// // CryptoBox.h // TunnelKit // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/4/17. // Copyright © 2018 London Trust Media. All rights reserved. // #import #import "ZeroingData.h" @protocol Encrypter; @protocol Decrypter; @interface CryptoBox : NSObject + (BOOL)preparePRNGWithSeed:(nonnull const uint8_t *)seed length:(NSInteger)length; - (nonnull instancetype)initWithCipherAlgorithm:(nonnull NSString *)cipherAlgorithm digestAlgorithm:(nullable NSString *)digestAlgorithm; - (BOOL)configureWithCipherEncKey:(nonnull ZeroingData *)cipherEncKey cipherDecKey:(nonnull ZeroingData *)cipherDecKey hmacEncKey:(nonnull ZeroingData *)hmacEncKey hmacDecKey:(nonnull ZeroingData *)hmacDecKey error:(NSError **)error; // WARNING: hmac must be able to hold HMAC result + (BOOL)hmacWithDigestName:(nonnull NSString *)digestName secret:(nonnull const uint8_t *)secret secretLength:(NSInteger)secretLength data:(nonnull const uint8_t *)data dataLength:(NSInteger)dataLength hmac:(nonnull uint8_t *)hmac hmacLength:(nonnull NSInteger *)hmacLength error:(NSError **)error; // encrypt/decrypt are mutually thread-safe - (nonnull id)encrypter; - (nonnull id)decrypter; @end