device and enable the "%@" toggle of a profile to make it appear here.
public static func header(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app.tv.header", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Open %@ on your iOS or macOS device and enable the \"%@\" toggle of a profile to make it appear here.")
public enum AppMenu {
public enum Items {
/// Quit %@
public static func quit(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.app_menu.items.quit", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Quit %@")
public enum Diagnostics {
/// Diagnostics
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.title", fallback: "Diagnostics")
public enum Alerts {
public enum ReportIssue {
/// The device is not configured to send e-mails.
public static let email = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.alerts.report_issue.email", fallback: "The device is not configured to send e-mails.")
public enum Openvpn {
public enum Rows {
/// Server configuration
public static let serverConfiguration = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.openvpn.rows.server_configuration", fallback: "Server configuration")
public enum ReportIssue {
/// Report issue
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.report_issue.title", fallback: "Report issue")
public enum Rows {
/// App
public static let app = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.rows.app", fallback: "App")
/// Include private data
public static let includePrivateData = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.rows.include_private_data", fallback: "Include private data")
/// Delete all logs
public static let removeTunnelLogs = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.rows.remove_tunnel_logs", fallback: "Delete all logs")
/// Tunnel
public static let tunnel = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.rows.tunnel", fallback: "Tunnel")
public enum Sections {
/// Live log
public static let live = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.sections.live", fallback: "Live log")
/// Tunnel logs
public static let tunnel = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.diagnostics.sections.tunnel", fallback: "Tunnel logs")
public enum Donate {
/// Make a donation
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.donate.title", fallback: "Make a donation")
public enum Alerts {
public enum ThankYou {
/// This means a lot to me and I really hope you keep using and promoting this app.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.donate.alerts.thank_you.message", fallback: "This means a lot to me and I really hope you keep using and promoting this app.")
public enum Sections {
public enum Main {
/// If you want to display gratitude for my work, here are a couple of amounts you can donate instantly. You will only be charged once per donation, and you can donate multiple times.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.donate.sections.main.footer", fallback: "If you want to display gratitude for my work, here are a couple of amounts you can donate instantly. You will only be charged once per donation, and you can donate multiple times.")
public enum Migration {
/// Nothing to migrate
public static let noProfiles = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.no_profiles", fallback: "Nothing to migrate")
/// Migrate
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.title", fallback: "Migrate")
public enum Alerts {
public enum Delete {
/// Do you want to discard these profiles? You will not be able to recover them later.
/// %@
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.alerts.delete.message", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Do you want to discard these profiles? You will not be able to recover them later.\n\n%@")
public enum Items {
/// Discard
public static let discard = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.items.discard", fallback: "Discard")
/// Proceed
public static let migrate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.items.migrate", fallback: "Proceed")
public enum Sections {
public enum Main {
/// Select below the profiles from old versions of %@ that you want to import. In case your profiles are stored on iCloud, they may take a while to synchronize. If you do not see them now, please come back later.
public static func header(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.migration.sections.main.header", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Select below the profiles from old versions of %@ that you want to import. In case your profiles are stored on iCloud, they may take a while to synchronize. If you do not see them now, please come back later.")
public enum Paywall {
public enum Alerts {
public enum Confirmation {
/// This profile requires paid features to work.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.alerts.confirmation.message", fallback: "This profile requires paid features to work.")
/// Purchase required
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.alerts.confirmation.title", fallback: "Purchase required")
public enum Pending {
/// The purchase is pending external confirmation. The feature will be credited upon approval.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.alerts.pending.message", fallback: "The purchase is pending external confirmation. The feature will be credited upon approval.")
public enum Restricted {
/// Some features are unavailable in this build.
public static let message = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.alerts.restricted.message", fallback: "Some features are unavailable in this build.")
/// Restricted
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.alerts.restricted.title", fallback: "Restricted")
public enum Rows {
/// Restore purchases
public static let restorePurchases = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.rows.restore_purchases", fallback: "Restore purchases")
public enum Sections {
public enum Features {
public enum Other {
/// Also included
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.features.other.header", fallback: "Also included")
public enum Required {
/// Required features
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.features.required.header", fallback: "Required features")
public enum OneTime {
/// One-time purchase
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.one_time.header", fallback: "One-time purchase")
public enum Recurring {
/// All features
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.recurring.header", fallback: "All features")
public enum Restore {
/// If you bought this app or feature in the past, you can restore your purchases.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.restore.footer", fallback: "If you bought this app or feature in the past, you can restore your purchases.")
/// Restore
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.paywall.sections.restore.header", fallback: "Restore")
public enum Preferences {
/// Erase iCloud store
public static let eraseIcloud = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.erase_icloud", fallback: "Erase iCloud store")
/// Keep in menu bar
public static let keepsInMenu = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.keeps_in_menu", fallback: "Keep in menu bar")
/// Launch on login
public static let launchesOnLogin = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.launches_on_login", fallback: "Launch on login")
/// Lock in background
public static let locksInBackground = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.locks_in_background", fallback: "Lock in background")
public enum EraseIcloud {
/// To erase the iCloud store securely, do so on all your synced devices. This will not affect local profiles.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.erase_icloud.footer", fallback: "To erase the iCloud store securely, do so on all your synced devices. This will not affect local profiles.")
public enum KeepsInMenu {
/// Enable this to keep the app in the menu bar after closing it.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.keeps_in_menu.footer", fallback: "Enable this to keep the app in the menu bar after closing it.")
public enum LaunchesOnLogin {
/// Open the app in background after login.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.launches_on_login.footer", fallback: "Open the app in background after login.")
public enum LocksInBackground {
/// Lock the app with FaceID when sent to the background.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.preferences.locks_in_background.footer", fallback: "Lock the app with FaceID when sent to the background.")
public enum Profile {
public enum Alerts {
public enum Purchase {
public enum Buttons {
/// Save anyway
public static let ok = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.profile.alerts.purchase.buttons.ok", fallback: "Save anyway")
public enum ModuleList {
public enum Section {
/// Drag modules to rearrange them, as their order determines priority.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.profile.module_list.section.footer", fallback: "Drag modules to rearrange them, as their order determines priority.")
public enum Rows {
/// Add module
public static let addModule = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.profile.rows.add_module", fallback: "Add module")
public enum Sections {
public enum Name {
/// Use this name to create your VPN automations from the Shortcuts app.
public static let footer = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.profile.sections.name.footer", fallback: "Use this name to create your VPN automations from the Shortcuts app.")
public enum Providers {
/// Clear filters
public static let clearFilters = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.clear_filters", fallback: "Clear filters")
/// Last updated on %@
public static func lastUpdated(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.last_updated", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Last updated on %@")
/// None
public static let noProvider = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.no_provider", fallback: "None")
/// Only favorites
public static let onlyFavorites = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.only_favorites", fallback: "Only favorites")
/// Refresh infrastructure
public static let refreshInfrastructure = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.refresh_infrastructure", fallback: "Refresh infrastructure")
/// Select
public static let selectEntity = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.select_entity", fallback: "Select")
/// Select a provider
public static let selectProvider = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.select_provider", fallback: "Select a provider")
public enum LastUpdated {
/// Loading...
public static let loading = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.providers.last_updated.loading", fallback: "Loading...")
public enum Purchased {
/// No purchases
public static let noPurchases = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.no_purchases", fallback: "No purchases")
/// Purchased
public static let title = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.title", fallback: "Purchased")
public enum Rows {
/// Build number
public static let buildNumber = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.rows.build_number", fallback: "Build number")
/// Download date
public static let downloadDate = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.rows.download_date", fallback: "Download date")
public enum Sections {
public enum Download {
/// First download
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.sections.download.header", fallback: "First download")
public enum Features {
/// Eligible features
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.sections.features.header", fallback: "Eligible features")
public enum Products {
/// Purchases
public static let header = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.purchased.sections.products.header", fallback: "Purchases")
public enum Ui {
public enum ConnectionStatus {
/// (on-demand)
public static let onDemandSuffix = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.ui.connection_status.on_demand_suffix", fallback: " (on-demand)")
public enum PurchaseRequired {
public enum Purchase {
/// Purchase required
public static let help = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.ui.purchase_required.purchase.help", fallback: "Purchase required")
public enum Restricted {
/// Feature is restricted
public static let help = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.ui.purchase_required.restricted.help", fallback: "Feature is restricted")
public enum Version {
/// %@ is a project maintained by %@.
/// Source code is publicly available on GitHub under the GPLv3, you can find links in the home page.
public static func extra(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.version.extra", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "%@ is a project maintained by %@.\n\nSource code is publicly available on GitHub under the GPLv3, you can find links in the home page.")
public enum Vpn {
/// No servers
public static let noServers = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.vpn.no_servers", fallback: "No servers")
/// Preset
public static let preset = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.vpn.preset", fallback: "Preset")
public enum Category {
/// All categories
public static let any = Strings.tr("Localizable", "views.vpn.category.any", fallback: "All categories")
// swiftlint:enable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:enable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
// MARK: - Implementation Details
extension Strings {
private static func tr(_ table: String, _ key: String, _ args: CVarArg..., fallback value: String) -> String {
let format = Bundle.module.localizedString(forKey: key, value: value, table: table)
return String(format: format, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args)
// swiftlint:enable all