Davide f8e623e1fe
Fix regressions with CloudKit synchronization (#1029)
The remote container is shared by ProfileManager and
PreferencesManager, but it must be the same for CloudKit sync
to work properly.

Externalize the logic of onEligibleFeatures() so that the
AppContext singleton can update the managers (and their
repositories) with the new remote store.

Now that the remote profile repository is reloaded every time that
eligible features change, the .removeDuplicates() may also be
restored. Just add a .dropFirst() to skip the initially empty
value of eligible features. Even when features are eventually empty,
a value is always emitted after IAPManager.reloadReceipt()

Lastly, enable Core Data lightweight migration.

Regressions from #1017
2024-12-20 10:05:07 +01:00

154 lines
5.3 KiB

// CoreDataPersistentStore.swift
// Passepartout
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 3/14/22.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <>.
import CloudKit
import Combine
import CoreData
import Foundation
public protocol CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger: Sendable {
func debug(_ msg: String)
func warning(_ msg: String)
public final class CoreDataPersistentStore: Sendable {
private let logger: CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger?
private let container: NSPersistentContainer
public convenience init(
logger: CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger? = nil,
containerName: String,
baseURL: URL? = nil,
model: NSManagedObjectModel,
cloudKitIdentifier: String?,
author: String?
) {
let container: NSPersistentContainer
if let cloudKitIdentifier {
container = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: containerName, managedObjectModel: model)
logger?.debug("Set up CloudKit container (\(cloudKitIdentifier)): \(containerName)")
} else {
container = NSPersistentContainer(name: containerName, managedObjectModel: model)
logger?.debug("Set up local container: \(containerName)")
if let baseURL {
let url = baseURL.appending(component: "\(containerName).sqlite")
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [.init(url: url)]
logger: logger,
container: container,
cloudKitIdentifier: cloudKitIdentifier,
author: author
private init(
logger: CoreDataPersistentStoreLogger?,
container: NSPersistentContainer,
cloudKitIdentifier: String?,
author: String?
) {
self.logger = logger
self.container = container
guard let desc = container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first else {
fatalError("Unable to read persistent store description")
logger?.debug("Container description: \(desc)")
// optional container identifier for CloudKit, first in entitlements otherwise
if let cloudKitIdentifier {
desc.cloudKitContainerOptions = .init(containerIdentifier: cloudKitIdentifier)
// set this even for local container, to avoid readonly mode in case
// container was formerly created with CloudKit option
desc.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSPersistentHistoryTrackingKey)
// migrate automatically
desc.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption)
desc.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption)
// report remote notifications (do this BEFORE loadPersistentStores)
// desc.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSPersistentStoreRemoteChangeNotificationPostOptionKey)
container.loadPersistentStores {
if let error = $1 {
fatalError("Unable to load persistent store: \(error)")
container.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergePolicy.mergeByPropertyObjectTrump
container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true
if let author {
logger?.debug("Setting transaction author: \(author)")
container.viewContext.transactionAuthor = author
extension CoreDataPersistentStore {
public var context: NSManagedObjectContext {
public func backgroundContext() -> NSManagedObjectContext {
// MARK: Development
extension CoreDataPersistentStore {
public var containerURLs: [URL]? {
guard let url = container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first?.url else {
return nil
return [
public func truncate() {
let coordinator = container.persistentStoreCoordinator
container.persistentStoreDescriptions.forEach {
do {
try $ {
try coordinator.destroyPersistentStore(at: $0, ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType)
try coordinator.addPersistentStore(ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType, configurationName: nil, at: $0, options: nil)
} catch {
logger?.warning("Unable to truncate persistent store: \(error)")