Davide 21c1bbdf0d
Fix missing profile attributes initialization (#828)
Also, log them better during remote import.
2024-11-07 13:23:47 +01:00

427 lines
14 KiB

// ProfileManager.swift
// Passepartout
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/19/24.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <>.
import Combine
import Foundation
import PassepartoutKit
public final class ProfileManager: ObservableObject {
public enum Event {
case save(Profile)
case remove([Profile.ID])
private let repository: any ProfileRepository
private let backupRepository: (any ProfileRepository)?
private let remoteRepository: (any ProfileRepository)?
private let deletingRemotely: Bool
private let processor: ProfileProcessor?
private var profiles: [Profile]
private var allProfiles: [Profile.ID: Profile] {
didSet {
reloadFilteredProfiles(with: searchSubject.value)
private var allRemoteProfiles: [Profile.ID: Profile]
public let didChange: PassthroughSubject<Event, Never>
private let searchSubject: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>
private var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable>
// for testing/previews
public init(profiles: [Profile]) {
repository = InMemoryProfileRepository(profiles: profiles)
backupRepository = nil
remoteRepository = nil
deletingRemotely = false
processor = nil
self.profiles = []
allProfiles = profiles.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1
allRemoteProfiles = [:]
didChange = PassthroughSubject()
searchSubject = CurrentValueSubject("")
subscriptions = []
public init(
repository: any ProfileRepository,
backupRepository: (any ProfileRepository)? = nil,
remoteRepository: (any ProfileRepository)?,
deletingRemotely: Bool = false,
processor: ProfileProcessor? = nil
) {
precondition(!deletingRemotely || remoteRepository != nil, "deletingRemotely requires a non-nil remoteRepository")
self.repository = repository
self.backupRepository = backupRepository
self.remoteRepository = remoteRepository
self.deletingRemotely = deletingRemotely
self.processor = processor
profiles = []
allProfiles = [:]
allRemoteProfiles = [:]
didChange = PassthroughSubject()
searchSubject = CurrentValueSubject("")
subscriptions = []
extension ProfileManager {
public var hasProfiles: Bool {
public var isSearching: Bool {
public var headers: [ProfileHeader] { {
public func search(byName name: String) {
public func profile(withId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Profile? {
profiles.first {
$ == profileId
public func save(_ originalProfile: Profile, force: Bool = false, isShared: Bool? = nil) async throws {
let profile: Profile
if force {
var builder = originalProfile.builder()
if let processor {
builder = try processor.willSave(builder)
builder.attributes.lastUpdate = Date()
builder.attributes.fingerprint = UUID()
profile = try builder.tryBuild()
} else {
profile = originalProfile
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Save profile \(")
do {
let existingProfile = allProfiles[]
if existingProfile == nil || profile != existingProfile {
try await repository.saveProfile(profile)
if let backupRepository {
Task.detached {
try await backupRepository.saveProfile(profile)
allProfiles[] = profile
} else {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tProfile \( not modified, not saving")
} catch {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "\tUnable to save profile \( \(error)")
throw error
do {
if let isShared, let remoteRepository {
if isShared {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tEnable remote sharing of profile \(")
try await remoteRepository.saveProfile(profile)
} else {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "\tDisable remote sharing of profile \(")
try await remoteRepository.removeProfiles(withIds: [])
} catch {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "\tUnable to save/remove remote profile \( \(error)")
throw error
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Finished saving profile \(")
public func remove(withId profileId: Profile.ID) async {
await remove(withIds: [profileId])
public func remove(withIds profileIds: [Profile.ID]) async {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Remove profiles \(profileIds)...")
do {
// remove local profiles
var newAllProfiles = allProfiles
try await repository.removeProfiles(withIds: profileIds)
profileIds.forEach {
newAllProfiles.removeValue(forKey: $0)
// remove remote counterpart too
try? await remoteRepository?.removeProfiles(withIds: profileIds)
profileIds.forEach {
allRemoteProfiles.removeValue(forKey: $0)
// publish update
allProfiles = newAllProfiles
} catch {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .fault, "Unable to remove profiles \(profileIds): \(error)")
public func exists(withId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool {
// MARK: - Remote/Attributes
extension ProfileManager {
public func isRemotelyShared(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool {
public func isAvailableForTV(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) -> Bool {
profile(withId: profileId)?.attributes.isAvailableForTV == true
public func eraseRemotelySharedProfiles() async throws {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Erase remotely shared profiles...")
try await remoteRepository?.removeAllProfiles()
// MARK: - Shortcuts
extension ProfileManager {
public func new(withName name: String) -> Profile {
var builder = Profile.Builder() = firstUniqueName(from: name)
do {
return try builder.tryBuild()
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to build new empty profile: \(error)")
public func duplicate(profileWithId profileId: Profile.ID) async throws {
guard let profile = profile(withId: profileId) else {
var builder = profile.builder(withNewId: true) = firstUniqueName(from:
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Duplicate profile [\(profileId), \(] -> [\(, \(]...")
let copy = try builder.tryBuild()
try await save(copy)
private extension ProfileManager {
func firstUniqueName(from name: String) -> String {
let allNames =\.name)
var newName = name
var index = 1
while true {
if !allNames.contains(newName) {
return newName
newName = [name, index.description].joined(separator: ".")
index += 1
// MARK: - Observation
extension ProfileManager {
public func observeObjects(searchDebounce: Int = 200) {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] in
.store(in: &subscriptions)
// observe remote after first local profiles
let remotePublisher = remoteRepository?
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] remote, _ in
.store(in: &subscriptions)
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] remote, _ in
.store(in: &subscriptions)
.debounce(for: .milliseconds(searchDebounce), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] in
.store(in: &subscriptions)
private extension ProfileManager {
func reloadLocalProfiles(_ result: [Profile]) {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Reload local profiles: \(\.id))")
allProfiles = result.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1
// should not be imported at all, but you never know
if let isIncluded = processor?.isIncluded {
let idsToRemove: [Profile.ID] = allProfiles
.filter {
if !idsToRemove.isEmpty {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Delete non-included local profiles: \(idsToRemove)")
Task.detached {
try await self.repository.removeProfiles(withIds: idsToRemove)
func loadInitialRemoteProfiles(_ result: [Profile]) {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Load initial remote profiles: \(\.id))")
allRemoteProfiles = result.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1
func reloadRemoteProfiles(_ result: [Profile]) {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Reload remote profiles: \(\.id))")
allRemoteProfiles = result.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1
Task.detached { [weak self] in
guard let self else {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Start importing remote profiles...")
pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "Local attributes:")
let localAttributes: [Profile.ID: ProfileAttributes] = await allProfiles.values.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1.attributes
pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "\t\($ = \($1.attributes)")
pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "Remote attributes:")
let remoteAttributes: [Profile.ID: ProfileAttributes] = result.reduce(into: [:]) {
$0[$] = $1.attributes
pp_log(.App.profiles, .debug, "\t\($ = \($1.attributes)")
let profilesToImport = result
let remotelyDeletedIds = await Set(allProfiles.keys).subtracting(Set(allRemoteProfiles.keys))
let deletingRemotely = deletingRemotely
var idsToRemove: [Profile.ID] = []
if !remotelyDeletedIds.isEmpty {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Will \(deletingRemotely ? "delete" : "retain") local profiles not present in remote repository: \(remotelyDeletedIds)")
if deletingRemotely {
idsToRemove.append(contentsOf: remotelyDeletedIds)
for remoteProfile in profilesToImport {
do {
guard processor?.isIncluded(remoteProfile) ?? true else {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Will delete non-included remote profile \(")
guard remoteAttributes[]?.fingerprint != localAttributes[]?.fingerprint else {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .info, "Skip re-importing local profile \(")
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Import remote profile \(")
try await save(remoteProfile)
} catch {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .error, "Unable to import remote profile: \(error)")
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Finished importing remote profiles, delete stale profiles: \(idsToRemove)")
try? await repository.removeProfiles(withIds: idsToRemove)
func performSearch(_ search: String) {
pp_log(.App.profiles, .notice, "Filter profiles with '\(search)'")
reloadFilteredProfiles(with: search)
func reloadFilteredProfiles(with search: String) {
profiles = allProfiles
.filter {
if !search.isEmpty {
return $
return true
.sorted {
$ < $