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synced 2025-02-21 15:22:06 +00:00
Simplify preferences model by doing a bulk load/save together with load/save Profile. ModulePreferences is now a struct rather than an ObservableObject, because it doesn't need ad hoc observation. It's just a binding to ProfileEditor.preferences Fix: - Disable CloudKit in tunnel singleton of PreferencesManager (.sharedForTunnel) Additionally: - Replace MainActor in PreferencesManager with Sendable (immutable) - Replace MainActor from ProviderPreferencesRepository with Sendable (syncs on NSManagedObjectContext) - Drop ModuleMetadata for good
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221 lines
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// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Library",
defaultLocalization: "en",
platforms: [
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages.
name: "AppUIMain",
targets: [
name: "AppUITV",
targets: [
name: "CommonIAP",
targets: ["CommonIAP"]
name: "CommonLibrary",
targets: ["CommonLibrary"]
name: "LegacyV2",
targets: ["LegacyV2"]
name: "PassepartoutImplementations",
targets: ["PassepartoutImplementations"]
name: "TunnelLibrary",
targets: [
name: "UILibrary",
targets: ["UILibrary"]
name: "UITesting",
targets: ["UITesting"]
dependencies: [
// .package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source", from: "0.12.0"),
.package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source", revision: "406712a60faf8208a15c4ffaf286b1c71df7c6d2"),
// .package(path: "../../passepartoutkit-source"),
.package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source-openvpn-openssl", from: "0.9.1"),
// .package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source-openvpn-openssl", revision: "031863a1cd683962a7dfe68e20b91fa820a1ecce"),
// .package(path: "../../passepartoutkit-source-openvpn-openssl"),
.package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source-wireguard-go", from: "0.12.0"),
// .package(url: "git@github.com:passepartoutvpn/passepartoutkit-source-wireguard-go", revision: "68fceaa664913988b2d9053405738682a30b87b8"),
// .package(path: "../../passepartoutkit-source-wireguard-go"),
.package(url: "https://github.com/Cocoanetics/Kvitto", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies.
name: "AppData",
dependencies: []
name: "AppDataPreferences",
dependencies: [
resources: [
name: "AppDataProfiles",
dependencies: [
resources: [
name: "AppDataProviders",
dependencies: [
resources: [
name: "AppUI",
dependencies: [
.target(name: "AppUIMain", condition: .when(platforms: [.iOS, .macOS])),
.target(name: "AppUITV", condition: .when(platforms: [.tvOS]))
name: "AppUIMain",
dependencies: ["UILibrary"],
resources: [
name: "AppUIMainWrapper",
dependencies: [
.target(name: "AppUIMain", condition: .when(platforms: [.iOS, .macOS]))
name: "AppUITV",
dependencies: ["UILibrary"]
name: "AppUITVWrapper",
dependencies: [
.target(name: "AppUITV", condition: .when(platforms: [.tvOS]))
name: "CommonAPI",
dependencies: ["CommonLibrary"],
resources: [
name: "CommonIAP",
dependencies: ["CommonUtils"]
name: "CommonLibrary",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "PassepartoutKit", package: "passepartoutkit-source")
resources: [
name: "CommonUtils",
dependencies: ["Kvitto"]
name: "LegacyV2",
dependencies: [
resources: [
name: "PassepartoutImplementations",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "PassepartoutKit", package: "passepartoutkit-source"),
.product(name: "PassepartoutOpenVPNOpenSSL", package: "passepartoutkit-source-openvpn-openssl"),
.product(name: "PassepartoutWireGuardGo", package: "passepartoutkit-source-wireguard-go")
name: "UILibrary",
dependencies: [
resources: [
name: "UITesting"
name: "AppUIMainTests",
dependencies: ["AppUIMain"]
name: "CommonLibraryTests",
dependencies: ["CommonLibrary"]
name: "LegacyV2Tests",
dependencies: ["LegacyV2"]
name: "UILibraryTests",
dependencies: ["UILibrary"]