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synced 2025-02-19 06:12:03 +00:00
Simplify development and maintenance immensely by making this a monorepository: - Convert PassepartoutKit and VPN bindings to local packages - OpenVPN/OpenSSL - WireGuard/Go - Make PassepartoutKit available via - Source submodule for production (private) - [Binary XCFramework for development](https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit) - Add PassepartoutKit Demo in root - Deploy package later
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// MigrateView.swift
// Passepartout
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 11/13/24.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/passepartoutvpn
// This file is part of Passepartout.
// Passepartout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Passepartout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Passepartout. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import CommonLibrary
import CommonUtils
import PassepartoutKit
import SwiftUI
// TODO: #878, show CloudKit progress
struct MigrateView: View {
enum Style {
case list
case table
private var migrationManager: MigrationManager
private var iapManager: IAPManager
private var dismiss
let style: Style
var profileManager: ProfileManager
private var model = Model()
private var isEditing = false
private var isDeleting = false
private var profilesPendingDeletion: [MigratableProfile]?
private var errorHandler: ErrorHandler = .default()
var body: some View {
return MigrateContentView(
style: style,
step: model.step,
profiles: model.visibleProfiles,
statuses: $model.statuses,
isEditing: $isEditing,
onDelete: onDelete,
performButton: performButton
.themeProgress(if: !model.step.isReady)
.themeAnimation(on: model, category: .profiles)
isPresented: $isDeleting,
title: Strings.Views.Migration.Items.discard,
message: messageForDeletion,
isDestructive: true,
action: confirmPendingDeletion
.task {
await fetch()
private extension MigrateView {
var title: String {
var messageForDeletion: String? {
profilesPendingDeletion.map {
let nameList = $0
.joined(separator: "\n")
return Strings.Views.Migration.Alerts.Delete.message(nameList)
func performButton() -> some View {
MigrateButton(step: model.step) {
Task {
await perform(at: model.step)
private extension MigrateView {
func onDelete(_ profiles: [MigratableProfile]) {
profilesPendingDeletion = profiles
isDeleting = true
func perform(at step: MigrateViewStep) async {
switch step {
case .fetched(let profiles):
await migrate(profiles)
case .migrated:
assertionFailure("No action allowed at step \(step), why is button enabled?")
func fetch() async {
guard model.step == .initial else {
do {
model.step = .fetching
pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Fetch migratable profiles...")
let migratable = try await migrationManager.fetchMigratableProfiles()
let knownIDs = Set(profileManager.previews.map(\.id))
model.profiles = migratable.filter {
model.step = .fetched(model.profiles)
} catch {
pp_log(.App.migration, .error, "Unable to fetch migratable profiles: \(error)")
errorHandler.handle(error, title: title) {
func migrate(_ allProfiles: [MigratableProfile]) async {
guard case .fetched = model.step else {
assertionFailure("Must call fetch() and succeed, why is button enabled?")
let profiles = allProfiles.filter {
model.statuses[$0.id] != .excluded
guard !profiles.isEmpty else {
assertionFailure("Nothing to migrate, why is button enabled?")
let previousStep = model.step
model.step = .migrating
do {
pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Migrate \(profiles.count) profiles...")
let profiles = try await migrationManager.migratedProfiles(profiles) {
guard $1 != .done else {
model.statuses[$0] = $1
pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Mapped \(profiles.count) profiles to the new format, saving...")
await migrationManager.importProfiles(profiles, into: profileManager) {
model.statuses[$0] = $1
let migrated = profiles.filter {
model.statuses[$0.id] == .done
pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Migrated \(migrated.count) profiles")
// TODO: ### restore auto-deletion after stable 3.0.0, otherwise users could not downgrade
// if !iapManager.isRestricted {
// do {
// try await migrationManager.deleteMigratableProfiles(withIds: Set(migrated.map(\.id)))
// pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Discarded \(migrated.count) migrated profiles from old store")
// } catch {
// pp_log(.App.migration, .error, "Unable to discard migrated profiles: \(error)")
// }
// } else {
pp_log(.App.migration, .notice, "Restricted build, do not discard migrated profiles")
// }
model.step = .migrated(migrated)
} catch {
pp_log(.App.migration, .error, "Unable to migrate profiles: \(error)")
errorHandler.handle(error, title: title)
model.step = previousStep
func confirmPendingDeletion() {
guard let profilesPendingDeletion else {
isEditing = false
assertionFailure("No profiles pending deletion?")
let deletedIds = Set(profilesPendingDeletion.map(\.id))
Task {
do {
try await migrationManager.deleteMigratableProfiles(withIds: deletedIds)
withAnimation {
model.profiles.removeAll {
model.step = .fetched(model.profiles)
} catch {
pp_log(.App.migration, .error, "Unable to delete migratable profiles \(deletedIds): \(error)")
isEditing = false