Delegate network settings to ad-hoc builder (#292)
* Delegate network settings to ad-hoc builder - Assert network settings nil or non-empty, NOT precondition - Fix log about local DNS, only if not gateway - Remove non-working block-local code Fixes #289, fixes #290 * Unmask safe and helpful network settings
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1q.
- Use natively async methods from NetworkExtension. [#284](
- OpenVPN: Unmask PUSH_REPLY and network settings in logs.
### Fixed
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
// NetworkSettingsBuilder.swift
// TunnelKit
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 10/21/22.
// Copyright (c) 2022 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of TunnelKit.
// TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with TunnelKit. If not, see <>.
import Foundation
import NetworkExtension
import TunnelKitCore
import TunnelKitOpenVPNCore
import SwiftyBeaver
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
struct NetworkSettingsBuilder {
let remoteAddress: String
let localOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration
let remoteOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration
init(remoteAddress: String, localOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration, remoteOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration) {
self.remoteAddress = remoteAddress
self.localOptions = localOptions
self.remoteOptions = remoteOptions
func build() -> NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings {
let ipv4Settings = computedIPv4Settings
let ipv6Settings = computedIPv6Settings
let dnsSettings = computedDNSSettings
let proxySettings = computedProxySettings
// add direct routes to DNS servers
if !isGateway {
for server in dnsSettings?.servers ?? [] {
if server.contains(":") {
ipv6Settings?.includedRoutes?.insert(NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: server, networkPrefixLength: 128), at: 0)
} else {
ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes?.insert(NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: server, subnetMask: ""), at: 0)
let settings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: remoteAddress)
settings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings
settings.ipv6Settings = ipv6Settings
settings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings
settings.proxySettings = proxySettings
if let mtu = localOptions.mtu, mtu > 0 {
settings.mtu = NSNumber(value: mtu)
return settings
extension NetworkSettingsBuilder {
private var pullRoutes: Bool {
!(localOptions.noPullMask?.contains(.routes) ?? false)
private var pullDNS: Bool {
!(localOptions.noPullMask?.contains(.dns) ?? false)
private var pullProxy: Bool {
!(localOptions.noPullMask?.contains(.proxy) ?? false)
extension NetworkSettingsBuilder {
var isGateway: Bool {
isIPv4Gateway || isIPv6Gateway
private var routingPolicies: [OpenVPN.RoutingPolicy]? {
pullRoutes ? (remoteOptions.routingPolicies ?? localOptions.routingPolicies) : localOptions.routingPolicies
private var isIPv4Gateway: Bool {
routingPolicies?.contains(.IPv4) ?? false
private var isIPv6Gateway: Bool {
routingPolicies?.contains(.IPv6) ?? false
extension NetworkSettingsBuilder {
// IPv4/6 address/mask MUST come from server options
// routes, instead, can both come from server and local options
// FIXME: routes from local options are ignored (#278)
private var computedIPv4Settings: NEIPv4Settings? {
guard let ipv4 = remoteOptions.ipv4 else {
return nil
let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: [ipv4.address], subnetMasks: [ipv4.addressMask])
if pullRoutes {
var routes: [NEIPv4Route] = []
// route all traffic to VPN?
if isIPv4Gateway {
let defaultRoute = NEIPv4Route.default()
defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = ipv4.defaultGateway
||||"Routing.IPv4: Setting default gateway to \(ipv4.defaultGateway)")
for r in ipv4.routes {
let ipv4Route = NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: r.destination, subnetMask: r.mask)
ipv4Route.gatewayAddress = r.gateway
||||"Routing.IPv4: Adding route \(r.destination)/\(r.mask) -> \(r.gateway)")
ipv4Settings.includedRoutes = routes
ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = []
return ipv4Settings
private var computedIPv6Settings: NEIPv6Settings? {
guard let ipv6 = remoteOptions.ipv6 else {
return nil
let ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings(addresses: [ipv6.address], networkPrefixLengths: [ipv6.addressPrefixLength as NSNumber])
if pullRoutes {
var routes: [NEIPv6Route] = []
// route all traffic to VPN?
if isIPv6Gateway {
let defaultRoute = NEIPv6Route.default()
defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = ipv6.defaultGateway
||||"Routing.IPv6: Setting default gateway to \(ipv6.defaultGateway)")
for r in ipv6.routes {
let ipv6Route = NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: r.destination, networkPrefixLength: r.prefixLength as NSNumber)
ipv6Route.gatewayAddress = r.gateway
||||"Routing.IPv6: Adding route \(r.destination)/\(r.prefixLength) -> \(r.gateway)")
ipv6Settings.includedRoutes = routes
ipv6Settings.excludedRoutes = []
return ipv6Settings
var hasGateway: Bool {
var hasGateway = false
if isIPv4Gateway && computedIPv4Settings != nil {
hasGateway = true
if isIPv6Gateway && computedIPv6Settings != nil {
hasGateway = true
return hasGateway
extension NetworkSettingsBuilder {
private var computedDNSSettings: NEDNSSettings? {
guard localOptions.isDNSEnabled ?? true else {
return nil
var dnsSettings: NEDNSSettings?
var dnsServers: [String] = []
if #available(iOS 14, macOS 11, *) {
switch localOptions.dnsProtocol {
case .https:
dnsServers = localOptions.dnsServers ?? []
guard let serverURL = localOptions.dnsHTTPSURL else {
let specific = NEDNSOverHTTPSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
specific.serverURL = serverURL
dnsSettings = specific
||||"DNS over HTTPS: Using servers \(dnsServers)")
||||"\tHTTPS URL: \(serverURL)")
case .tls:
dnsServers = localOptions.dnsServers ?? []
guard let serverName = localOptions.dnsTLSServerName else {
let specific = NEDNSOverTLSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
specific.serverName = serverName
dnsSettings = specific
||||"DNS over TLS: Using servers \(dnsServers)")
||||"\tTLS server name: \(serverName)")
// fall back
if dnsSettings == nil {
dnsServers = (pullDNS ? (remoteOptions.dnsServers ?? localOptions.dnsServers) : localOptions.dnsServers) ?? []
if !dnsServers.isEmpty {
||||"DNS: Using servers \(dnsServers)")
dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
} else {
// log.warning("DNS: No servers provided, using fall-back servers: \(fallbackDNSServers)")
// dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: fallbackDNSServers)
if isGateway {
log.warning("DNS: No settings provided")
} else {
log.warning("DNS: No settings provided, using current network settings")
// "hack" for split DNS (i.e. use VPN only for DNS)
if !isGateway {
dnsSettings?.matchDomains = [""]
if let searchDomains = pullDNS ? (remoteOptions.searchDomains ?? localOptions.searchDomains) : localOptions.searchDomains {
||||"DNS: Using search domains \(searchDomains)")
dnsSettings?.domainName = searchDomains.first
dnsSettings?.searchDomains = searchDomains
if !isGateway {
dnsSettings?.matchDomains = dnsSettings?.searchDomains
return dnsSettings
extension NetworkSettingsBuilder {
private var computedProxySettings: NEProxySettings? {
guard localOptions.isProxyEnabled ?? true else {
return nil
var proxySettings: NEProxySettings?
if let httpsProxy = pullProxy ? (remoteOptions.httpsProxy ?? localOptions.httpsProxy) : localOptions.httpsProxy {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.httpsServer = httpsProxy.neProxy()
proxySettings?.httpsEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting HTTPS proxy \(httpsProxy.address):\(httpsProxy.port)")
if let httpProxy = pullProxy ? (remoteOptions.httpProxy ?? localOptions.httpProxy) : localOptions.httpProxy {
if proxySettings == nil {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.httpServer = httpProxy.neProxy()
proxySettings?.httpEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting HTTP proxy \(httpProxy.address):\(httpProxy.port)")
if let pacURL = pullProxy ? (remoteOptions.proxyAutoConfigurationURL ?? localOptions.proxyAutoConfigurationURL) : localOptions.proxyAutoConfigurationURL {
if proxySettings == nil {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = pacURL
proxySettings?.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting PAC \(pacURL)")
// only set if there is a proxy (proxySettings set to non-nil above)
if let bypass = pullProxy ? (remoteOptions.proxyBypassDomains ?? localOptions.proxyBypassDomains) : localOptions.proxyBypassDomains {
proxySettings?.exceptionList = bypass
||||"Routing: Setting proxy by-pass list: \(bypass)")
return proxySettings
private extension Proxy {
func neProxy() -> NEProxyServer {
return NEProxyServer(address: address, port: Int(port))
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ extension OpenVPNTunnelProvider: OpenVPNSessionDelegate {
cfg._appexSetServerConfiguration(session.serverConfiguration() as? OpenVPN.Configuration)
bringNetworkUp(remoteAddress: remoteAddress, localOptions: session.configuration, options: options) { (error) in
bringNetworkUp(remoteAddress: remoteAddress, localOptions: session.configuration, remoteOptions: options) { (error) in
// FIXME: XPC queue
@ -565,266 +565,52 @@ extension OpenVPNTunnelProvider: OpenVPNSessionDelegate {
private func bringNetworkUp(remoteAddress: String, localOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration, options: OpenVPN.Configuration, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let pullMask = localOptions.pullMask
let pullRoutes = pullMask?.contains(.routes) ?? false
let pullDNS = pullMask?.contains(.dns) ?? false
let pullProxy = pullMask?.contains(.proxy) ?? false
private func bringNetworkUp(remoteAddress: String, localOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration, remoteOptions: OpenVPN.Configuration, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let newSettings = NetworkSettingsBuilder(remoteAddress: remoteAddress, localOptions: localOptions, remoteOptions: remoteOptions)
let routingPolicies = pullRoutes ? options.routingPolicies : localOptions.routingPolicies
let isIPv4Gateway = routingPolicies?.contains(.IPv4) ?? false
let isIPv6Gateway = routingPolicies?.contains(.IPv6) ?? false
let isGateway = isIPv4Gateway || isIPv6Gateway
var ipv4Settings: NEIPv4Settings?
if let ipv4 = options.ipv4 {
var routes: [NEIPv4Route] = []
// route all traffic to VPN?
if isIPv4Gateway {
let defaultRoute = NEIPv4Route.default()
defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = ipv4.defaultGateway
// for network in ["", ""] {
// let route = NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: network, subnetMask: "")
// route.gatewayAddress = ipv4.defaultGateway
// routes.append(route)
// }
||||"Routing.IPv4: Setting default gateway to \(ipv4.defaultGateway.maskedDescription)")
if pullRoutes {
for r in ipv4.routes {
let ipv4Route = NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: r.destination, subnetMask: r.mask)
ipv4Route.gatewayAddress = r.gateway
||||"Routing.IPv4: Adding route \(r.destination.maskedDescription)/\(r.mask) -> \(r.gateway)")
ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: [ipv4.address], subnetMasks: [ipv4.addressMask])
ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes = routes
ipv4Settings?.excludedRoutes = []
var ipv6Settings: NEIPv6Settings?
if let ipv6 = options.ipv6 {
var routes: [NEIPv6Route] = []
// route all traffic to VPN?
if isIPv6Gateway {
let defaultRoute = NEIPv6Route.default()
defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = ipv6.defaultGateway
// for network in ["2000::", "3000::"] {
// let route = NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: network, networkPrefixLength: 4)
// route.gatewayAddress = ipv6.defaultGateway
// routes.append(route)
// }
||||"Routing.IPv6: Setting default gateway to \(ipv6.defaultGateway.maskedDescription)")
if pullRoutes {
for r in ipv6.routes {
let ipv6Route = NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: r.destination, networkPrefixLength: r.prefixLength as NSNumber)
ipv6Route.gatewayAddress = r.gateway
||||"Routing.IPv6: Adding route \(r.destination.maskedDescription)/\(r.prefixLength) -> \(r.gateway)")
ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings(addresses: [ipv6.address], networkPrefixLengths: [ipv6.addressPrefixLength as NSNumber])
ipv6Settings?.includedRoutes = routes
ipv6Settings?.excludedRoutes = []
// shut down if default gateway is not attainable
var hasGateway = false
if isIPv4Gateway && (ipv4Settings != nil) {
hasGateway = true
if isIPv6Gateway && (ipv6Settings != nil) {
hasGateway = true
guard !isGateway || hasGateway else {
guard !newSettings.isGateway || newSettings.hasGateway else {
session?.shutdown(error: OpenVPNProviderError.gatewayUnattainable)
var dnsSettings: NEDNSSettings?
if localOptions.isDNSEnabled ?? true {
var dnsServers: [String] = []
if #available(iOS 14, macOS 11, *) {
switch localOptions.dnsProtocol {
case .https:
dnsServers = localOptions.dnsServers ?? []
guard let serverURL = localOptions.dnsHTTPSURL else {
let specific = NEDNSOverHTTPSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
specific.serverURL = serverURL
dnsSettings = specific
||||"DNS over HTTPS: Using servers \(dnsServers.maskedDescription)")
||||"\tHTTPS URL: \(serverURL.maskedDescription)")
// // block LAN if desired
// if routingPolicies?.contains(.blockLocal) ?? false {
// let table = RoutingTable()
// if isIPv4Gateway,
// let gateway = table.defaultGateway4()?.gateway(),
// let route = table.broadestRoute4(matchingDestination: gateway) {
// route.partitioned()?.forEach {
// let destination = $
// guard let netmask = $0.networkMask() else {
// return
// }
//"Block local: Suppressing IPv4 route \(destination)/\($0.prefix())")
// let included = NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: destination, subnetMask: netmask)
// included.gatewayAddress = options.ipv4?.defaultGateway
// ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes?.append(included)
// }
// }
// if isIPv6Gateway,
// let gateway = table.defaultGateway6()?.gateway(),
// let route = table.broadestRoute6(matchingDestination: gateway) {
// route.partitioned()?.forEach {
// let destination = $
// let prefix = $0.prefix()
//"Block local: Suppressing IPv6 route \(destination)/\($0.prefix())")
// let included = NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: destination, networkPrefixLength: prefix as NSNumber)
// included.gatewayAddress = options.ipv6?.defaultGateway
// ipv6Settings?.includedRoutes?.append(included)
// }
// }
// }
case .tls:
dnsServers = localOptions.dnsServers ?? []
guard let serverName = localOptions.dnsTLSServerName else {
let specific = NEDNSOverTLSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
specific.serverName = serverName
dnsSettings = specific
||||"DNS over TLS: Using servers \(dnsServers.maskedDescription)")
||||"\tTLS server name: \(serverName.maskedDescription)")
// ensure that non-nil arrays also imply non-empty
if let array = options.dnsServers {
if let array = options.searchDomains {
if let array = options.proxyBypassDomains {
if let array = cfg.configuration.dnsServers {
if let array = cfg.configuration.searchDomains {
if let array = cfg.configuration.proxyBypassDomains {
// fall back
if dnsSettings == nil {
dnsServers = (pullDNS ? options.dnsServers : localOptions.dnsServers) ?? []
if !dnsServers.isEmpty {
||||"DNS: Using servers \(dnsServers.maskedDescription)")
dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
} else {
// log.warning("DNS: No servers provided, using fall-back servers: \(fallbackDNSServers.maskedDescription)")
// dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: fallbackDNSServers)
if isGateway {
log.warning("DNS: No settings provided, using current network settings")
} else {
log.warning("DNS: No settings provided")
// "hack" for split DNS (i.e. use VPN only for DNS)
if !isGateway {
dnsSettings?.matchDomains = [""]
if let searchDomains = pullDNS ? options.searchDomains : localOptions.searchDomains {
||||"DNS: Using search domains \(searchDomains.maskedDescription)")
dnsSettings?.domainName = searchDomains.first
dnsSettings?.searchDomains = searchDomains
if !isGateway {
dnsSettings?.matchDomains = dnsSettings?.searchDomains
// add direct routes to DNS servers
if !isGateway {
for server in dnsServers {
if server.contains(":") {
ipv6Settings?.includedRoutes?.insert(NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: server, networkPrefixLength: 128), at: 0)
} else {
ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes?.insert(NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: server, subnetMask: ""), at: 0)
var proxySettings: NEProxySettings?
if localOptions.isProxyEnabled ?? true {
if let httpsProxy = pullProxy ? options.httpsProxy : localOptions.httpsProxy {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.httpsServer = httpsProxy.neProxy()
proxySettings?.httpsEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting HTTPS proxy \(httpsProxy.address.maskedDescription):\(httpsProxy.port)")
if let httpProxy = pullProxy ? options.httpProxy : localOptions.httpProxy {
if proxySettings == nil {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.httpServer = httpProxy.neProxy()
proxySettings?.httpEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting HTTP proxy \(httpProxy.address.maskedDescription):\(httpProxy.port)")
if let pacURL = pullProxy ? options.proxyAutoConfigurationURL : localOptions.proxyAutoConfigurationURL {
if proxySettings == nil {
proxySettings = NEProxySettings()
proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = pacURL
proxySettings?.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = true
||||"Routing: Setting PAC \(pacURL.maskedDescription)")
// only set if there is a proxy (proxySettings set to non-nil above)
if let bypass = pullProxy ? options.proxyBypassDomains : localOptions.proxyBypassDomains {
proxySettings?.exceptionList = bypass
||||"Routing: Setting proxy by-pass list: \(bypass.maskedDescription)")
// block LAN if desired
if routingPolicies?.contains(.blockLocal) ?? false {
let table = RoutingTable()
if isIPv4Gateway,
let gateway = table.defaultGateway4()?.gateway(),
let route = table.broadestRoute4(matchingDestination: gateway) {
route.partitioned()?.forEach {
let destination = $
guard let netmask = $0.networkMask() else {
||||"Block local: Suppressing IPv4 route \(destination)/\($0.prefix())")
let included = NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: destination, subnetMask: netmask)
included.gatewayAddress = options.ipv4?.defaultGateway
if isIPv6Gateway,
let gateway = table.defaultGateway6()?.gateway(),
let route = table.broadestRoute6(matchingDestination: gateway) {
route.partitioned()?.forEach {
let destination = $
let prefix = $0.prefix()
||||"Block local: Suppressing IPv6 route \(destination)/\($0.prefix())")
let included = NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: destination, networkPrefixLength: prefix as NSNumber)
included.gatewayAddress = options.ipv6?.defaultGateway
let newSettings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: remoteAddress)
newSettings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings
newSettings.ipv6Settings = ipv6Settings
newSettings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings
newSettings.proxySettings = proxySettings
if let mtu = localOptions.mtu, mtu > 0 {
newSettings.mtu = NSNumber(value: mtu)
setTunnelNetworkSettings(newSettings, completionHandler: completionHandler)
setTunnelNetworkSettings(, completionHandler: completionHandler)
@ -948,12 +734,6 @@ extension OpenVPNTunnelProvider {
private extension Proxy {
func neProxy() -> NEProxyServer {
return NEProxyServer(address: address, port: Int(port))
private extension NEPacketTunnelProvider {
func forceExitOnMac() {
#if os(macOS)
@ -732,6 +732,28 @@ extension OpenVPN {
// MARK: Post-processing
// prepend search domains with main domain (if set)
if let domain = optDomain {
if optSearchDomains == nil {
optSearchDomains = [domain]
} else {
optSearchDomains?.insert(domain, at: 0)
// ensure that non-nil network settings also imply non-empty
if let array = optDNSServers {
if let array = optSearchDomains {
if let array = optProxyBypass {
var sessionBuilder = ConfigurationBuilder()
@ -887,15 +909,6 @@ extension OpenVPN {
// prepend search domains with main domain (if set)
if let domain = optDomain {
if optSearchDomains == nil {
optSearchDomains = [domain]
} else {
optSearchDomains?.insert(domain, at: 0)
sessionBuilder.dnsServers = optDNSServers
sessionBuilder.searchDomains = optSearchDomains
sessionBuilder.httpProxy = optHTTPProxy
@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ public class OpenVPNSession: Session {
reply = optionalReply
log.debug("Received PUSH_REPLY: \"\(reply.maskedDescription)\"")
log.debug("Received PUSH_REPLY: \"\(reply)\"")
if let framing = reply.options.compressionFraming, let compression = reply.options.compressionAlgorithm {
switch compression {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user