// // NEUDPInterface.swift // TunnelKit // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 8/27/17. // Copyright © 2018 London Trust Media. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import NetworkExtension import SwiftyBeaver private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self class NEUDPInterface: NSObject, GenericSocket, LinkInterface { private static var linkContext = 0 private let impl: NWUDPSession private let maxDatagrams: Int init(impl: NWUDPSession, communicationType: CommunicationType, maxDatagrams: Int? = nil) { self.impl = impl self.communicationType = communicationType self.maxDatagrams = maxDatagrams ?? 200 isActive = false isShutdown = false } // MARK: GenericSocket private weak var queue: DispatchQueue? private var isActive: Bool private(set) var isShutdown: Bool var remoteAddress: String? { return (impl.resolvedEndpoint as? NWHostEndpoint)?.hostname } var hasBetterPath: Bool { return impl.hasBetterPath } weak var delegate: GenericSocketDelegate? func observe(queue: DispatchQueue, activeTimeout: Int) { isActive = false self.queue = queue queue.schedule(after: .milliseconds(activeTimeout)) { [weak self] in guard let _self = self else { return } guard _self.isActive else { _self.delegate?.socketDidTimeout(_self) return } } impl.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.state), options: [.initial, .new], context: &NEUDPInterface.linkContext) impl.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.hasBetterPath), options: .new, context: &NEUDPInterface.linkContext) } func unobserve() { impl.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.state), context: &NEUDPInterface.linkContext) impl.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.hasBetterPath), context: &NEUDPInterface.linkContext) } func shutdown() { impl.cancel() } func upgraded() -> GenericSocket? { guard impl.hasBetterPath else { return nil } return NEUDPInterface(impl: NWUDPSession(upgradeFor: impl), communicationType: communicationType) } func link() -> LinkInterface { return self } // MARK: Connection KVO (any queue) override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { guard (context == &NEUDPInterface.linkContext) else { super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context) return } // if let keyPath = keyPath { // log.debug("KVO change reported (\(anyPointer(object)).\(keyPath))") // } queue?.async { self.observeValueInTunnelQueue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context) } } private func observeValueInTunnelQueue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { // if let keyPath = keyPath { // log.debug("KVO change reported (\(anyPointer(object)).\(keyPath))") // } guard let impl = object as? NWUDPSession, (impl == self.impl) else { log.warning("Discard KVO change from old socket") return } guard let keyPath = keyPath else { return } switch keyPath { case #keyPath(NWUDPSession.state): if let resolvedEndpoint = impl.resolvedEndpoint { log.debug("Socket state is \(impl.state) (endpoint: \(impl.endpoint) -> \(resolvedEndpoint))") } else { log.debug("Socket state is \(impl.state) (endpoint: \(impl.endpoint) -> in progress)") } switch impl.state { case .ready: guard !isActive else { return } isActive = true delegate?.socketDidBecomeActive(self) case .cancelled: isShutdown = true delegate?.socket(self, didShutdownWithFailure: false) case .failed: isShutdown = true // if timedOut { // delegate?.socketShouldChangeProtocol(self) // } delegate?.socket(self, didShutdownWithFailure: true) default: break } case #keyPath(NWUDPSession.hasBetterPath): guard impl.hasBetterPath else { break } log.debug("Socket has a better path") delegate?.socketHasBetterPath(self) default: break } } // MARK: LinkInterface let isReliable: Bool = false let mtu: Int = 1000 var packetBufferSize: Int { return maxDatagrams } let communicationType: CommunicationType let negotiationTimeout: TimeInterval = 10.0 let hardResetTimeout: TimeInterval = 5.0 func setReadHandler(queue: DispatchQueue, _ handler: @escaping ([Data]?, Error?) -> Void) { // WARNING: runs in Network.framework queue impl.setReadHandler({ [weak self] (packets, error) in guard let _ = self else { return } queue.sync { handler(packets, error) } }, maxDatagrams: maxDatagrams) } func writePacket(_ packet: Data, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?) { impl.writeDatagram(packet) { (error) in completionHandler?(error) } } func writePackets(_ packets: [Data], completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?) { impl.writeMultipleDatagrams(packets) { (error) in completionHandler?(error) } } } extension NEUDPInterface { override var description: String { guard let hostEndpoint = impl.endpoint as? NWHostEndpoint else { return impl.endpoint.description } return "\(hostEndpoint.hostname):\(hostEndpoint.port)" } }