// // OpenVPNSession.swift // TunnelKit // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/3/17. // Copyright (c) 2019 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of TunnelKit. // // TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with TunnelKit. If not, see . // // This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and // permission notice: // // Copyright (c) 2018-Present Private Internet Access // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // import Foundation import SwiftyBeaver import __TunnelKitCore import __TunnelKitOpenVPN private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self /// Observes major events notified by a `OpenVPNSession`. public protocol OpenVPNSessionDelegate: class { /** Called after starting a session. - Parameter remoteAddress: The address of the VPN server. - Parameter options: The pulled tunnel settings. */ func sessionDidStart(_: OpenVPNSession, remoteAddress: String, options: OpenVPN.Configuration) /** Called after stopping a session. - Parameter shouldReconnect: When `true`, the session can/should be restarted. Usually because the stop reason was recoverable. - Seealso: `OpenVPNSession.reconnect(...)` */ func sessionDidStop(_: OpenVPNSession, shouldReconnect: Bool) } /// Provides methods to set up and maintain an OpenVPN session. public class OpenVPNSession: Session { private enum StopMethod { case shutdown case reconnect } private struct Caches { static let ca = "ca.pem" static let clientCertificate = "cert.pem" static let clientKey = "key.pem" } // MARK: Configuration /// The session base configuration. public let configuration: OpenVPN.Configuration /// The optional credentials. public var credentials: OpenVPN.Credentials? private var keepAliveInterval: TimeInterval? { let interval: TimeInterval? if let negInterval = pushReply?.options.keepAliveInterval, negInterval > 0.0 { interval = negInterval } else if let cfgInterval = configuration.keepAliveInterval, cfgInterval > 0.0 { interval = cfgInterval } else { return nil } return interval } private var keepAliveTimeout: TimeInterval { if let negTimeout = pushReply?.options.keepAliveTimeout, negTimeout > 0.0 { return negTimeout } else if let cfgTimeout = configuration.keepAliveTimeout, cfgTimeout > 0.0 { return cfgTimeout } else { return CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.pingTimeout } } /// An optional `OpenVPNSessionDelegate` for receiving session events. public weak var delegate: OpenVPNSessionDelegate? // MARK: State private let queue: DispatchQueue private var tlsObserver: NSObjectProtocol? private var withLocalOptions: Bool private var keys: [UInt8: OpenVPN.SessionKey] private var oldKeys: [OpenVPN.SessionKey] private var negotiationKeyIdx: UInt8 private var currentKeyIdx: UInt8? private var isRenegotiating: Bool private var negotiationKey: OpenVPN.SessionKey { guard let key = keys[negotiationKeyIdx] else { fatalError("Keys are empty or index \(negotiationKeyIdx) not found in \(keys.keys)") } return key } private var currentKey: OpenVPN.SessionKey? { guard let i = currentKeyIdx else { return nil } return keys[i] } private var link: LinkInterface? private var tunnel: TunnelInterface? private var isReliableLink: Bool { return link?.isReliable ?? false } private var continuatedPushReplyMessage: String? private var pushReply: OpenVPN.PushReply? private var nextPushRequestDate: Date? private var connectedDate: Date? private var lastPing: BidirectionalState private(set) var isStopping: Bool /// The optional reason why the session stopped. public private(set) var stopError: Error? // MARK: Control private var controlChannel: OpenVPN.ControlChannel private var authenticator: OpenVPN.Authenticator? // MARK: Caching private let cachesURL: URL private var caURL: URL { return cachesURL.appendingPathComponent(Caches.ca) } private var clientCertificateURL: URL { return cachesURL.appendingPathComponent(Caches.clientCertificate) } private var clientKeyURL: URL { return cachesURL.appendingPathComponent(Caches.clientKey) } // MARK: Init /** Creates a VPN session. - Parameter queue: The `DispatchQueue` where to run the session loop. - Parameter configuration: The `Configuration` to use for this session. */ public init(queue: DispatchQueue, configuration: OpenVPN.Configuration, cachesURL: URL) throws { guard let ca = configuration.ca else { throw ConfigurationError.missingConfiguration(option: "ca") } self.queue = queue self.configuration = configuration self.cachesURL = cachesURL withLocalOptions = true keys = [:] oldKeys = [] negotiationKeyIdx = 0 isRenegotiating = false lastPing = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: Date.distantPast) isStopping = false if let tlsWrap = configuration.tlsWrap { switch tlsWrap.strategy { case .auth: controlChannel = try OpenVPN.ControlChannel(withAuthKey: tlsWrap.key, digest: configuration.fallbackDigest) case .crypt: controlChannel = try OpenVPN.ControlChannel(withCryptKey: tlsWrap.key) } } else { controlChannel = OpenVPN.ControlChannel() } // cache PEMs locally (mandatory for OpenSSL) let fm = FileManager.default try ca.pem.write(to: caURL, atomically: true, encoding: .ascii) if let container = configuration.clientCertificate { try container.pem.write(to: clientCertificateURL, atomically: true, encoding: .ascii) } else { try? fm.removeItem(at: clientCertificateURL) } if let container = configuration.clientKey { try container.pem.write(to: clientKeyURL, atomically: true, encoding: .ascii) } else { try? fm.removeItem(at: clientKeyURL) } } /// :nodoc: deinit { cleanup() let fm = FileManager.default for url in [caURL, clientCertificateURL, clientKeyURL] { try? fm.removeItem(at: url) } } // MARK: Session public func setLink(_ link: LinkInterface) { guard (self.link == nil) else { log.warning("Link interface already set!") return } log.debug("Starting VPN session") // WARNING: runs in notification source queue (we know it's "queue", but better be safe than sorry) tlsObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .TLSBoxPeerVerificationError, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in let error = notification.userInfo?[TunnelKitErrorKey] as? Error self.queue.async { self.deferStop(.shutdown, error) } } self.link = link start() } public func canRebindLink() -> Bool { // return (pushReply?.peerId != nil) // FIXME: floating is currently unreliable return false } public func rebindLink(_ link: LinkInterface) { guard let _ = pushReply?.options.peerId else { log.warning("Session doesn't support link rebinding!") return } isStopping = false stopError = nil log.debug("Rebinding VPN session to a new link") self.link = link loopLink() } public func setTunnel(tunnel: TunnelInterface) { guard (self.tunnel == nil) else { log.warning("Tunnel interface already set!") return } self.tunnel = tunnel loopTunnel() } public func dataCount() -> (Int, Int)? { guard let _ = link else { return nil } return controlChannel.currentDataCount() } public func serverConfiguration() -> OpenVPN.Configuration? { return pushReply?.options } public func shutdown(error: Error?) { guard !isStopping else { log.warning("Ignore stop request, already stopping!") return } deferStop(.shutdown, error) } public func reconnect(error: Error?) { guard !isStopping else { log.warning("Ignore stop request, already stopping!") return } deferStop(.reconnect, error) } // Ruby: cleanup public func cleanup() { log.info("Cleaning up...") if let observer = tlsObserver { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(observer) tlsObserver = nil } keys.removeAll() oldKeys.removeAll() negotiationKeyIdx = 0 currentKeyIdx = nil isRenegotiating = false nextPushRequestDate = nil connectedDate = nil authenticator = nil continuatedPushReplyMessage = nil pushReply = nil link = nil if !(tunnel?.isPersistent ?? false) { tunnel = nil } isStopping = false stopError = nil } // MARK: Loop // Ruby: start private func start() { loopLink() hardReset() } private func loopNegotiation() { guard let link = link else { return } guard !keys.isEmpty else { return } guard !negotiationKey.didHardResetTimeOut(link: link) else { doReconnect(error: OpenVPNError.negotiationTimeout) return } guard !negotiationKey.didNegotiationTimeOut(link: link) else { doShutdown(error: OpenVPNError.negotiationTimeout) return } pushRequest() if !isReliableLink { flushControlQueue() } guard negotiationKey.controlState == .connected else { queue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.tickInterval) { [weak self] in self?.loopNegotiation() } return } // let loop die when negotiation is complete } // Ruby: udp_loop private func loopLink() { let loopedLink = link loopedLink?.setReadHandler(queue: queue) { [weak self] (newPackets, error) in guard self?.link === loopedLink else { log.warning("Ignoring read from outdated LINK") return } if let error = error { log.error("Failed LINK read: \(error)") return } if let packets = newPackets, !packets.isEmpty { self?.maybeRenegotiate() // log.verbose("Received \(packets.count) packets from LINK") self?.receiveLink(packets: packets) } } } // Ruby: tun_loop private func loopTunnel() { tunnel?.setReadHandler(queue: queue) { [weak self] (newPackets, error) in if let error = error { log.error("Failed TUN read: \(error)") return } if let packets = newPackets, !packets.isEmpty { // log.verbose("Received \(packets.count) packets from TUN") self?.receiveTunnel(packets: packets) } } } // Ruby: recv_link private func receiveLink(packets: [Data]) { guard shouldHandlePackets() else { log.warning("Discarding \(packets.count) LINK packets (should not handle)") return } lastPing.inbound = Date() var dataPacketsByKey = [UInt8: [Data]]() for packet in packets { // log.verbose("Received data from LINK (\(packet.count) bytes): \(packet.toHex())") guard let firstByte = packet.first else { log.warning("Dropped malformed packet (missing opcode)") continue } let codeValue = firstByte >> 3 guard let code = PacketCode(rawValue: codeValue) else { log.warning("Dropped malformed packet (unknown code: \(codeValue))") continue } // log.verbose("Parsed packet with code \(code)") var offset = 1 if (code == .dataV2) { guard packet.count >= offset + PacketPeerIdLength else { log.warning("Dropped malformed packet (missing peerId)") continue } offset += PacketPeerIdLength } if (code == .dataV1) || (code == .dataV2) { let key = firstByte & 0b111 guard let _ = keys[key] else { log.warning("Key with id \(key) not found") // deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.badKey) return } // XXX: improve with array reference var dataPackets = dataPacketsByKey[key] ?? [Data]() dataPackets.append(packet) dataPacketsByKey[key] = dataPackets continue } let controlPacket: ControlPacket do { let parsedPacket = try controlChannel.readInboundPacket(withData: packet, offset: 0) handleAcks() if parsedPacket.code == .ackV1 { continue } controlPacket = parsedPacket } catch let e { log.warning("Dropped malformed packet: \(e)") continue // deferStop(.shutdown, e) // return } switch code { case .hardResetServerV2: // HARD_RESET coming during a SOFT_RESET handshake (before connecting) guard !isRenegotiating else { deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.staleSession) return } case .softResetV1: if !isRenegotiating { softReset(isServerInitiated: true) } default: break } sendAck(for: controlPacket) let pendingInboundQueue = controlChannel.enqueueInboundPacket(packet: controlPacket) for inboundPacket in pendingInboundQueue { handleControlPacket(inboundPacket) } } // send decrypted packets to tunnel all at once for (keyId, dataPackets) in dataPacketsByKey { guard let sessionKey = keys[keyId] else { log.warning("Accounted a data packet for which the cryptographic key hadn't been found") continue } handleDataPackets(dataPackets, key: sessionKey) } } // Ruby: recv_tun private func receiveTunnel(packets: [Data]) { guard shouldHandlePackets() else { log.warning("Discarding \(packets.count) TUN packets (should not handle)") return } sendDataPackets(packets) } // Ruby: ping private func ping() { guard currentKey?.controlState == .connected else { return } let now = Date() guard now.timeIntervalSince(lastPing.inbound) <= keepAliveTimeout else { deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.pingTimeout) return } // is keep-alive enabled? if let _ = keepAliveInterval { log.debug("Send ping") sendDataPackets([OpenVPN.DataPacket.pingString]) lastPing.outbound = Date() } // schedule even just to check for ping timeout scheduleNextPing() } private func scheduleNextPing() { let interval: TimeInterval if let keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval { interval = keepAliveInterval log.verbose("Schedule ping after \(interval) seconds") } else { interval = CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.pingTimeoutCheckInterval log.verbose("Schedule ping timeout check after \(interval) seconds") } queue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + interval) { [weak self] in log.verbose("Running ping block") self?.ping() } } // MARK: Handshake // Ruby: reset_ctrl private func resetControlChannel(forNewSession: Bool) { authenticator = nil do { try controlChannel.reset(forNewSession: forNewSession) } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) } } // Ruby: hard_reset private func hardReset() { log.debug("Send hard reset") resetControlChannel(forNewSession: true) continuatedPushReplyMessage = nil pushReply = nil negotiationKeyIdx = 0 let newKey = OpenVPN.SessionKey(id: UInt8(negotiationKeyIdx), timeout: CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.negotiationTimeout) keys[negotiationKeyIdx] = newKey log.debug("Negotiation key index is \(negotiationKeyIdx)") let payload = hardResetPayload() ?? Data() negotiationKey.state = .hardReset guard !keys.isEmpty else { fatalError("Main loop must follow hard reset, keys are empty!") } loopNegotiation() enqueueControlPackets(code: .hardResetClientV2, key: UInt8(negotiationKeyIdx), payload: payload) } private func hardResetPayload() -> Data? { guard !(configuration.usesPIAPatches ?? false) else { let caMD5: String do { caMD5 = try TLSBox.md5(forCertificatePath: caURL.path) } catch { log.error("CA MD5 could not be computed, skipping custom HARD_RESET") return nil } log.debug("CA MD5 is: \(caMD5)") return try? PIAHardReset( caMd5Digest: caMD5, cipher: configuration.fallbackCipher, digest: configuration.fallbackDigest ).encodedData() } return nil } // Ruby: soft_reset private func softReset(isServerInitiated: Bool) { guard !isRenegotiating else { log.warning("Renegotiation already in progress") return } if isServerInitiated { log.debug("Handle soft reset") } else { log.debug("Send soft reset") } resetControlChannel(forNewSession: false) negotiationKeyIdx = max(1, (negotiationKeyIdx + 1) % OpenVPN.ProtocolMacros.numberOfKeys) let newKey = OpenVPN.SessionKey(id: UInt8(negotiationKeyIdx), timeout: CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.softNegotiationTimeout) keys[negotiationKeyIdx] = newKey log.debug("Negotiation key index is \(negotiationKeyIdx)") negotiationKey.state = .softReset isRenegotiating = true loopNegotiation() if !isServerInitiated { enqueueControlPackets(code: .softResetV1, key: UInt8(negotiationKeyIdx), payload: Data()) } } // Ruby: on_tls_connect private func onTLSConnect() { log.debug("TLS.connect: Handshake is complete") negotiationKey.controlState = .preAuth do { authenticator = try OpenVPN.Authenticator(credentials?.username, pushReply?.options.authToken ?? credentials?.password) authenticator?.withLocalOptions = withLocalOptions try authenticator?.putAuth(into: negotiationKey.tls, options: configuration) } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } let cipherTextOut: Data do { cipherTextOut = try negotiationKey.tls.pullCipherText() } catch let e { if let _ = e.tunnelKitErrorCode() { log.error("TLS.auth: Failed pulling ciphertext (error: \(e))") shutdown(error: e) return } log.verbose("TLS.auth: Still can't pull ciphertext") return } log.debug("TLS.auth: Pulled ciphertext (\(cipherTextOut.count) bytes)") enqueueControlPackets(code: .controlV1, key: negotiationKey.id, payload: cipherTextOut) } // Ruby: push_request private func pushRequest() { guard negotiationKey.controlState == .preIfConfig else { return } guard let targetDate = nextPushRequestDate, Date() > targetDate else { return } log.debug("TLS.ifconfig: Put plaintext (PUSH_REQUEST)") try? negotiationKey.tls.putPlainText("PUSH_REQUEST\0") let cipherTextOut: Data do { cipherTextOut = try negotiationKey.tls.pullCipherText() } catch let e { if let _ = e.tunnelKitErrorCode() { log.error("TLS.auth: Failed pulling ciphertext (error: \(e))") shutdown(error: e) return } log.verbose("TLS.ifconfig: Still can't pull ciphertext") return } log.debug("TLS.ifconfig: Send pulled ciphertext (\(cipherTextOut.count) bytes)") enqueueControlPackets(code: .controlV1, key: negotiationKey.id, payload: cipherTextOut) if isRenegotiating { completeConnection() isRenegotiating = false } nextPushRequestDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.pushRequestInterval) } private func maybeRenegotiate() { guard let renegotiatesAfter = configuration.renegotiatesAfter, renegotiatesAfter > 0 else { return } guard (negotiationKeyIdx == currentKeyIdx) else { return } let elapsed = -negotiationKey.startTime.timeIntervalSinceNow if (elapsed > renegotiatesAfter) { log.debug("Renegotiating after \(elapsed) seconds") softReset(isServerInitiated: false) } } private func completeConnection() { setupEncryption() authenticator = nil negotiationKey.controlState = .connected connectedDate = Date() transitionKeys() } // MARK: Control // Ruby: handle_ctrl_pkt private func handleControlPacket(_ packet: ControlPacket) { guard packet.key == negotiationKey.id else { log.error("Bad key in control packet (\(packet.key) != \(negotiationKey.id))") // deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.badKey) return } // start new TLS handshake if ((packet.code == .hardResetServerV2) && (negotiationKey.state == .hardReset)) || ((packet.code == .softResetV1) && (negotiationKey.state == .softReset)) { if negotiationKey.state == .hardReset { controlChannel.remoteSessionId = packet.sessionId } guard let remoteSessionId = controlChannel.remoteSessionId else { log.error("No remote sessionId (never set)") deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.missingSessionId) return } guard packet.sessionId == remoteSessionId else { log.error("Packet session mismatch (\(packet.sessionId.toHex()) != \(remoteSessionId.toHex()))") deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.sessionMismatch) return } negotiationKey.state = .tls log.debug("Start TLS handshake") let tls = TLSBox( caPath: caURL.path, clientCertificatePath: (configuration.clientCertificate != nil) ? clientCertificateURL.path : nil, clientKeyPath: (configuration.clientKey != nil) ? clientKeyURL.path : nil, checksEKU: configuration.checksEKU ?? false ) if let tlsSecurityLevel = configuration.tlsSecurityLevel { tls.securityLevel = tlsSecurityLevel } negotiationKey.tlsOptional = tls do { try negotiationKey.tls.start() } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } let cipherTextOut: Data do { cipherTextOut = try negotiationKey.tls.pullCipherText() } catch let e { if let _ = e.tunnelKitErrorCode() { log.error("TLS.connect: Failed pulling ciphertext (error: \(e))") shutdown(error: e) return } deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } log.debug("TLS.connect: Pulled ciphertext (\(cipherTextOut.count) bytes)") enqueueControlPackets(code: .controlV1, key: negotiationKey.id, payload: cipherTextOut) } // exchange TLS ciphertext else if ((packet.code == .controlV1) && (negotiationKey.state == .tls)) { guard let remoteSessionId = controlChannel.remoteSessionId else { log.error("No remote sessionId found in packet (control packets before server HARD_RESET)") deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.missingSessionId) return } guard packet.sessionId == remoteSessionId else { log.error("Packet session mismatch (\(packet.sessionId.toHex()) != \(remoteSessionId.toHex()))") deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.sessionMismatch) return } guard let cipherTextIn = packet.payload else { log.warning("TLS.connect: Control packet with empty payload?") return } log.debug("TLS.connect: Put received ciphertext (\(cipherTextIn.count) bytes)") try? negotiationKey.tls.putCipherText(cipherTextIn) let cipherTextOut: Data do { cipherTextOut = try negotiationKey.tls.pullCipherText() log.debug("TLS.connect: Send pulled ciphertext (\(cipherTextOut.count) bytes)") enqueueControlPackets(code: .controlV1, key: negotiationKey.id, payload: cipherTextOut) } catch let e { if let _ = e.tunnelKitErrorCode() { log.error("TLS.connect: Failed pulling ciphertext (error: \(e))") shutdown(error: e) return } log.verbose("TLS.connect: No available ciphertext to pull") } if negotiationKey.shouldOnTLSConnect() { onTLSConnect() } do { while true { let controlData = try controlChannel.currentControlData(withTLS: negotiationKey.tls) handleControlData(controlData) } } catch _ { } } } // Ruby: handle_ctrl_data private func handleControlData(_ data: ZeroingData) { guard let auth = authenticator else { return } if CoreConfiguration.logsSensitiveData { log.debug("Pulled plain control data (\(data.count) bytes): \(data.toHex())") } else { log.debug("Pulled plain control data (\(data.count) bytes)") } auth.appendControlData(data) if (negotiationKey.controlState == .preAuth) { do { guard try auth.parseAuthReply() else { return } } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } negotiationKey.controlState = .preIfConfig nextPushRequestDate = Date() pushRequest() nextPushRequestDate?.addTimeInterval(isRenegotiating ? CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.pushRequestInterval : CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.retransmissionLimit) } for message in auth.parseMessages() { if CoreConfiguration.logsSensitiveData { log.debug("Parsed control message (\(message.count) bytes): \"\(message)\"") } else { log.debug("Parsed control message (\(message.count) bytes)") } handleControlMessage(message) } } // Ruby: handle_ctrl_msg private func handleControlMessage(_ message: String) { guard !message.hasPrefix("AUTH_FAILED") else { // XXX: retry without client options if authenticator?.withLocalOptions ?? false { log.warning("Authentication failure, retrying without local options") withLocalOptions = false deferStop(.reconnect, OpenVPNError.badCredentials) return } deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.badCredentials) return } guard (negotiationKey.controlState == .preIfConfig) else { return } if CoreConfiguration.logsSensitiveData { log.debug("Received control message: \"\(message)\"") } let completeMessage: String if let continuated = continuatedPushReplyMessage { completeMessage = "\(continuated),\(message)" } else { completeMessage = message } let reply: OpenVPN.PushReply do { guard let optionalReply = try OpenVPN.PushReply(message: completeMessage) else { return } reply = optionalReply log.debug("Received PUSH_REPLY: \"\(reply.maskedDescription)\"") if let framing = reply.options.compressionFraming, let compression = reply.options.compressionAlgorithm { switch compression { case .disabled: break case .LZO: if !LZOIsSupported() { log.error("Server has LZO compression enabled and this was not built into the library (framing=\(framing))") throw OpenVPNError.serverCompression } case .other: log.error("Server has non-LZO compression enabled and this is currently unsupported (framing=\(framing))") throw OpenVPNError.serverCompression } } } catch OpenVPNError.continuationPushReply { continuatedPushReplyMessage = completeMessage.replacingOccurrences(of: "push-continuation", with: "") // FIXME: strip "PUSH_REPLY" and "push-continuation 2" return } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } pushReply = reply guard reply.options.ipv4 != nil || reply.options.ipv6 != nil else { deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.noRouting) return } completeConnection() guard let remoteAddress = link?.remoteAddress else { fatalError("Could not resolve link remote address") } delegate?.sessionDidStart(self, remoteAddress: remoteAddress, options: reply.options) scheduleNextPing() } // Ruby: transition_keys private func transitionKeys() { if let key = currentKey { oldKeys.append(key) } currentKeyIdx = negotiationKeyIdx cleanKeys() } // Ruby: clean_keys private func cleanKeys() { while (oldKeys.count > 1) { let key = oldKeys.removeFirst() keys.removeValue(forKey: key.id) } } // Ruby: q_ctrl private func enqueueControlPackets(code: PacketCode, key: UInt8, payload: Data) { guard let link = link else { log.warning("Not writing to LINK, interface is down") return } controlChannel.enqueueOutboundPackets(withCode: code, key: key, payload: payload, maxPacketSize: link.mtu) flushControlQueue() } // Ruby: flush_ctrl_q_out private func flushControlQueue() { let rawList: [Data] do { rawList = try controlChannel.writeOutboundPackets() } catch let e { log.warning("Failed control packet serialization: \(e)") deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } for raw in rawList { log.debug("Send control packet (\(raw.count) bytes): \(raw.toHex())") } // WARNING: runs in Network.framework queue let writeLink = link link?.writePackets(rawList) { [weak self] (error) in self?.queue.sync { guard self?.link === writeLink else { log.warning("Ignoring write from outdated LINK") return } if let error = error { log.error("Failed LINK write during control flush: \(error)") self?.deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.failedLinkWrite) return } } } } // Ruby: setup_keys private func setupEncryption() { guard let auth = authenticator else { fatalError("Setting up encryption without having authenticated") } guard let sessionId = controlChannel.sessionId else { fatalError("Setting up encryption without a local sessionId") } guard let remoteSessionId = controlChannel.remoteSessionId else { fatalError("Setting up encryption without a remote sessionId") } guard let serverRandom1 = auth.serverRandom1, let serverRandom2 = auth.serverRandom2 else { fatalError("Setting up encryption without server randoms") } guard let pushReply = pushReply else { fatalError("Setting up encryption without a former PUSH_REPLY") } if CoreConfiguration.logsSensitiveData { log.debug("Set up encryption from the following components:") log.debug("\tpreMaster: \(auth.preMaster.toHex())") log.debug("\trandom1: \(auth.random1.toHex())") log.debug("\trandom2: \(auth.random2.toHex())") log.debug("\tserverRandom1: \(serverRandom1.toHex())") log.debug("\tserverRandom2: \(serverRandom2.toHex())") log.debug("\tsessionId: \(sessionId.toHex())") log.debug("\tremoteSessionId: \(remoteSessionId.toHex())") } else { log.debug("Set up encryption") } let pushedCipher = pushReply.options.cipher if let negCipher = pushedCipher { log.info("\tNegotiated cipher: \(negCipher.rawValue)") } let pushedFraming = pushReply.options.compressionFraming if let negFraming = pushedFraming { log.info("\tNegotiated compression framing: \(negFraming)") } let pushedCompression = pushReply.options.compressionAlgorithm if let negCompression = pushedCompression { log.info("\tNegotiated compression algorithm: \(negCompression)") } if let negPing = pushReply.options.keepAliveInterval { log.info("\tNegotiated keep-alive interval: \(negPing) seconds") } if let negPingRestart = pushReply.options.keepAliveTimeout { log.info("\tNegotiated keep-alive timeout: \(negPingRestart) seconds") } let bridge: OpenVPN.EncryptionBridge do { bridge = try OpenVPN.EncryptionBridge( pushedCipher ?? configuration.fallbackCipher, configuration.fallbackDigest, auth, sessionId, remoteSessionId ) } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } negotiationKey.dataPath = DataPath( encrypter: bridge.encrypter(), decrypter: bridge.decrypter(), peerId: pushReply.options.peerId ?? PacketPeerIdDisabled, compressionFraming: (pushedFraming ?? configuration.fallbackCompressionFraming).native, compressionAlgorithm: (pushedCompression ?? configuration.compressionAlgorithm ?? .disabled).native, maxPackets: link?.packetBufferSize ?? 200, usesReplayProtection: CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.usesReplayProtection ) } // MARK: Data // Ruby: handle_data_pkt private func handleDataPackets(_ packets: [Data], key: OpenVPN.SessionKey) { controlChannel.addReceivedDataCount(packets.flatCount) do { guard let decryptedPackets = try key.decrypt(packets: packets) else { log.warning("Could not decrypt packets, is SessionKey properly configured (dataPath, peerId)?") return } guard !decryptedPackets.isEmpty else { return } tunnel?.writePackets(decryptedPackets, completionHandler: nil) } catch let e { guard !e.isTunnelKitError() else { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } deferStop(.reconnect, e) } } // Ruby: send_data_pkt private func sendDataPackets(_ packets: [Data]) { guard let key = currentKey else { return } do { guard let encryptedPackets = try key.encrypt(packets: packets) else { log.warning("Could not encrypt packets, is SessionKey properly configured (dataPath, peerId)?") return } guard !encryptedPackets.isEmpty else { return } // WARNING: runs in Network.framework queue controlChannel.addSentDataCount(encryptedPackets.flatCount) let writeLink = link link?.writePackets(encryptedPackets) { [weak self] (error) in self?.queue.sync { guard self?.link === writeLink else { log.warning("Ignoring write from outdated LINK") return } if let error = error { log.error("Data: Failed LINK write during send data: \(error)") self?.deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.failedLinkWrite) return } // log.verbose("Data: \(encryptedPackets.count) packets successfully written to LINK") } } } catch let e { guard !e.isTunnelKitError() else { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } deferStop(.reconnect, e) } } // MARK: Acks private func handleAcks() { } // Ruby: send_ack private func sendAck(for controlPacket: ControlPacket) { log.debug("Send ack for received packetId \(controlPacket.packetId)") let raw: Data do { raw = try controlChannel.writeAcks( withKey: controlPacket.key, ackPacketIds: [controlPacket.packetId], ackRemoteSessionId: controlPacket.sessionId ) } catch let e { deferStop(.shutdown, e) return } // WARNING: runs in Network.framework queue let writeLink = link link?.writePacket(raw) { [weak self] (error) in self?.queue.sync { guard self?.link === writeLink else { log.warning("Ignoring write from outdated LINK") return } if let error = error { log.error("Failed LINK write during send ack for packetId \(controlPacket.packetId): \(error)") self?.deferStop(.shutdown, OpenVPNError.failedLinkWrite) return } log.debug("Ack successfully written to LINK for packetId \(controlPacket.packetId)") } } } // MARK: Stop private func shouldHandlePackets() -> Bool { return !isStopping && !keys.isEmpty } private func deferStop(_ method: StopMethod, _ error: Error?) { guard !isStopping else { return } isStopping = true let completion = { [weak self] in switch method { case .shutdown: self?.doShutdown(error: error) case .reconnect: self?.doReconnect(error: error) } } // shut down after sending exit notification if socket is unreliable (normally UDP) if let link = link, !link.isReliable { do { guard let packets = try currentKey?.encrypt(packets: [OpenVPN.OCCPacket.exit.serialized()]) else { completion() return } link.writePackets(packets) { [weak self] (error) in self?.queue.sync { completion() } } } catch { completion() } } else { completion() } } private func doShutdown(error: Error?) { if let error = error { log.error("Trigger shutdown (error: \(error))") } else { log.info("Trigger shutdown on request") } stopError = error delegate?.sessionDidStop(self, shouldReconnect: false) } private func doReconnect(error: Error?) { if let error = error { log.error("Trigger reconnection (error: \(error))") } else { log.info("Trigger reconnection on request") } stopError = error delegate?.sessionDidStop(self, shouldReconnect: true) } }