// // ControlChannel.swift // TunnelKit // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 9/9/18. // Copyright (c) 2022 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. // // https://github.com/passepartoutvpn // // This file is part of TunnelKit. // // TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with TunnelKit. If not, see . // import Foundation import SwiftyBeaver import TunnelKitCore import TunnelKitOpenVPNCore import CTunnelKitCore import CTunnelKitOpenVPNProtocol private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self extension OpenVPN { class ControlChannelError: Error, CustomStringConvertible { let description: String init(_ message: String) { description = "\(String(describing: ControlChannelError.self))(\(message))" } } class ControlChannel { private let serializer: ControlChannelSerializer private(set) var sessionId: Data? var remoteSessionId: Data? { didSet { if let id = remoteSessionId { log.debug("Control: Remote sessionId is \(id.toHex())") } } } private var queue: BidirectionalState<[ControlPacket]> private var currentPacketId: BidirectionalState private var pendingAcks: Set private var plainBuffer: ZeroingData private var dataCount: BidirectionalState convenience init() { self.init(serializer: PlainSerializer()) } convenience init(withAuthKey key: StaticKey, digest: Digest) throws { self.init(serializer: try AuthSerializer(withKey: key, digest: digest)) } convenience init(withCryptKey key: StaticKey) throws { self.init(serializer: try CryptSerializer(withKey: key)) } private init(serializer: ControlChannelSerializer) { self.serializer = serializer sessionId = nil remoteSessionId = nil queue = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: []) currentPacketId = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: 0) pendingAcks = [] plainBuffer = Z(count: TLSBoxMaxBufferLength) dataCount = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: 0) } func reset(forNewSession: Bool) throws { if forNewSession { try sessionId = SecureRandom.data(length: PacketSessionIdLength) remoteSessionId = nil } queue.reset() currentPacketId.reset() pendingAcks.removeAll() plainBuffer.zero() dataCount.reset() serializer.reset() } func readInboundPacket(withData data: Data, offset: Int) throws -> ControlPacket { let packet = try serializer.deserialize(data: data, start: offset, end: nil) log.debug("Control: Read packet \(packet)") if let ackIds = packet.ackIds as? [UInt32], let ackRemoteSessionId = packet.ackRemoteSessionId { try readAcks(ackIds, acksRemoteSessionId: ackRemoteSessionId) } return packet } func enqueueInboundPacket(packet: ControlPacket) -> [ControlPacket] { queue.inbound.append(packet) queue.inbound.sort { $0.packetId < $1.packetId } var toHandle: [ControlPacket] = [] for queuedPacket in queue.inbound { if queuedPacket.packetId < currentPacketId.inbound { queue.inbound.removeFirst() continue } if queuedPacket.packetId != currentPacketId.inbound { continue } toHandle.append(queuedPacket) currentPacketId.inbound += 1 queue.inbound.removeFirst() } return toHandle } func enqueueOutboundPackets(withCode code: PacketCode, key: UInt8, payload: Data, maxPacketSize: Int) { guard let sessionId = sessionId else { fatalError("Missing sessionId, do reset(forNewSession: true) first") } let oldIdOut = currentPacketId.outbound var queuedCount = 0 var offset = 0 repeat { let subPayloadLength = min(maxPacketSize, payload.count - offset) let subPayloadData = payload.subdata(offset: offset, count: subPayloadLength) let packet = ControlPacket(code: code, key: key, sessionId: sessionId, packetId: currentPacketId.outbound, payload: subPayloadData) queue.outbound.append(packet) currentPacketId.outbound += 1 offset += maxPacketSize queuedCount += subPayloadLength } while (offset < payload.count) assert(queuedCount == payload.count) // packet count let packetCount = currentPacketId.outbound - oldIdOut if (packetCount > 1) { log.debug("Control: Enqueued \(packetCount) packets [\(oldIdOut)-\(currentPacketId.outbound - 1)]") } else { log.debug("Control: Enqueued 1 packet [\(oldIdOut)]") } } func writeOutboundPackets() throws -> [Data] { var rawList: [Data] = [] for packet in queue.outbound { if let sentDate = packet.sentDate { let timeAgo = -sentDate.timeIntervalSinceNow guard (timeAgo >= CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.retransmissionLimit) else { log.debug("Control: Skip writing packet with packetId \(packet.packetId) (sent on \(sentDate), \(timeAgo) seconds ago)") continue } } log.debug("Control: Write control packet \(packet)") let raw = try serializer.serialize(packet: packet) rawList.append(raw) packet.sentDate = Date() // track pending acks for sent packets pendingAcks.insert(packet.packetId) } // log.verbose("Packets now pending ack: \(pendingAcks)") return rawList } func hasPendingAcks() -> Bool { return !pendingAcks.isEmpty } // Ruby: handle_acks private func readAcks(_ packetIds: [UInt32], acksRemoteSessionId: Data) throws { guard let sessionId = sessionId else { throw OpenVPNError.missingSessionId } guard acksRemoteSessionId == sessionId else { log.error("Control: Ack session mismatch (\(acksRemoteSessionId.toHex()) != \(sessionId.toHex()))") throw OpenVPNError.sessionMismatch } // drop queued out packets if ack-ed queue.outbound.removeAll { return packetIds.contains($0.packetId) } // remove ack-ed packets from pending pendingAcks.subtract(packetIds) // log.verbose("Packets still pending ack: \(pendingAcks)") } func writeAcks(withKey key: UInt8, ackPacketIds: [UInt32], ackRemoteSessionId: Data) throws -> Data { guard let sessionId = sessionId else { throw OpenVPNError.missingSessionId } let packet = ControlPacket(key: key, sessionId: sessionId, ackIds: ackPacketIds as [NSNumber], ackRemoteSessionId: ackRemoteSessionId) log.debug("Control: Write ack packet \(packet)") return try serializer.serialize(packet: packet) } func currentControlData(withTLS tls: TLSBox) throws -> ZeroingData { var length = 0 try tls.pullRawPlainText(plainBuffer.mutableBytes, length: &length) return plainBuffer.withOffset(0, count: length) } func addReceivedDataCount(_ count: Int) { dataCount.inbound += count } func addSentDataCount(_ count: Int) { dataCount.outbound += count } func currentDataCount() -> (Int, Int) { return dataCount.pair } } }